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Pimples in my hairline on the neck

For about the past year, I get pimples on the back of my neck, within the lower part of my hair line.
I've discussed it with the lady who cuts my hair and she cannot figure out what is causing them.

I've tried rubbing Sea Breeze on my neck twice a day, yet still, I get these huge, sore, pimples or bumps that never seem to come to a head.

My wife is beginning to wonder if they are in-grown hairs.  I have never had this problem before in my life until this past year or so.  They are very sore and I cannot figure out what is causing them or how to get rid of them.

My hair stylist suggested rubbing Tea Tree Oil on them since the Sea Breeze wasn't working.

Any ideas?

42 Responses
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I had dealt with these pimples for years until I was recommended a treatment shampoo from a company that produces a seborrea and dandruff shampoo that got rid of them completely. Now I just use them periodically when I notice an onset and it quickly keeps them at bay. I was told they are caused by excess oil buildup caused by heat pr as well as an overactive sebacious gland. The shampoo is manufactured by a company called Alcantara and you can by it from their distributor in Miami. Their phone is 305-593-1260.
They ship anywhere in the US, Its called Regulator shampoo & dandruff prevention shampoo.
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I've has the same problem for as far back as I can remember, I'm 29 and a chick so it's not from shaving. It seems like ingrown hairs at times but others feel like pimples. I notice they itch or bother me when I'm stressed or if I've just worked out and my body temp is up. I've tried every kind of acid, zinc and dandruff shampoos, various natural oils and nothing has helped. When I had this checked out by a dermatologist I was told it's Follicular Dermatitis, given some cream and sent on my way. The cream helped a bit but it was short lived much like the natural cycle this problem has anyway with flare ups and then a period where it subsides. Would love to know if anyone has found relief!
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i have this same problem.  Flares up after I sweat or when stressed.  Tried all creams and soaps.  been happening the last 2 years.....
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I've been having this problem for the last 5 years or so - - - and I pick at them and that seems to make more of them pop up.  I finally went to a dermatologist who gave me antibiotics to take for 10 days and a topical solution (Fluocinonide .05%) to put on the area.    The bumps went down within the first couple of days - - - and about 2-3 weeks later they came back again.  So he put me on a different antibiotic (dioxycyclne?).... he said it's a bacterial infection (I think) and that it's kind of hard to kill.  So - I'm on day 5 of the antibiotics.... and the topical solution seems to help.  I haven't had a haircut in forever because I'm embarrassed that it looks so bad.  " (  Will check back!
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Just wanted to say same here. I think many years of sports/helmets was part of the cause. Will post if I find a solution.
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I have had the same problem and John's explanation seems most like mine ... my bumps always pop up only at base of hairline and only during the summer.  As soon as we get a cool snap, they magically start going away.  And I don't work outside much except for yard work on the weekends.   Will see if John's solution matches my problem and report.
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The problem for everyone's symptoms including yours that are posted here is bacterial / a form of foliculitus.  Bacteria forms on the base of the neck particularly in males with longer oily hair.  The best remedy is an acne cleanser with 10% benzoyl peroxide.  CVS has their own brand called acne control cleanser.  There is only about two products on the shelf that contain this ingredient so finding the right one should be easy.  Wash the back of the neck with this product and allow it to sit for about a minute every time you shower to let it do it's work.  Hopefully you should see improvement after a week or so.

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