will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
08/09/09 40 weeks (due today... we'll see)
08/09/09 40 weeks (due today... we'll see)
Comments (13)
280369 tn?1316702041
chantal21, Aug 09, 2009
Beautiful belly!!! =) I hope Grace decides to come soon!!
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faith2086, Aug 09, 2009
wowwwwww...look at dat belly..such a beautiful bump..she will be here tuesday..she called and told me lol.
694164 tn?1333145988
freya25, Aug 09, 2009
Oh My Goodness sweet ur bump is perfect!! It looks prosthetic its so perfect! I just can't get over how amazing you look girl! Grace is truly blessed! It won't be long, ya see Miss Grace can't wait to meet her mummy! Wow girl u just take my breath away, u look SO healthy!!
Sending you a big cyber hug, although I doubt I could reach all around so I will just hug the bump :) Love ya xx Freya xx
694164 tn?1333145988
freya25, Aug 09, 2009
I just looked back at ur pix & I just can't believe how much ur belly has grown in the last 4 1/2 weeks! Can't wait to meet you miss Grace-Now be kind to mummy(maybe an hour labor) lol Take care beautiful xXx
463595 tn?1333997222
colorado_g, Aug 12, 2009
wow i love it , perfect big belly, baby pls come out:) we love the belly but we love babies more:)
179530 tn?1368936603
mature_enough, Aug 12, 2009
Poor colorado_g... Her baby was due the same day as mine... She's still hanging in there. :( It will be worth it in the end, but I'm GROWING slightly impatient. 170lbs of impatient since this morning. (I'm holding a ton of water. My legs and feet are like memory foam.)  AaaH! If I'm going to be 170lbs you would think I could've at least gotten a good meal out of it... But the baby seems to be pushing everything right back up my throat. haha
Thanks for the nice comments ladies. It makes me feel better. :)
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Tasia32, Aug 14, 2009
Wow you look great!
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SweetiePie411, Aug 23, 2009
Such a cute, beautiful belly! :)
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faith2086, Aug 30, 2009
u where beautiful till the end...all baby.
172826 tn?1423422956
CYW, Aug 30, 2009
beautiful....your belly is soo big and beautiful...just like in a movie:)