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"Choo-choo James" would stay around the tracks all the live-long day.
"Choo-choo James" would stay around the tracks all the live-long day.
Comments (4)
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Jul 28, 2013
Sydney is like ummm, mom....get us off the tracks!!!!
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jul 29, 2013
Rofl, most definitely and she kept saying, "go over there, go over there." James was content to sit here all day until the train nearly flattened us and so was I - it was so beautiful where my cousin lives :)
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Aug 20, 2013
Where does your cuz live??  James is like me...I love love love trains!!!  
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Aug 21, 2013
My cousin lives in Brandon Township. It's a very pleasant and peaceful area - exactly the type of area I would love to live....pleasant and peaceful....ahh. Crickets and bullfrogs at night. Trains on occasion at a nice distance (not next door like now) plenty of space between neighbors and trees all over the place. Yard is big and flat with lots of grass and space for the kids to run. Very low traffic. Close to major cities.

I'm like that, too, Mel. I love, love the trains! I can't wait for the big train set, MUWAHAHAHA!!!
James is really liking dump trucks and construction type vehicles now. He also has a big liking for Lighting McQueen and robots.Lol.

What are your twins liking these days? Is Cami still into penguins? Has Drake picked up a liking for trains yet? Heehee
