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ALS symptoms question.

I have had a bunch of weird symptoms that doctors can't seem to figure out.

I've had an MRI of head and brain, multiple blood test including a Lyme test, and a chest X-ray.

My symptoms started about 3 months ago with pain associated ONLY on the left side of my body. At the left elbow, behind the left knee it became hard to walk for awhile, and my left pec/neck and jaw muscles seemed tight.

Thats how it started and I was given pain and muscle relaxants by my GP. Later on I started getting weird twitches on my thigh. Only my thigh. My GP examined them and he got to see them go off. He said it was BFS or benign fasciculations.

Most recently I started getting weird cold sensations in the back of my head/neck which feels odd and I get twitches on my bicep and sometimes triceps and still around that left leg.

IM 18 YEARS OLD. I emphasize that because all of my doctors that I've talked to have set aside ALS. Because of my age. Although I know it is rare. I know it can also be a possibility and almost if not all of my symptoms match what I've read up on google which I know, is a bad thing since it can get my anxiety levels up and trust me it has.

I have weird back pain in the lower left half of my back and I see a twitch on the right side of my neck, not associated to my heart beat. My arms feel heavier and my left leg feels weird when walking.

I'm getting very worried as I feel that no one will hear me out on my ALS fear. It's not that I want that disease but I haven't been told that I have anything else that could be making me feel so odd lately. I want to feel healthy and normal again. I use to lift weights often and now I'm just an anxiety, twitching wreck.
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I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL.i am going through the same thingthe drs arent going to go out of thier way to help you .i have been dealing with this for 2 years .it is a virus .i have seen it under a microscope .i bought one because i could not get help from my drs they all hint things to me and beat around the bush like they know but wont say because i have no positives for anything other than hhv6 and ebv wich i diagnosed and orderd testing for myself.also i went to a dr that does darkfield microscopy and he verified my findings of a virus in my blood and candida.you can try the blood tests for candida but drs will tell you the test was probably wrong . i know more than a few people who this has happened to.including myself.

my body is doing some strange things the chills twiching ,my feet swell up when i wear snug footwear my elbow is swollen and yellow.my eyes hurt i have things growing on my face that look like marbles under my skin.theysaid its probably just my detergent.so i told them about losing 40% of my hearing and vision they said i probably got it from the machine i run at work it is 70 db normal conversation is 60  -65db.

so anyways let me get to the point reading is ok knowledge is power .remaining ignorant to a situation and trying to convince yourself that it is not real is retarded .

you need to take charge of your health .here are some things that will help.
1:Eat Healthy Foods-eat foods that are antibacterial ,antifungal ,and antiviral.

1Garlic-very powerful immune booster ,also its enzymes kill bacteria and viruses and funguses.some others are .

2mushrooms-no 1 would be the small white ones shitake's are good chaga if you can find it is a very powerful healer.



5;Tomatoes and peppers or any thing containing vitamin c.

there are certain oils that are very helpful

1;Coconut Oil -this is an amazing superfood that has the three anti properties i described above .it has an acid that once in the body kills of viruses and other infection like serial killer at a slumber party...it lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol

not only is it one of the few things that helps treat patients with dementia it can also be used topically as an antifungal.it moisturizes skin and hair plus about 100 other positive effects for the body.

2;Oil of Oregano;2 drops of this under your tongue and this stuff goes to work.may sting a little .just meens its working.can be used topically to clear fungal ifections quickly .

3;Olive Oil -for cooking try not to use butter it will raise your cholesterol levels .olive oil has the 3 anti properties .and also is good for the skin

4;Wormwood and Black Walnut extract-this is another top performer.this stuff wipes out parasites in the body .this very effective and not toxic to the kidneys and liver like antifungals .

probiotics are essential to help balance the gut and correct problems with digestion and malabsorption.

1 ;Align - is one of the best

2;Regulat Pro Bio-this one is amazingly potent

3;kefir milk -very effective against candida overgrowth

4;yogurt -very good when mixed with berrys wich brings me to antioxidants this will also help clear toxins from the body .you can mix seeds and nuts wich all have certain values. like chia seeds that provide protien and iron also omega 3s .this helps with inflammation.


1;Green tea -works on bacteria viruses and fungal infections

2;Pekoe Tea ,Black tea  ,White tea,tea,tea,did i say tea.but try to stay away from caffeine .it can cause inflammation

3;Mint tea- will help with balancing the gut it helps fight gerd and indigestion,also ibs.

4;Water-water will help with the muscle twitching water water water.eat foods that are full of moisture like berries and veggies.

vitamins and supplements

1;VitaminD3-almost everyone is deficient at some level of vitamind3.this helps control everything in the body .stress sleep organ function immune function.probably the single most important .magnesium should be taken with d3 because the body uses it up to absorb d3.

2VitaminC-it has been said by naturopaths that taking large amounts of this vitamin can help the body to clear certain infections that would normally require antibiotics .it would require amounts high enough to cause loose stools

3; Zinc;many people are zinc deficient it helps fight off hair loss and grey hair it helps stress levels and promotes healthy sleep to many things to list very important.

4;St Johns Wort -promotes healthy mood.wich may help stress levels also.
has the 3 anti properties

5;Omega3 -helps with inflammation and keeps skin looking healthy.

there are a few others wich i really recieve benefits from myself .you cant just say well i think i will just eat garlic or i will just take vitamin d3 .you have to create a daily rprogram and this will definately help improve your situation .also keep working out mild workoput routines increase immune function and brain function.there is no other thing that increases brain function like weight training not even  yoga wich is the second best.
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