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Cervical Fusion C3,C4,C5,C6

I was hurt  at work 10/28/05.  On 08/12/06 they fused C3,C4,C5, and C6.  I know it takes time  to heal but 13 months later and I have more pain now then before the surgery.  Workers Comp is now trying to get me to come up with a settlement amount.  First question, why so much pain still, sharp shooting pain from C2 down and neck and it doesn't take much to get the shooting pains.  Also sick to stomach now 24/7 and left arm goes numb about 2-3 times a week.  Second question, would you consider a settlement when your still having so much pain and how much.  I already told them I am not talking settlement until I know why still so much pain and that it's worse than before surgery.
I am 57 years old and was in great health until I was hurt at work.  After surgery they had me back at work in 2 months and I worked (light duty) until I was laid-off on 09/13/07, due to plant closing.  I live in Michigan if that helps at all.
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I had C-3-7 fused 11 years ago.  I got no relief for the pain.  5 years later my VP of Sales told me that his mother got relief from accupuncturist.  I've tried accupuncture prior to my surgery to no avail.  I was desperate and looked on line and an accupuncturist who trained in China after he got his masters in the USA called me after I left a message on his website.  (I was really lucky to get him as an accupuncturist)  I saw him for a few months 2X a day and low and behold my neck headaches (which would bring me to my knees.  I had to take time off of work and would lock myself in a dark room.  Migraine meds  or any other med wouldn't touch it)  I tried them all!)  I needed to function during the day.  Pain meds made me feel druged and didn't work.  So, back to accupuncture..........  After 2 months I started to feel relief.  After 4 months I had no pain or headaches!  I was lucky enough to find an accupuncturist who is on the State Board of Accupuncture.  Now I am having back issues....  along with accupuncture 2X per week, I am seeing a physical therapist.  (physical therapy didn't do jack for my neck.) Hope this helps.  Try a good accupuncturist.  My MD was on board with him and said it is proven by the medical field that it works on soft tissue.  That apparently was my issue.  I really hope this helps you.........  After my surgery I was having severe pain still and my neurosurgeon had the audasity to say "we don't have much luck with necks"  what a great thing to say to someone who will try anything to get out of pain.  Prayers for your quick recovery.....
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Your story sounds a little like mine.

What you must do is fight -- fight for ever degree of pain reduction, and every medical benefit you can acquire.

Fight. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Do not give up. Do not fail.

Your children need you. Fight, even though it hurts every day. Fight.

You have a right to adequate pain control. Surgery is not your answer.

You have a right to pain control.

Let me leave you with a document called the Declaration of Montreal, written in 2010 and delivered to the IASP -- International Association for the Study of Pain.

This a group of doctors and scientists who study chronic pain, its implications, causes, and treatments.

View the declaration here:


Read the first few paragraphs, but I'll summarize. Experts in pain throughout the world agree on one thing -- people have the right to expect treatment of chronic pain, and be treated with dignity and respect of any other human being afflicted with a chronic illness, regardless of the treatment regimen.

Fight -  for yourself, your family, and pain patients everywhere.

Did you know that you are not alone -- there are 100 million people in America with pain. THere are an estimated 1.5 billion on this planet tonight who live with chronic pain.

Welcome to our cause. We need your energy, and you need pain treatment.

Educate yourself. Seek treatment. Fight.

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surgeon told me I need my c3-c7 fused and my c5 removed. I currently take gabapentin, Percocet, gabapentin, methocarbonal , diazapham, fentanyl patches and anti deppresents. im in constant pain all the time I also have disc degeneration, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, muscle atrophy. It hurts so bad every day I wake up. I have had over 20 steroid injections which caused three holes in my back and three epidurals. walking and lifting causes me the most unbearable burning pain between my shoulders. im 44 years old and have Medicaid which surgeon said wont cover any treatments under 10 years old. why in the world would I want surgery. I worked hard and two jobs so my wife could be a stay at home mom. I have two young boys who I cant play sports with. if not for them I would have already took my life. im tired of liven like this. I am waiting to see a judge for my full disability , waiting a year and a half to see judge and im broke on top of it all, cashed in 401k , pawned everything. I have been suffering so bad since a car accident in 2010. My only goal is to make sure my kids have something when I die but that was taken away from me. life *****.
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My name is Candy Karpan, I had a, c3, c4, & c5 fusion when I was 21 due to getting hit by a drunk driver. My neck has actually recovered quite well CONSIDERING. I also had a stroke & aneurism, which has caused me to have multiple blood clots in my brain which cause unbearable cluster headaches, & bad short term memory loss!
I am now 27 years old, & from the brain damage & the fact that I've grinded over half of my spinal cord away, my doctors predict that my life expectancy has been significantly lowered, to the point that my odds of me living past 50 years old are very improbable!
I'm in pain constantly, headaches, neck & back pain, extreme nerve damage on my arms & hands that cause me to have "the drops" & my hands & fingers are numb at least half the time.

