Ruby the vulture
Ruby the vulture
Comments (4)
329994 tn?1301663248
lvfrogs, Mar 30, 2009
I have to admit, I don't like vultures! I have had 10 or more in my yard at one time. I was afraid of them!
187666 tn?1331173345
ireneo, Mar 30, 2009
Vultures are very calm. Remember - they don't have to hunt for food and aggressively attack it. They're the road crew that cleans up. They may bite if threatened but usually they throw up. Imagine how unpleasant that would be - recycled road kill. Very effective weapon. Ruby is imprinted on humans. Someone must have found her as a chick and hand-raised her. She's very comfortable with humans and flirts when we come by.
338734 tn?1377160168
IAmTheWalrus, Apr 04, 2009
I wouldn't normally think of a vulture as good looking, but she's a handsome bird! I'll keep my distance if I see one. Recycled roadkill sounds VERY effective as a deterrent!  I've been in Arizona a lot lately and they are abundant here. I am assuming the ones I see are turkey vultures here.  I remember seeing the black vultures in Everglades.
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bbxx, Feb 24, 2011
WOW! AMAZING! I am so scared of these things! They throw up when nervous?  Me too! lol Just kidding. Wow! This is so neat--the pictures and the information! Their claws and beak are sooo freaky looking!