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My humble cabin that keeps me warm, nestled in my apple orchard.
My humble cabin that keeps me warm, nestled in my apple orchard.
Comments (19)
460185 tn?1326077772
lonewolf07, Dec 04, 2008
You like venison?  Deer, moose or caribou?  Asparagus and apple pie sounds so good.  You have a really nice home.  Would you mind if I took my jet over to your place?  I'll bring ice cream.  Apple pie and ice cream.  Now I'm drooling. Let me call the pilot  lol  Maybe dogsledding would be better.  Put Cassy in the harness with Miss Puff  = )  If the big bad wolf is lurking around, she is probably singing "Bad to the Bone".   It really is a nice home - more than a house.  Sarah - will send the limo for you if BurrP doesn't mind visitors (yes, I am just kidding).

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NautyOne, Dec 07, 2008
look at all these chicks swooning over you Burr.  They want to come the cabin and see your bear-skin rug......and bring pies even.......

Come on ladies....can't you see he has only one lady in his life and that would be Cassy........:-))

Beautiful cabin Burr.  I bet you say that a lot in the winter......burrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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10356, Dec 07, 2008
998 doors.. wonder if it breaks a record :) Nice spread you have Burrpatch..
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Dec 07, 2008
They are like bi-fold type doors, so two equals about one regular size door. They are doubled up on the outer walls and the ceiling, the inside walls are doubled up too. They insulate quite well considering !! lol !! I am dry walling over them a piece at a time with insulation board in between for extra stability and warmth on the outside walls. .Someone must have run into a door give away when they built this as a hunt camp. lol !! When I first arrived, broken financially, physically and emotionally, I thought "Is this what my life has come too" !! I almost cried !!  lol  .. But after some work it started to become home. Home connected to 3000 acres of State land !! lol  Nice bonus !! Even got a creek where ya can catch rainbow trout out back a little way. Its just a shack guys...but more than I thought I'd get outta this life after screwing it up. lol I couldn't imagine paying a $1000.00 a month  mortgage or more like some of my acquaintances downstate do for their ticky tacky homes atop each other for 20 or 30 years !! Here I own my roof and answer to no bank !! lol
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Dec 07, 2008

             Mr B you deserve this beautiful home :o) May GOD watch over and Bless you!!!
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NautyOne, Dec 07, 2008

I know you be living like Grizzly Adams out there burr and i can see you love it.......I am a city girl and would not fare well out there.......i go up to a med sized cabin up in Big Bear and i can only do that for a weekend get-away.......i would go bonkers...I can't live with or sleep to the sound of silence........and always thinking the boogie man is gonna jump out and kill me....I'm very uneasy in the middle of no-where.......U rock !~~~~~Nauty......
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mommy52, Dec 13, 2008
I love the place. It doesn't matter what it looks like.             A home is where there is love.  You didn't answer Michele's question. Are you married? I am also curious. I,m sure the fire helps to take the bite out of 'Ole Man Winter. I am jealous of the peace and contentment that this picture displays.  Blessings.  Madlyn
577285 tn?1706032371
Burrpatch, Dec 13, 2008
Engaged twice... never married. No children. Just a tired 'ol hermit and his dog. Regrets ? You betcha !! ...... but these days I don't dwell in the past much. Wasn't in the stars for me I guess. :(    Nuff said....... on with today !! :))))
675347 tn?1365460645
ginger899, Mar 23, 2009
This is more or less where I'm at, and how I live too, except I live in a stone cottage instead.Orchard right outside...nearest neighbour 1/4 mile away.... My dream-home is a cabin in the woods, built by me (with a little help from my friends...perhaps(?).....
If there's a heaven and I ever get to live there I hope God will let me have a cabin in the woods with my dog. I don't need wings or harps.