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toddler complains of back pain

I have an almost 2 1/2 year old son who began complaining of back pain in mid-October.  We had just had another baby, so I didn't really think much of it at first.  Then in early November he wouldn't walk, after x-rays and blood work all came back normal our pediatrician diagnosed him with toxic synovitis.  He began walking and was back to normal in a couple days.  However, the occasional complaint of back paincontinued, most of the time when he was laying down.  We took him back in to the Dr. and had more x-rays done.  Then in the beginning of December he began to complain of back pain when he was in his car seat.  Again, i just took it as he wanted out, nothing too alarming.  It has gotten worse that now he will scream like he is in enormous pain whenever he's in the car seat.  I have since paid close attention to what it is that hurts.  He always grabs for the middle of his lower back with his right hand and says that's where it hurts.  We had a Britax Boulevard carseat since April and were praying that it was the carseat that we went and got a new one.  Same thing in the new one.  I then began watching him sit.  When he sits he will not sit with weight equally distributed on both hips, he'll immediately shift his weight to one side or the other, or need to sit sideways with a leg up, then he's fine.  Since a 5 point harness prevents him from doing so, he can't figure out how to fix whatever it is that hurts.  This week he also started it in the stroller.  He will not sit on my lap without shifting to one side or the other.  Even if I distract him with TV or a snack or anything he's all over the place.  If I try to make him sit straight he will immediately begin kicking his legs and squirming his back all over the place, and then scream.  Our pediatrician ordered more x-rays but I don't know what else to do or who else to see for a consult.
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I also have a 2 year old son who has been complaining of back pain and it bothers him more when he is lying down so at night he wakes up frequently and cries, he also would complain in his car seat trying to push up from sitting. I have noticed that he doesn't like to sit with his weight on both hips he moves around and won't sit for long. He also has had many x-rays which come back normal.  He does have some abnormal blood work results which show some inflammation, but they don't know where? I was sondering if you had made any progress on a diagnosis or treatment.  Right now my son takes NSAID (anti inflammtory) and sometimes codiene for pain. does your son have consitpation too???
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I also have a 34 month old dauther who's been complaining of back pain for over two months now.  At first I ignored it thingking she was just mimmicking what her dad says (he often has pain on his back).  But she kept bringing it up and I noticed that she fidgets in her high chair, the carseat and the bed before going to sleep.  She often just mumbles "my back hurts" in a soft voice and I know she's telling the truth.  The pediatrician recomended giving her Motrin, which I did every day, 2x per day, for a week.  Though it seemed to help relieve her pain, the pain didn't go away.  I have continued to sporadically give her either Motrin or Tylenol when I think her pain is really bad but it's still there.  We saw an pediatric orthopaedist who took x-rays and said that everything seemed well and that the only thing they saw was a curvature of about 12 degrees that didn't warrant any pain or treatment at the time.  We are to repeat the x-rays in six months to see if the curvature is still there, has improved or stayed the same.
Recently my daughter has started to complain about her diaper being too tight (though I know it is not because I can see how loose it is around her waist) and I'm wondering if it's related to the back pain.
I'm not sure what to do at this time.  I wish the pediatrician would recomend having an MRI or something so I may suggest it to the pediatrician.  Let us know if there has been anything new that has come up or if you've been able to find out the cause of the pain.
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Have you thought the pain may not be the back at all but maybe their kidneys?  The reason I say this is because I have a daughter that at the age of 18 months, was diagnosed with kidney problems that caused a lot of discomfort, especially when sitting or lying.  The pain is usually just under the rib cage in the mid part of the back.  

I am not trying to diagnose your child, but it is definitely worth checking into.  Hopefully your Doctor will take some suggestions like this one.  I truly hope you find some help for your child.  The one thing for sure, don't let your Dr. brush it off, there is something definitely wrong and needs attention.  This goes for all the other people that has responded to your entry.  Good luck to all of you.
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I was wondering if you ever found anything out?  My daughter has been complaining of the same things......  So far x-rays, urine screens, and blood work have all came back normal.  We had an MRI late last week but I'm still waiting on the results from the dr.  Just curious in the meantime.

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Yes, I need to know if any of you came up with a diagnosis. My son at the age of 3 started complaing of back pain only in the car seat.  We had switched to a booster to see if that helps, it doesn't.  We have had x-rays only.  It has been 7 months since he started complaing .  It;s only in the car seat though, so I don't know how serious I should take it.
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Hello. I am not sure how much this can help... I was around 1-2 when I started complaining about back pain. I would have to crawl and scream in pain. I was sent everywhere to all kinds of cancer doctors and no one could find anything. Eventually the doctors diagnosed it as meningitis. Then, I guess the medicine helped because to this day I am a very athletic and healthy child. You might want to check this with your doctors.
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Sarah, I would suggest you look into finding a pediatric chiropractor... Someone who's specialized in pediatrics, not just any old chiropractor though... A good source for finding a referral is here:  http://www.icpa4kids.org/locator/index.php

Pediatric chiropractic adjusting is VERY gentle, involves no pain, and is completely safe. It could be all that's needed for your toddler's problem.

