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"Tardive Zombification" Some Mental Creativity About My Neurological Disability
"Tardive Zombification" Some Mental Creativity About My Neurological Disability
Comments (4)
998054 tn?1250484814
AnimeKitty, Aug 09, 2009
It looks beautiful. My favorite one is the world and the one that has the cerial guys on it.
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Aug 09, 2009
Yes thanks for the appreciation. The collage reflects the motor rigidity and frozen limbs of advanced tardive dystonia and as I've advocated for treatment all this has markedly improved.
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paranoid_cataclysm, Jan 28, 2010
That was some good symbolism for what it's about.  I don't know if I interpreted it correctly but it seemed like it was going from bottom to top with your previous state before it at bottom and then as it goes up it represents what you said like in your comment such as the frozen limbs with the plastic figurines as well as them representing other aspects of the disability.  Just my take on it.
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Jan 28, 2010
Thanks for commenting. That's correct. I was experiencing akinesia (which is a full body state of motor rigidity) as well as dissociation, dysphoria and what they believe to be some aspects of catatonia. I did not experience any of this before recovery nor even before psychiatric treatment. I did of course have psychosis, paranoia, delusions and many aspects of mania such as grandiosity, just like many people in recovery here. Once the glycine brought the standard psychosis under mitigation and with the Catapres and now the Vimpat the mood disorders of schizoaffective we could see that this was neurological and my psychopharmocologist and neurologist who is a movement disorders specialist (who both work using standard treatment modalities and practice) classified them as tardive psychosis, tardive dysphrenia and tardive dysmentia. As happens there was an outreach to the neurologist who first noted the criteria "tardive dysphrenia" and I will be seeing him both to document my Vimpat recovery and also for a standard consults to see if he can find any more treatments so recovery continues..