will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Mri May 2011 shows Chiari at 1.2 cm
Mri May 2011 shows Chiari at 1.2 cm
Comments (15)
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Mar 07, 2012
Finally got the darn disc I have been chasing for 2 I would love to see them deny this being Chiari. I was actually a bit taken by suprise by the way it looked. I knew it was large, but thats alot of junk back
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Mar 07, 2012
u r deff corked up....
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Mar 07, 2012
yep.  Report say 1.2 cm. I am just waiting for NS appt at end of month at this point. How have you been Selma?
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Mar 07, 2012
I am ok....
Did u have the CINE MRI yet?...or the MRI of ur thoracic and lumbar spine?
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Mar 07, 2012
I haven't had a full spine mri in two years when the chiari was found at 7mm. I was told that the NS would do his own CINE and not to have one done until I see him. This was a year ago.
That ok....doesnt sound very convincing Selma. I am hoping that it is nothing major. You dont seem to be yourself. Sending you lots of hugs and well wishes. <3 ~~~
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Mar 07, 2012
LOL...thanks, I am distracted...but I really am ok : )
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Mar 07, 2012
:) Glad to hear that you are really ok then. I have been quite distracted myself here lately. I am on this major rush to go through everything in my house right now and get rid of everything I dont need, and I am for some reason obssessed abouut planning my two little ones dual birthday party that isnt until JUNE. LOL, I guess it gives me something to focus on other than how I feel. Although, I must admit I have been overdoing it so much just because I had 3 good days, and I am already paying dearly for it. Anyway, didnt mean to ramble, just glad that you are ok :-) Take care
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Mar 07, 2012
U r too sweet : )

Life can get us all tangled at times and distract us....even if it is something we enjoy...I wish for u , that u have enough : )
1925822 tn?1333705617
irislita, Mar 10, 2012
Thats the mrt that i saw on here that is the closest to mine!!!! And the first nl didnt see any u explain me where to find the kinking? A big brain in a precious head sweety
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Mar 10, 2012
It is on one of the other images, not sure if I can find it on the disc. I will try though. YOu have the kinking and notching as well? If so, we are more alike than I That is what makes us so awesome...we have extra brain that gives us ability to be least that is what I am going with.