will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Lori, Bron, TC, Chris, Shari, Gail, Marie, Jan, Kasie
Lori, Bron, TC, Chris, Shari, Gail, Marie, Jan, Kasie
Comments (16)
315 tn?1230998574
jlock, Aug 15, 2008
What a great picture of you all,you all look like you had lots of fun.  I wish I could have been there to meet some of you..maybe 1 day!!!  (((hugz)))~~~~Joanne
429647 tn?1249753429
yrrek, Aug 28, 2008
Awesome picture, it must have been so amazing to get together.  
543028 tn?1282428826
Sharon2714, Aug 28, 2008
that is amazing and th very fact tat u all were ableto get together is fantastic
135691 tn?1271097123
Tybear, Sep 21, 2008
So sad I couldn't be there, but thanks for posting these - makes me feel like I know you all a little better now!
392245 tn?1248838263
jamiann5, Oct 07, 2008
I love this pic.  I wish that we could of been there.  I had a chance to take mom to Branson though.  We will be at the next one for sure.
442027 tn?1209866342
lady452008, Oct 23, 2008
VERY BEAUTIFUL group of women!!!   :-)  GREAT... PICTURE!!!