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My Baby Molly Girl...she is the sweetest little cat in the world
My Baby Molly Girl...she is the sweetest little cat in the world
Comments (2)
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mamba100, Feb 17, 2009
What a cuttie! Cammy can never meet her!
604266 tn?1236358985
Amphitrite, Feb 17, 2009
Cammy would tear her bite and she'd be done for. I think cammy could fit molly's whole body in mouth! he's a little runt...I'll tell you the quck story of how we got her..I wanted another cat(without the husbands permission of course, it was a surprise I said..heehee)
So I wen tto the shelter(oh it was so sad because ot was right after the hurrican so they has tond of rescued animals..but they all looked so sad I couldn't stand it) here I see this teeny cay who was about 1 1/2 years old...she looked like a cross between one of the who's from the grinch and a little alien I had to have her.So they told me she had been there the longest out of all the other that little cage. I almost cried I couldn't believe no one wanted her...

But they told me she was taken when the cops closed down a modern day brothel in our town!! LOL, guess what her real name was??? MUFFY..eww, gross. But so appropriate as a ****** name. But when we got her home she was the biggest little biotch. And we think she was abused..I mean obviously she was one of the ****** cats and the pimp probably didn't treat her well. But can you believe it!  A brothel in my cure little town!  But now I so get your wanting to het back as soon as possible to see cammy and zoe...Molly cries everytime i leave the house for a few hours..when I come home it's like she thought I wasn't coming back..I feel so bad to leave her..but I need a VACA BADLY!