will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
My Little Angel  :)
My Little Angel  :)
Comments (19)
377493 tn?1356502149
adgal, Sep 08, 2008
Oh my gosh!  He truly is a beautiful baby isn't he?  He looks so content and at peace there.  I love it.
177382 tn?1253041140
DaniWants1More, Sep 08, 2008
Thank you :) he is a good lil guy and I think I am addicted to taking his picture lol   SSBD to you!!!   ~d
280369 tn?1316702041
chantal21, Sep 09, 2008
Okay....this is just too cute!!! <3
177382 tn?1253041140
DaniWants1More, Sep 09, 2008
hey girl!! Thank you :)  how are you?  i miss chatting with you...i hope all is well    ~d
280369 tn?1316702041
chantal21, Sep 09, 2008
Hey!! I am doing really well! I miss chatting with you as well. I just haven't been on much lately! I am not keeping up on here anymore and I feel awful about that. How's are you feeling?  =)
145992 tn?1341345074
mami1323, Sep 09, 2008
So precious!!!
177382 tn?1253041140
DaniWants1More, Sep 09, 2008
thanks mami  :)  
chantal  i'm doing ok. i have hernia surgery on the 25th, so i will be down for a lil while.  i can't pick up Jett for 2 weeks :(  but other than that i'm doing well
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bernieotoole225, Sep 09, 2008
he is just gorgeous ,.......i love him ,............ he is sucking his thumb , and he has a blinky ,.......
177382 tn?1253041140
DaniWants1More, Sep 09, 2008
Thank you :) he hated the pacifier.  and if you don't give him a blankie he will suck on your shirt lol