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The picture doesn't do the mess justice. Plus you can't see the carpet behind me.
The picture doesn't do the mess justice. Plus you can't see the carpet behind me.
Comments (10)
167 tn?1374173817
jenstam, Apr 16, 2009
Oh, what a little angel she is! :D Gotta love it!! She did a good job on her hands and arms!
208686 tn?1293030503
pcarsey, Apr 16, 2009
Hopefully it will make her skin nice and smooth too =o)
145992 tn?1341345074
mami1323, Apr 16, 2009
What is it? Lotion?
15480 tn?1302529802
GNicole, Apr 16, 2009
OH NO!! She did do a "good" job of getting it everywhere!
203342 tn?1328737207
April2, Apr 16, 2009
Oh no! Lol. Is this Desitin? It looks like it is! You should have entered her in America's Funniest Videos! A family won on there with the same thing. They're two little boys got into the butt cream and smeared it all over each other and the whole room, lol.
203342 tn?1328737207
April2, Apr 16, 2009
When my two oldest kids were real little, they shared a room. My daughter was a baby and my son was 4. He got into the baby powder with his cousin one day and they shook the entire bottle all over the room. I mean, I had it it on the curtains, rug, crib, dresser, table lamp, etc. I didn't know so much powder could be in one little bottle! Lol. Kids!
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mlb1234, Apr 16, 2009
Oh my gosh this cracks me up!!  Wow, she is a great helper!!  Just think of it as one of those things you two will laugh about when she is older but for now, well it's a good thing she is so darn cute!!  Hilarious - I will have to show dh this picture!!  (so he knows what we are in for in a couple years!!)  :)
121828 tn?1333464491
kellym, Apr 16, 2009
It was in fact Desitin and I'm glad I made you laugh.  Her room still REEKS of it and her hair is hideous today. I swear everyone at the zoo was looking at me like "aren't you going to comb that mop?"
195145 tn?1255636447
ZevasMom, Apr 17, 2009
Maybe she is practicing for becoming a famous artist?!?!  Lily Van Gogh or Lily Picaso!

How much fun it must have been to clean up, rotflmao!
294043 tn?1354207946
Helen72, Jun 05, 2009
Jackson Pollock in training!  She looks like so much fun!