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Crackling (like death rattle) on exhaling and SOB on exertion

I am not convinced this is asthma. I am on tablets for low thyroid (Hashiotos)  and 2 years ago my breathing became worse but it wasn't wheezing it was inability to breathe due to weakness of diaphram/muscles as I was weak all over (CFS) I started taking a different thyroid treatment and a small dose of hc to get my body moving again and it improved. However I am still breathless on exertion, asthma treatments do no good, and my throat often has this crackling. If I exhale really quickly I can crack a hole in it and clear it temporarily. It seems to gather just under my adams apple area.
2 years ago I also had an episode of severe frontal and back headache, confusional state, vomitiing and virtigo for which I was taken to hospital, nothing was found but they said I had a little lung scarring from maybe a 'past infection'. I have H. Influenzae but Doxycycline doesn't seem to be killing it, have had 3 courses now, cannot have penicillin I get anaphylactic reactions. I don't smoke. I am 49 and overweight but the breathing problem resolves slightly occasionally and I can walk much better, I cannot find a common theme on those days though as they are few and far between, so it cannot be my weight.
I am also on seroxat, diazepam and olmatec, do these interfere with breathing and tubes? I have high CRP and Creatinine and slightly elevated RBC and high WBC.  Just found out I am vit D deficient too.
The Dr has no idea, can anyone please help? This has been going on too long and fear lung damage from lack of proper treatment.
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Hi hon, when I started with this I was on levothyroxine, then I asked to be put on Goldshield thyroxine, then I took myself onto Armour and actually the crackling was worse as I raised but I had been low a long time as I tried to raise the Armour, now I am on Nature Thyroid due to thinking it could be fillers, I have to say it isn't the same every day and some days I am taking Armour at the mo as I have lost a bottle of Naturethroid. I don't think it is the thyroid hormone fillers really but I know lots do get that so thanks for the suggestion :)

All the ranges I have seen for Vit D confuse me some 40-100 the range for my test was 40-150 I came in at 30, no idea what is a good range and whether to get the Parathyroid hormones tested too. I suppose I shouldn't be worrying about this sort of thing the Dr should have it in hand. I am so so fed up of the chest problems hon, driving me nuts.

How do I post on your thyroid forum?

lotsa luv
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