1110049 tn?1409402144

What Supplements Do You Think Help Arthritis?

I take glucosomine with chondrotin and MSM, and Omega 3.  Is cod liver supplements better than omega 3?  I have read about Krill oil.  Has anybody tried that?  Also  a neighbour said Green Lipped Mussel helps her back pain.  What do people here take to relieve their arthritis pain?
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   Hello Maddie.   I take lots of supplements too.  At present i make sure to take Essiac.   My Dad died of a malignant brain tumor and Essiac is a cancer preventative/treatment.  I started taking it as a preventative.  The side effect was that one morning I didn't have to roll out of bed onto the floor then lift myself up.  I woke up one morning and could actually get out of bed with very little pain!
     Along with Essiac, I take Fish oil, Siberian Eleuthero root, (Ginseng -supposed to help you make estrogen), MSM, Calcium with D3, Magnesium, and Zinc.
     The magnesium and calcium shouldn't be taken together so you can absorb them better.  Magnesium Gycinate or Gluconate are best absorbed.
      I understand that Omega 3 fish oil is more for bones and cod liver oil is more for heart health.  So I guess both would be good.
     D3 is one of the most important as we don't generally run around naked in the sun!  At least, I don't!  I live in Arizona where there is plenty of sunshine, but I don't get out in it much as it gets too hot here.  
     I did not try the krill oil as it is quite costly.
   Hope this info was helpful.  Wishing you the best
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8221281 tn?1397570972
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   I decided to look into my natural physician's book and here's what I found.   Lots and lots of supplement suggestions!  
  "antioxidants, apis melifica, ashwagandha, bee pollen, black cohash, boswellia, bromelain, cayenne, cell salts, evening primrose oil, feverfew, fish oil, flaxseed, ginger root, ledum, lycopdium, MSM, nettle, phytonutrients, pulsatilla, rhus toxicodendron, turmeric, vitamin C, Vitamin E"  and  staying away from foods that cause inflammation.
   Sorry the list is so long... I guess since we are all different, we would have to try different things to find what works for each individual.  
      I hope you find the right combination for you!!
Wishing you the best.
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1110049 tn?1409402144
Thank you so much for your input.  I will certainly try some of your suggestions.  Wow - a lot there, but worth it if it eases the pain.  

I found in the past an osteopath could help with manipulation, and I think I will give that a go again.
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7721494 tn?1431627964
A recent longitudinal study found no benefit over placebo in glucosamine and chondrotin for improving painful knee joints.

Sorry, but I'm not a big fan of supplements unless the science proves its efficacy.
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1110049 tn?1409402144
I have found no benefit myself from glucosamine.  Other people I know have said it helps them.  But like you say, could be the placebo effect!!
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