Up L=Dura, Lo L = Cushings Tumor, Up R, cleaned pit, lo R=glue to seal
Up L=Dura, Lo L = Cushings Tumor, Up R, cleaned pit, lo R=glue to seal
Comments (3)
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enzymelover, Jan 23, 2009
Amazing pictures!
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rumpled, Jan 25, 2009
Thanks! The doctor commented that I bled more than most. I have a platelet disorder. Other people's pictures were a bit less red. Now that I remember, my husband said that every time the surgeon came out to give him an update he would say - man, she is a bleeder!
1207091 tn?1265827003
sanadana, Feb 10, 2010
Had part of a fatty lipoma removed around christmas 09. The mass was on the brain stem. I just wanted to ask you how and where you were able to get those piccs. I had MIR film but my doctor took them promising to return but sent them back to the hospital, and the hospital states the can not give me the films because films are now put on disk, which you have to have the computer program to run. They stated the only reason I received the "films" were because the "machine" was down.
I also asked my doctor if he would record the operation. He stated no because of "lawsuits". What every that means but please if you could w/b would love to hear your story