will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
9w4d, 27mm and HR 171 - not a little pea anymore! :)
9w4d, 27mm and HR 171 - not a little pea anymore! :)
Comments (21)
4769306 tn?1568490209
KeeLolo, Jan 31, 2014
OMG definitely has grown a lot and in such short time. The process of life is truly an amazing thing!!!! So glad that your visit went well and you got to see and hear babies heartbeat.
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Echo30, Jan 31, 2014
Ok if we're betting, I'm going to say definitely 100% its a girl :)
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Jan 31, 2014
@Kee - it is a miracle for sure - they didn't let my hubby in this time and he was pretty upset he couldn't hear baby's HB - hopefully next time
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Jan 31, 2014
@Echo + Wits + DH TP - ......................TB :D it's 3-0 then
1383908 tn?1457401728
Sheaby, Feb 01, 2014
I'm going with girl, too!!  Love this pic :)
4548024 tn?1590005019
renae176, Feb 01, 2014
So beautiful, Llindar. So cute, I cant wait
1351078 tn?1416313146
retta483, Feb 01, 2014
awwww too cute
1712422 tn?1443337501
LovemyKids86, Feb 01, 2014
have anyone ever heard of the "placenta theory"….LEFT MEANS GIRL, RIGHT MEANS BOY?? I need to get Aliyah's ultrasound pictures out from before 11 weeks and see where the placenta is placed…all I know is when I ovulated the O pain came from the left side :)
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Feb 02, 2014
thank you girls :) so we are 4-0 for team pink :)
little peas is on the left so let's see if that theory is true :D
1383908 tn?1457401728
Sheaby, Feb 02, 2014
That's the Ramzi method!  It worked for us, however for those that have anterior placentas it doesn't mean much.  I also know some women where it didn't work.  Like all methods or wives tales it's all in fun guessing until you actually know!  Between heart rate and Ramzi, though, they were right for Kathryn!  Based on 2 scans she is all girl and we have another one coming up in a few weeks where we will confirm :)
613872 tn?1513028824
Llindar, Feb 02, 2014
yep it is fun, I'm sooo curious to find out little pea's gender. Lucky you! you can already start planning and shopping. Regarding shopping: I desperately need new pants and skirts!!!!!! :D