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Comments (3)
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Feb 08, 2012
now how much did the kids do????
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Feb 08, 2012
lol, actually they did alot. They painted the eyes and the the mouthes on the letters, you cant see it but Austin (pre-k) actually wrot letter limbo on the front and on the back it has x y  z you later...and he wrote that. They all helped glue the letters down and they helped me braid the beads for the garland. They also glued the limbo stick and made it. I am really proud of them. I did the glueing of the beads and the toule though because I had to use hot glue on it to make them stay.
What did you think? Austin wanted to do something with letters and guys.
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Feb 08, 2012
this is very imaginative and cute....great job!!