will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Baby - 14 Weeks and 3 days
Baby - 14 Weeks and 3 days
Comments (8)
688022 tn?1275944889
mrspace24, Mar 10, 2009
How perfect.  I'm so excited for you, Stacey.  It's wonderful and amazing.
299260 tn?1304216105
mommyin10, Mar 10, 2009
Wow, it's just amazing how closely you can see your little one's features!  Just beautiful :)
507875 tn?1423160261
Juana824, Mar 10, 2009
Did they tell you the sex of the baby?
473246 tn?1293833673
Stacey1718, Mar 10, 2009
Thanks - I was really happy to get such a great profile pic.

Regarding the sex they said that they are not able to see until about 18 weeks but I have heard of seeing it sooner. I don't think they are totally telling the truth!  I can't wait to find out the sex though!  I go back next week because they are monitoring the subchorionic bleed so I am going to ask about the sex again.
449498 tn?1338772039
luvkayln, Mar 10, 2009
Awww.... I love this picture! What a beautiful baby! :)
398038 tn?1247857003
candie429, Mar 10, 2009
These pictures are amazing.  How exciting that you'll be finding out the sex soon!
478429 tn?1265244387
dnikki0928, Mar 13, 2009
Stacey I cannot believe you are already 15 weeks! It's soooo amazing isn't it? To think that you have this little person growing inside you...It's just such an amazing experience, and it's hard to describe all that we feel during this time...Sorry, I'm such a sap lol!! Hope all is well with you :-D
342988 tn?1299782356
leighanne143, Mar 15, 2009
the little legs are so cute.  i loved having jaedyns ultrasounds done.  get a 3/4d one when you are like 29/30 weeks, its amazing.