will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Aidyn Denen Webber 9-28-08 11:36pm 13oz 9in
Aidyn Denen Webber 9-28-08 11:36pm 13oz 9in
Comments (8)
439903 tn?1380137882
Asking4aMiracle, Dec 14, 2008
He was and is absolutely PERFECT in every way!!! We are so proud of our Little Boy and Pray so hard that we get the chance to tell His little brother or sister ALL about Him!!!!!!! i wanted to share His pictures with you all.....
195145 tn?1255636447
ZevasMom, Dec 15, 2008
You're right - he does look perfect - like a sleeping angel...
121828 tn?1333464491
kellym, Dec 15, 2008
He definately is Perrrrfect in every way!! Just a little to soon to be in this world. He will be taken great care of in heaven. I will always remember baby Aidyn as he shares my dd's same birthday :)
439903 tn?1380137882
Asking4aMiracle, Dec 15, 2008
Thank you, the pictures arent the best, His skin wasnt really that dark, it was just red tinted and He wasnt that shiny. they said the camera printer was running out of ink, i wish i we were in our right minds, i would have gotten more...
514428 tn?1287598456
Momofthreecrazykids, Dec 18, 2008
This is precious.  I hope that he's happy where he is and he'll always be the big brother!!    Merry Christmas Aidyn!!
145992 tn?1341345074
mami1323, Dec 18, 2008
Aidyn, you are perfect in every way.
162279 tn?1270601359
Jenny100, Jan 03, 2009
Sweet baby boy....I am so sorry for your mommy and Daddy. Little Angel, watch over them. :)
290867 tn?1333569278
Linzola1, Jun 24, 2009
He is beautiful!