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Sydney fell flat on her face while funning and busted her lip! She's ok, but OUCH!
Sydney fell flat on her face while funning and busted her lip! She's ok, but OUCH!
Comments (7)
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Sep 02, 2013
Awww poor little girl. That looks ouchie. Hope she's okay
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Sep 03, 2013
Thank you, Shannon :) She's fine, but still has quite the big ouchie on her lip.  Now she has a boo-boo on her finger, lol.

On a side note, my daughters eyes are not THIS green. I hit the auto-correct button on my photos and this is how they turned out. Sometimes you it's a hit - sometimes it's a miss. Although her eyes are green, hazel to brown, depending on the day or possibly her mood, but they are not "emerald", as shown. Or is it my computer showing it this way? It's hard to tell from one device to another.

1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Sep 03, 2013
They do look pretty green.

Sounds like she's got pretty similar eyes to mine. Mine are hazel too. I have a ring of orange around my pupils
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Sep 03, 2013
Hahaha!!  Gotta tell you...I showed Drake this pic, and he kissed my iPad screen :).   Isn't she a sweetheart!  Boo boo's and all :)
1368655 tn?1387606389
HandOfFate, Sep 05, 2013
AWWW!! Drake gave Sydney a boo-boo kiss!!! How adorable is THAT!!? He's so sweet!! I wish you had that on film.
Give him a big hug from Sydney, please!
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Ellen038, Dec 12, 2013
Those eyes are beautiful!!!!
1834120 tn?1422942267
tiadreams, Jan 31, 2016
Love her green eyes, what a beauty.