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  My son will be 3 in August and has been complaining of back pain when he is in the car for 6 months. At first it was infrequent and I thought it was discomfort from car sickness, and now much more frequent and now he tells me that it is his back. We have tried changing the seat, adding a pillow, changing cars, and it is always the same thing.
I took him to a pediatric orthopedic, and he took an xray and said that everything was normal (although did not show me the xray) I was dissatisifed with his service and will be getting a second opinion.
After readining everyone's experiences, something must be going on, and I notice that all of our children are close in age.
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I am desperate also. My daughter is 32 mo. and wakes up in terrible screams at night. The Dr. thought it might be night terrors but she does say that her back hurts and it is usually were the kidneys are. The dr. did a tap test on her kidneys and she nearly doubled over yet all urinalysis came back with no growth. She also screams in the car seat arching her back and pulling at the harness, but honestly I never put two and two together until reading your comments. I thought it was just two year old stuff. I am very concerned. She has had this problem off and on since she turned 1. The suggestion about the pediatric chiro. is a good one. We are also checking her for milk allergies. She was nursed until 11mo. and that is about the time it started (when she was switched to milk). My oldest daughter is casein intolerant. Milk allergies are directly associated with night wakings; so that is our next step. Thought that might help. I will let you all know the results. We go to a holistic pediatrician and she has written medical papers on food allergies and intolerances relation to behavior and sleep patterns. Hopefully this will do the trick.
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This is a popular complaint of toddlers huh? My 24 mo old daughter has been saying her back hurt off and on for a couple of months. She has a history of urinary tract infections. So initially I freaked out and took her to Patient First. They did a blood panel and urinalysis...nothing but a virus detected...stomach they said...The back pain radiated from her stomach. So after that I ignored her saying that and dismissed it as gas. Well I mentioned it at her 2 yr old checkup and her doctor did not like that one bit! She is ordering complete blood work, xray and MRI. I am also going to request another urinalysis. She told me it hurts 2x today and 4x 3 days ago. The pain is real. We have not even mentioned the word "back" in front of her for days and she will touch her back and say softly that it hurts. She has also said her hair hurts and fooled with the bottom of the back of her head (which of course is the top of her spine) She also has a rash called pityriasis right now. Obviously my imagination is running away with itself. Help feedback anyone....waiting stinks!
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I don't want to frighten anyone but its better to error on the side of caution with this matter.  My younger sister complained of back pain around age 3 to 4.  It was much worse when sitting and lying down she had to get up and move around.  After many Dr visits and test over several months an MRI revealed a tumor on her spine.  She had some blood test come back with odd results prior to having the MRI but the Dr just didn't put it together and xrays did not show the cancer.  She even had MRI's of the neck done but the tumor was lower so they did not find it at first.  She then had surgery and radiation to remove the tumor.  The good news is that she is now 29.  My advise would be to get another opinion and an MRI.  Some Dr told my parents that nothing was wrong with her that it was all mental.  Your the parent and you know when something is not right with your child.
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My two year old has been complaining of back pain for 8months mostly in car seat and when sleeping. Doctors ordered mri came back she had lypomitosis just went back for another mri last week because of three uti's, also went to neph doctor that said she may have a neurogenic bladder caused by the lypomitosis. However her second mri results show no lypomitosis. This mri states a vessel but cannot exclude a spinal sinus tract. Now i dont know what to do. Hope this helps someone.
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My daughter is 3 and has been complaining of back pain for over a year and a half.  At first it was her lower back and now it is lower back right butt cheek and behind the right knee.  we have had x-rays,  MRIs, bone scans, blood work.  We have seen pediatricians , Orthopedic doctors, Rheumatologists, and even osteo manipulation doctors no one can figure it out.  Her ANA blood work is outrageously high but everything else is normal.  She is now having many more symptoms but my husband and I are very concerned. If any of you come up with anything please write in.  We are desperate!!!
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I can't believe how many entries there are with same age and same problem.  My daughter is 2 1/2 and has been complaining for a couple of weeks that her back hurts when she is in her car seat.  Out of the blue she screams a loud painful screech crying that her back hurts.  She loves watching movies in her super comfy car seat, so I know this is not a behavior issue.  I guess I will go to the doctor, but I will be ticked if they just want her to take motrin.  That is just treating the symptoms not seeking the problem.  The only other health issue we have had is that she woke up last not with a huge nose bleed.  It was not dry in the house, and this has never happened before.  I don't think these things are related though.
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We have the same problem. My daughter who is 2 has started complaining of back pain only while she is in her carseat. She starts complaining only a few minutes into a ride and says "Ouch mommy, my back hurts." She reaches her hand behind her to grab her back and show me where it hurts. Then she shifts back and forth on each side of her hip to try and get comfortable. I cannot figure out what is causing this. I've made an appointment with a pediatric chiropractor for next week though, because it's been atleast a month now that she has been complaining about this pain. At her 2 year checkup her pediatrician just recommended putting a small pillow behind her back for lumbar support, which has not helped at all. I feel so bad for her! She does also wake frequently at night all of a sudden -- 8-9 times a night, and seems to be whining, but isn't saying anything coherently. Wonder if maybe she is also experiencing the back pain at night while she is lying down.
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Hi Sarah, have you found an answer yet for your child? This really is strange. I have a 3yo son who compalins of back pain whilst in his car seat. Often holding right hand on right side lower back leaning to left. This has been going on over a year and I was told by a doctor it must be in his head. We did kidney test, blood test, xrays and visual spine tests and some movement tests that all seemed to come back Ok. Was told if it get worse perhaps we could do MRI/Cat scan (one of these?- but apparently its not nice for kids and they would rather not if there is no dire need). He complains approx 1-2 weekly but not every time he is in the car. I have changed seats and used pillows that have not fixed his whinge. I know the pain is real as the look in his eyes and his actions tell me so.  Lets hope this is a growing thing we have all found, and perhaps they have pinching nerves or something that is common whilst seated at this age but will grow out of??? Lets hope?? Dunno?? I look forward to any more discussion or feedback on ths. Of a side note - my son coughs a lot and just been diagnosed asthmatic and he had a fall with me when he was about 8months old - wondering if anyone else has similar events to go along with childs seated back pain?
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My daughter has just turned 3 and had been complaining of a sore back recently too.  An awful lot of coincidences with age and car seats. She complains when in her car seat but also at other times.  Should I be making an appointment at doctor?
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Just curious.  I have a Britax Marathon.   What seat does everyone else have?  Maybe there is a carseat connection for some of us?
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The car seat I have is 'Safe-n-sound Explorer snakes and ladders'. But I have tried other with similar result. Son also complained of back pain whilst strapped into high chair. I really think its a juvenile spine thing...? Be great to have a doctors response or anyone who has done a CAT/MRI scan.
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I have a Britax Marathon as well and my son starting complaining of back pain and leg pain about 6 weeks ago.  He is 2 1/2 yrs. old.  All of these entries seem too coincindental.  These kids are all about the same age and all complain of back pain while in their car seats.  My son also broke out in a rash around the same timeframe and it still has not healed.  The doctors believe it to be unrelated and possibly a form of eczema or impetigo.  We're treating with antibiotic ointment, but I'm very concerned.
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Reading your posts I feels like I wrote them myself.  My daughter is now 4 and has been complaining for 2 years.  I've switched out car seats, boosters, etc. all the same things you have all mentioned.  She has gone through many tests including catscan and an MRI.  She is due for a bone scan but I"m waiting.  I found this post about a month ago and I was happy to know that my daughter wasn't the only one going through this.  Back then I had nothing new to add so I didn't post then.... BUT now I do.....

