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My brother and I just ate cinnamon. I'm happy to get my face washed! Allergies are not fun!
My brother and I just ate cinnamon. I'm happy to get my face washed! Allergies are not fun!
Comments (10)
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jul 26, 2013
Is she allergic also?  I hope not, but her lil face looks red.  Sorry for being nosey asking.  For some reason I was thinking that your son is the one who had the allergies.  
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jul 27, 2013
OMG never apologize to me for asking questions! I don't consider that being nosey at all, silly :)

Well, James has the many and some severe allergies, but Sydney does have some issues of her own. So far, her food allergies are, Brazil nuts, mustard (it's looking like), cinnamon (it appears) and is on a lactose-free cows milk.

Other than that, she is, let's just say she is as free as any other child who doesn't present any symptoms that would cause a parent enough concern to drive her to the allergist and allow 20 pokes at a time to prick her back again. She sneezes, we all do. Her skin is near flawless because she is very young and so, I have no concern.

She does unfortunately have to eat the same Gluten-free diet as James, no wheat of any kind. No tomatoes, no cucumbers, no cinnamon, very little sugar, no dairy except for lactose-free cows milk (doc wants him dairy free soon but idk), no eggs (white and yellow) AND no nuts. The "no nuts" allergy is the most important one. They all cause havoc on his system, but a walnut can kill him.

As I shop for foods, I have to read each and every label. Not only do I have to make sure none of the above ingredients are in the foods I buy, but I also have to read the fine print (yep) to see if the food was "manufactured in a facility that processes tree nuts" and surprisingly, many places do. I often find myself in the middle of isle, holding a can or box calling an 800# from the company to ask them a question about their product.
Shopping, preparing and cooking this way is incredibly HARD...and crazy-expensive.

1 loaf of "bread" the size of half a loaf of real bread is about $4.50
1 bag of gluten free pretzels (gotta have some treat!) $6.59
1 Gallon of milk $7.75

and the list goes on and on. Companies gouge people like me who absolutely have to have these products and it's infuriating.
I've rambled enough, but here's one easy example. Kellogg's Rice Krispies. It's puffed rice cereal, but not gluten free because they processed it somewhere around nuts.

Kellogg's Rice Krispies *Gluten Free Version*. It's puffed rice cereal and gluten free because they processed it somewhere nut-free. This apparently cost an extra $1.50 or so a box compared to the other version.

Dear Desarae, I bet you'll think twice before asking another question when I'm on another insomnia kick! Sorry to go on and on lol

790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jul 27, 2013
lmao aww I don't mind at all, that's how we learn :)  I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this.  If I were there..we'd shop together. I'd be up ahead of you holding my own box reading off what's in it and what's not. :P   Goodness those are expensive.  I thought our milk was high.. I can't imagine $7.75, ours is around $5.50, that's Mayfield.  
Poor  James..we have no idea how well we have it, until you see what he has to go through daily with his allergies. I wishedI could make it all better for the both of them..I would in a heartbeat!!

Do you have any allergies?  
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jul 27, 2013
I DO have allergies! Mostly just everything outside (LOL)...flares up my asthma. I stay on top of it pretty well with immunotherapy (allergy shots) lots of medications and such, but some years are better than others.

Grabbing an inhaler and getting shots is second nature to me, so I can do stuff like that for James in my sleep, if needed, but this food allergy mess is WAY WAY more harsh, imo. The eczema so far has only been settled by steroids and pure restriction of so many types of foods.
I'm not complaining about "Oh no, no more cookies!" and stuff like that, I mean, it's just every day preparation. I just find it really difficult to cook without wheat, tomato and eggs...those are the BIG3 for me. What do I do when his allergist pulls him off of dairy & soy COMPLETELY? James has so much esophagus inflammation that the doc feels it's necessary...

The thought of you shopping with me made my night - I would love that! So are you coming here or should I pack up the twins tonight for our journey? HA!

Do you have any allergies?
790669 tn?1465189099
Des_a_rae, Jul 28, 2013
Lol it doesn't matter to me who goes where :D.  Oh no, bless yalls hearts!  I'm lucky and blessed I should say, I have no allergies.  Mowing will sometimes mess with my sinuses but other than that I'm ok. I'm thankful to be so healthy all these years and still am IF I can get this bladder/pain issue under control. :)  
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jul 28, 2013
I'm very, very happy to hear that :) I hope you get relief from that issue soon!
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Jul 28, 2013
Oh desarae!  It's a long way to Michigan!!!'ll get motion sick for sure!  Lol!!!  Better stock up on Dramamine!!!  I had a babysitter whose daughter was allergic to 88 things.  I always felt quilty eating whatever I wanted around her.  You can send Sydney to me for a visit :). I will give her all the fun know, hype her up and send her home :0). Lol.... I really hope things get better for James, and for his mommy!
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Jul 29, 2013
They both sound like pretty good options to me!! Lol, Count me in!! Thanks Mhv...I sure hope he grows out of some, too. I guess if I had to choose one food for him to be free of his allergies, it would be nuts. I don't like having a death threat around.

I went back to the ophthalmologist today. I have Uveitis at this time. I'm looking a little like the Terminator with his skin's a super red-eye thing caused by the rheumatoid arthritis, lol  :)
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Aug 20, 2013
I bet!!!  You are a supermom for sure with your grocery shopping!!!  

Omg girl!!! We need to work on getting you back in 1 piece!!!  Geez!!!!
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Aug 20, 2013
Oh!!  Btw...Sydney's eyes look brown in this pic :)