Dysphoric Mania Before Antipsychotics, Similar to Tardive Dysphrenia, Currently Under Clinical Study
Dysphoric Mania Before Antipsychotics, Similar to Tardive Dysphrenia, Currently Under Clinical Study
Comments (4)
654560 tn?1331854581
freebird227, Aug 12, 2009
Are you in this pic ?  I love graveyards sooooo much energy there
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Aug 12, 2009
I took the photos myself. One of them I did not save because it was of my stepfather (who passed on soon after) looking at gravestones. It was too upsetting to keep.This was before I took medication and clinically what I was experiencing is for dysphoria an aspect of a mixed state that involves mania but with depressive aspects so the person can often have a fixation on death. The neurological disability I am under study for is tardive dysphrenia. That is a clinical worsening of aspects of schizophrenia and is related to tardive dyskinesia. Other elements involve tardive tourretism (tic like vocalizations) and extreme obsessions. I experience all of these. However the new medication that is helping me Vimpat does appear to be treating them and the case study may very well note that but that is up to my providers and the researchers but all of them do agree I meet the listing for that criteria and the Vimpat helps. Dysphoria can occur in many psychiatric disabilities though including standard bipolar. What I have is still a "finding" not a fact but is a direction towards future studies and recoveries.
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paranoid_cataclysm, Nov 10, 2009
I like the bizarre lighting of it that's present even though there are dark clouds in the sky, it gives it an otherworldly atmosphere.
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Nov 10, 2009
Actually I was using a sepia filter for this photo that purposely gave it the strange appearance. I did not know that the reason I suddenly starting photographing gravestones at that age was because I was experiencing dysphoria which was part of the emergence of mania which was part of the bipolar aspect of schizoaffective disorder which along with psychotic thoughts, auditory hallucinations and extreme social withdrawal showed that I needed psychiatric help. I began to experience auditory hallucinations and psychotic thoughts at the age of 13 and was referred to a social worker but didn't start treatment until the age of 18 which was voluntarily on my own after I read about mental illness. People weren't as informed then and frankly they aren't now as much as they should be which is why I continue to try to educate people about it and work with agencies that help in this regard.