I'd like to pose a question.  Do any of you have a family bed?   Needless to say I do.  A couple of months back I met another mom who was going through the same issue as us.  She took her son to 2 doctors.  First one said the typical try this, try that, everything all you have mentioned already.  HOwever the second one asked the question of the child's sleeping.  Having a child sleep in the same bed as the parents can restrict the child's movement and possibly causing minor aches and pains as our children are encountering.  Children need space to stretch and roll around in their beds and if sharing a bed with others can restrict their mobility.  They're like us, when we sleep in an uncomfortable bed, we start to ache.  It's more critical to toddlers since they're growing.  This is basically what this lady's doctor told her.  Unfortunately, she was just some lady I met on a random occassion so I don't know how her son is now doing.  However, about 3 weeks ago, we had moved into a new home and I had my daughter sleep in her own room by herself.  She does occassionally still crawl into bed with me, but the good news is, she has not yet once complained about her back since she's moved out of our bed.  I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or what, but I'm willing to test this out for awhile longer to see if her backaches return.  Hopefully the problem has been rectified and we can forego the bone scan.  I'm going to be watching her carefully for awhile and hope this was the solution afterall.

I wanted to share this with you all and hope that it's a simple solution as this.  I"ll post back if the problem returns, but I'd love to hear if this is the cause for you all too.

Good luck to you all.
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Oh by the way DrTanase, I took my daughter for massages, physical therapy and to a chiropractor and nothing had worked before.  She also seen an Orthopaedic Surgeon.  

Just for the record, she too had a Britax Marathon.  But I've switched her out to others too.  Now she's in a booster.  Like I said before, we did everything but the bone scan.  

Can't wait to hear all your comments.
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Just found all of you today. We have a Britax Marathon and an almost 3 year old complaining of back pain!  We are seeing our pediatrician this afternoon (she has been complaining for 3 weeks)..same story, her daddy says that a lot, so we thought she was 'playing'..is now' hunching over' when she sits in her seat. I feel so bad, she commutes and hour with me to and from work 3 days a week... I pray it is this simple.
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We have seen similar symptoms.  Our daughter, almost three, has complained sporadically of back pain for the last 9 months.  Sometimes we can go one or two weeks without a complaint, then she'll say at bedtime or in her carseat that her back hurts and puts her right hand on her mid to lower back.  No screaming pain, just the complaint.  Urine test normals.  X-rays were normal.  She otherwise plays normally and falls asleep at night.

We have the Britax Marathon and Britx Roundabout car seats.  Our commute to daycare each day is very short - about 1.5 miles.  Nothing about the car seats seems abnormal.  We raised the straps a notch.
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