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Medical ID

Who wears one?
32 Responses
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959034 tn?1253671476
Its never a bad idea. Better to be safe. Can't hurt. Especially if you have any allergies. You don't want to be treated with the wrong thing in an emergency.
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Would it be necessary for me to get one?  I have pretty severe asthma.  I get symptoms on a regular basis, sometimes I can't speak in full sentences due to shortness of breath.
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959034 tn?1253671476
I have severe asthma, plus other conditions. I wear a basic one on my wrist with my conditions. I wear a one that connects to a computer around my neck. That one names my meds. I like it.
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A medical ID is worn by someone who has a life threatening condition. If you are in an accident and are unconscience, it will help the doctors know what you are allergic to or condition and will know best how to treat you when you can't speak for yourself.

Example: Seniors, diabetics, people with allergies, heart condition, people who live alone and have a serious ailment.....etc.
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Do you find it usefull?
Is your asthma severe?
I'm not sure if mine is severe enough for a medical ID, that's why I'm asking this.
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959034 tn?1253671476
I wear one.
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