will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
2 days post op
2 days post op
Comments (4)
620923 tn?1452915648
selmaS, Jun 09, 2012
Wow Sheila, it doesn't look bad at all....and u got piggy tails....aww
1925822 tn?1333705617
irislita, Jun 09, 2012
wow...always when i am looking at fresh zipperheads...i am aware of what a work a ns is doing...ur scare looks really good!!!my doctor always told me that the scare is the signature of the ns!!! ur line is perfect!!! hope u have pain under control...big hug sweet lady
1968463 tn?1374757813
Rahe28, Jun 10, 2012
Thanks ladies this was taken about 36 hours after surgery. Everyone who came to check it,  all said that it was a perfect closure and that u prbably wont even be able to see it if the hair would grow ober it. IT was kind of funny when I was in holding...remember that my DR ia chiari speciaist but mainly does children, well the interns wrere all argueing about who got to come in and observe. LOL..apparently, because of the size and width of the herniation and the retrodflexed made me a really COO: "case". I was laughing so hard. THe only thing is that it itches soooooo bad. And literally half of my hair was shaved. My Dr said he like it like that so that he has a  gauranteed smooth surface to work with...I mean he has been doing this for 46 years and everyone that I talked to says he is the BEST, and I have to agree, he is awesome...I just love his bed side manner. He came yesterday to give me a       big hug....because one of the nurses told him I was ccrying because I really never thought that I would find a DR that  would be what I needed...
1903798 tn?1333905288
Rylanesmom, Jun 10, 2012
Very good Sheila:) I have seen staple and stitches lol.  It looks great!  I no longer have a bald spot either.  It took longest where the graph was harvested but it's good now.