Matt's Recovery PIC
Matt's Recovery PIC
Comments (9)
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therealmattj, Jul 19, 2011
That is exactly how I see it!!!! hahahahah you totally get the vision. That was super cool for you to draw this, you are a good person and I am sending you all of my respect! Well done.
1726783 tn?1326181788
Nickeldoor, Sep 23, 2012
This is so cool. Thanks for sharing.
2196504 tn?1351392195
helplogan, Sep 23, 2012
Great picture ,It certainly feels that way doesn't it? and i thought it was only me who thought it was neverending,x
6726276 tn?1421126668
CRSeaside, Jan 15, 2015
I wish it were only 100 more miles for me.
1551327 tn?1514045867
Bubulous, Jan 16, 2015
I don't have too much longer to go.  I have made that track in the sand for many years and I am ready to leave the shelter of my tent and join the world of energy and love.
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weaver71, Jan 16, 2015
Looking at this caption, I'm tempted to redefine what progress is and just sit down and make a sand castle. Moving forward doesn't have to mean going anywhere. And I hope I have many many miles of sand to traverse, for I am entranced by the journey, and have nowhere specific I just have to be.
1551327 tn?1514045867
Bubulous, Jan 16, 2015
Me neither bud
6726276 tn?1421126668
CRSeaside, Jan 16, 2015
I'm listening to the thunder & watching the lightning. I'm where I want to be
1551327 tn?1514045867
Bubulous, Jan 16, 2015
I want to be there too.  I like the storms as long as I am in a safe place.