will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
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Ovulation Tracker*
for Nadya42
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*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
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Just a quick note to say hi!
Sprinkling baby dust on you!
Congratulations! Time for a celebration...
615752 tn?1361867986
Sprinkling baby dust on you!
189192 tn?1261341628
Thanks for the kind words.. good luck to you to!!  I hope this is your cycle and you get your BFP!!
102073 tn?1309549099
I think temps should be taken at the same exact time when you wake up everyday...My temp time is 5am, I take my temp and go back to sleep if I don't have to go to work. I don't know if you know, but Fertility Friend is a website where you can keep your charts and they do the coverline and all for you, all you need to do is put in your temp is free...ohhh and most important, they have a tutorial for BBT which is great, you should give it a try!
102073 tn?1309549099
Just a you always take the temp at the same time? I ask cz I see your temps went up when you had AF and although I am no expert, but I think they should go down and up after you O........Baby DUST to you!! :)
Journals for this Tracker

Nov 09, 2008 - 1 Comment
My husband wants me to see gynae if Im positive pregnant but Im juz afraid I dont to feel disapointment coz my period is still not here n Im still hoping n pray to God. I ...

Nov 03, 2008
AF, plz dont come yet n hope it wont come at aLL.

Oct 16, 2008
Anyone, hv any idea why My BBT keeps goiN DOWN... Plz help what shud I do n what dies it actually tell Me.
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