if I hadn't had my fusion, I would have died. When I woke up from my surgery, my doctor told me that when he took the disks out of my neck, they crumbled like chalk in his hands, & that if I had waited even just a few more days, my spinal cord would have snapped!

The main thing that bothers me is that I've lost over 70% of the movement in my neck, which was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY if I had gotten artificial disks, instead of having a fusion, I wouldn't have lost hardly any movement! & the ONLY REASON I had to have a fusion, is because ARTIFICIAL DISKS ARE NOT APPROVED IN AMERICA FOR "MULTI LEVEL" meaning you can only have 1. Yet, in Europe, ARTIFICIAL DISKS HAVE BEEN APPROVED & BEING USED FOR MULTI LEVEL SPINAL SURGERIES FOR OVER 30 YEARS!!!


Oh & all of you who are having "stomach issues" which I DID as well (i threw up on a daily basis!) Its probably because of all the pills your taking, pain killers, muscle relaxers, anti inflammatory, sleep aids, anti anxiety, etc. They had me on so many pills my kidneys started failing! When I found out it was because of the pills, i literally stopped taking everything, cold turkey! I had ZERO withdrawals, & haven't taken a single pill for over 4 years!!! I do use alternative medicine, & it works wonderfully!!! Don't kid yourself into thinking ANYTHING is going to completely take your pain away, but PLEASE STOP taking all the deadly pills they are giving you, they only make you worse!!!

BTW, before getting hit by a drunk driver, I was a professional athlete! I was an elite gymnast, prima ballerina, & was also in cirque de solei as an acrobat!!!
this literally ruined my life! Legally I'm permanently disabled, & can get disability, but they will only give me $1,600 per month, which doesn't even pay my rent!!! & if you're caught working, its a felony, with a minimum of 10 years in prison LITERALLY ADDING INSULT TO INJURY!!!
So I work 2 jobs at least 6 days a week to support my mother & grandmother who only get $600 per month on social security!!!
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My name is Candy Karpan, I had a, c3, c4, & c5 fusion when I was 21 due to getting hit by a drunk driver. My neck has actually recovered quite well CONSIDERING. I also had a stroke & aneurism, which has caused me to have multiple blood clots in my brain which cause unbearable cluster headaches, & bad short term memory loss!
I am now 27 years old, & from the brain damage & the fact that I've grinded over half of my spinal cord away, my doctors predict that my life expectancy has been significantly lowered, to the point that my odds of me living past 50 years old are very improbable!
I'm in pain constantly, headaches, neck & back pain, extreme nerve damage on my arms & hands that cause me to have "the drops" & my hands & fingers are numb at least half the time.

if I hadn't had my fusion, I would have died. When I woke up from my surgery, my doctor told me that when he took the disks out of my neck, they crumbled like chalk in his hands, & that if I had waited even just a few more days, my spinal cord would have snapped!

The main thing that bothers me is that I've lost over 70% of the movement in my neck, which was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY if I had gotten artificial disks, instead of having a fusion, I wouldn't have lost hardly any movement! & the ONLY REASON I had to have a fusion, is because ARTIFICIAL DISKS ARE NOT APPROVED IN AMERICA FOR "MULTI LEVEL" meaning you can only have 1. Yet, in Europe, ARTIFICIAL DISKS HAVE BEEN APPROVED & BEING USED FOR MULTI LEVEL SPINAL SURGERIES FOR OVER 30 YEARS!!!


