will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
baby #3 - my beautiful boy (sorry no scanner!
baby #3 - my beautiful boy (sorry no scanner!
Comments (7)
1609417 tn?1389642778
haz1104, Nov 16, 2011
awww how cute!
Avatar universal
10356, Nov 16, 2011
Beautiful !! Congrats :)) lesa
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Nov 16, 2011
That just brings tears to my incredibly beautiful.  Hi there little man...this is your cyber auntie Amanda and you are one lucky little boy!  Your mommy already loves you soooo much!!
1035252 tn?1427227833
Ashelen, Nov 16, 2011
Thanks guys :-) this little fellow put his mommy through the wringer today - you know why Amanda - and I'm just so over all the stress in my life right now....but you're right. I do love him I just need to be able to relax!

We're thinking Ronan or Tristan for the name :-)
1530342 tn?1405016490
MrsPincince, Nov 16, 2011
Aww so cute! Congrats again:)......... I LUV Ronan:)
1527510 tn?1392301344
Carly1306, Nov 17, 2011
man I love the profile view in scan pictures! So cute! I LOVE Ronan!
982214 tn?1471454781
krichar, Nov 17, 2011
My baby's name is Tristan :)