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Comments (4)
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, May 04, 2012
James is wearing a medical helmet to help "round" a flat area in the back of his head. He was born with a condition called, torticollis. Torticollis gave him limited range of motion in his neck, which resulted in a flat scull in a spot or two. Anyway, the helmet is just awful and it's ugly as can be.
When I take him to the playground in the mall, the kids stare and some are even frightened. I'm having it painted soon to look more approachable and kid-friendly. Anyway, last time we went to the mall, as little girl walked up to me and asked why he was wearing that helmet. I said, "Because he's a football player." The girl looked at James, then looked back at me and said, "Oh ok!" Then she went about her business.

She totally bought it, without question!

Kids are so awesome :)
1396867 tn?1520810258
hopeitworks, Jun 11, 2012
awwhh i think james is adorable and he looks totally approachable, we as parents need to just teach our children , Im glad she bought the football player , and im sorry you have to answer questions about it
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jun 11, 2012
Thank you :) That was so nice. I can't wait for him to get out of the helmet and your right, parents need to parent :P
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Mariana101, Oct 04, 2012
I said the same thing once:) But now all our kids have beautiful round heads!!!!