BTW, before getting hit by a drunk driver, I was a professional athlete! I was an elite gymnast, prima ballerina, & was also in cirque de solei as an acrobat!!!
this literally ruined my life! Legally I'm permanently disabled, & can get disability, but they will only give me $1,600 per month, which doesn't even pay my rent!!! & if you're caught working, its a felony, with a minimum of 10 years in prison LITERALLY ADDING INSULT TO INJURY!!!
So I work 2 jobs at least 6 days a week to support my mother & grandmother who only get $600 per month on social security!!!
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6274561 tn?1379974255
You might check  out your state's version of Obamacare on Oct. 1st. The insurance co can't turn you down for coverage that starts Jan. 1st.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Federal disability they often reject the first filing but there are many appeals (about 4). the lawyers that specialize in this could be very worth it. Mine handled all the paperwork for a minimal fee.not one that advertizes on tv though.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Good luck with the surgery. You need it more than I need mine as my symptions are not that bad yet.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Some reduced motion up and down. Hopefully he will kill the pain.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Bone spurs are the worst. Press on nerves. Sorry you have to go back for more. Good luck.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
I'm on year 13 of constant pain and in my case the surgeries worked.Somtimesthe surgery 'works' andsometimes it doesn't. It's just better than nothing.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Pain meds stop working pretty quickly. There are a few meds developed for other purposes that sometimes help (Neurotin, Tramadol).
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6274561 tn?1379974255
You definitely need a new surgeon to look over everything.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Happened to me on C4 to T4. If it moves they need to do it a different way. They have a few options that the surgeons should ask you about before hand.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
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6274561 tn?1379974255
You are not bad. Any pain can be traced to bone crimping a specific nerve exiting the cord at a specific place. That would need to be fixed with an operation to trim the bone.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
With the migrane from the spinal dye injection keep your head a little higher for a few hours. I've had 3 and the only headache I got was after number 2 as I had to lay flat for a while.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Try some acupuncture. It's very temporary but works for pain relief. My pain includes actual spinal cord damage but that hour every other week is golden.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Pain means it didn't work. Perriferal nerves exiting spinal cord are still being pressed on by bone or whatever. i would talk to doctor who did the work and then to another one to see if it can be fixed. I have had 5 disk operations and need 2 more but only one did not work (l4 L5 artificial replacement). I can see in the x-ray that l5 is not level.
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6274561 tn?1379974255
Keep your head up a little after the cat scan with dye. Eliminates migranes you could get.
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Long story short I am retired (age 38) from a 100 mph vehicle collision 4 years ago. I have major lower back and neck issues. Recently my problems have worsened and my DR finally sent me back for another round of MRI's. My symptoms include loss of mobility in left side extremities, severe weakness in hands, legs, feet. Massive headaches and neck pain, that induces vomiting (so violent at times I have given myself black eyes).  So the MRI's have no returned, and this is what they said.

-C3-4 Segment: more than 50% disc height loss with desiccation. Left broad based disc herniation severely compression the exiting C4 left nerve root with severe spinal foraminal stenosis.

-C5-6 Segment: left paracentral broad-based disc herination contacting and moderately indenting the ventral lateral left cervical spinal cord.

What should I expect next and how serious is this? I am being referred to a Neuro Surgeon. will my 47% current disabilty go up? I am very nervous and worried about my future.
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4840721 tn?1359883580
Hello there, I had a l5-S1 done a few years back, i must say that it took three years to heal. the put 4 bolts-2rods and and a box with bone and cement. it worked. But they are not gods so when the closed the bolt they messed with the nerve in l4-l5 and so t day a walk around the a dead nerve in my jeg to my bid toe. not toe bad, it does not hurt but you all ways fell some thing there. I am in need of a c3-c7 fix. i like you am not really ready. enough of the drugs and then some times they take them away from me. to much. yea! I hope thing go well for you, a good friend who understands is very helpful.
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hi i settle my case 2011 with future medical got hurt in 2006 had bad lawyer,surgery in 2007 c3-c7 for metal paltes in neck did not work my work comp.just ended payment. just got aprove for c3-t1,laminectomy posterior fusion on 1-10-13 it been pass 5years in a lot of pain i dont know what payment i will get if any i will be in the hospitle for five days the doctors will get paid but i donk think i will get paid if any also my lumber spine will need surgery *** well i do have future medical an no lawyer need help do not know what to do  or who to talk to   thank you if you have or know or anybody can he help me hc carter
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I have had 3 spine fusions.  I am complete fused from my mid back to my tail bone with pins going into the hips. My neck is fused and now they tell me the discs have broken down above and below the fusion.  They want to fuse C3,4 and C6,7. I am in so much pain I had to go out on FMLA.  My company denied STD stating pain is not a reason for not working.
I have a desk job and within 15 min of my work day the pain is so bad I can't think. I can't sleep at night and have to take pain killers everyday. Where you successful in getting disability?  If so how? I have has 3 doctors write me all all or spine and Neurosurgens. I am still being denied.
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