Meet the newest member of our family!  "Sarge", a 12 week old german shedherd pup!
Meet the newest member of our family!  "Sarge", a 12 week old german shedherd pup!  
Comments (8)
973741 tn?1342342773
specialmom, Sep 07, 2014
What a cute baby!  How does Rambo like him?  
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Sep 07, 2014
Adorable =0)
480448 tn?1426948538
nursegirl6572, Sep 07, 2014
Thanks guys!  Rambo is being very tolerant!  The cats?  Not so much, lol!
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weaver71, Sep 07, 2014
Shepherds are great dogs, my grandmother always had them and she was the one good influence in my early childhood. Maybe it's a bias. Congrats on the new family member.
480448 tn?1426948538
nursegirl6572, Sep 07, 2014
Thanks weaver.  So far, he's very very smart.  Already picked up "come", "sit", "easy" (treat taking), and has almost mastered "lay down".  Has only had ONE accident in the house since he came home Friday around 5.  The only thing that's been a sore spot is the nights in the crate....oh boy, he's VERY dramatic, and yells and yells and yells like someone is killing him.  We've made some progress on that today.  Fingers crossed tonight goes better!
973741 tn?1342342773
specialmom, Sep 07, 2014
ha ha I remember those days of early nights at home.  Not a lot of sleep.  Worse than a baby!!!  Our baby didn't last long in the crate at night.  NOW, she loves her crate and goes in there to sleep on her own . . .   but at night, she wants her little bed . . .  by my bed.    We put a sheet over the crate at night to help make it feel more like a cave.  It helped a little.  
480448 tn?1426948538
nursegirl6572, Sep 08, 2014
Last night went SOOO much better.  We were originally using the travel type crate that M brought him home him.  i think one of the issues was that he was a tad traumatized by it...the ride home wasn't pleasant.  He ended up vomiting in the crate and it was a long long ride (almost 5 hrs).  So, yesterday, we got our other crate out (same as Rambo's)...we put a nice comfy dog bed in there, and worked with him in the evening, going in for treats.  He slept all night in there (well, from about 10 til 445), he had a few episodes of whining, but I "sushed" him, reassured him, and told him to lie down, which he did!  WHEW!  I hope tonight is just as good.  Man is he a vocal dog!  Wow!  He always sounds like someone is killing him, awful noises!  LOL.  I sure hope he grows out of THAT!
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weaver71, Sep 08, 2014
I think you can train him out of being vocal, he won't just grow out of it. My grandmother lived next door, so we Hurd the pups as they would want attention, Yap at wild animals, etc... We wanted them to bark only if someone stepped foot on her property and we praised them for doing that and reprimanded any other noise. It worked, because they had at least one reason for their voice. She had the German shepherds from Germany, they were big and had big lungs. Most shepherds are smart, from blue hielers to German, but they gotta be trained. They can adapt to anything, just takes some time. Hope you get more sleep from now on.