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T5 Burst Fracture - 7-Level Thoracic Fusion (T2 - T8) - Can anyone Relate??

hello...i am brand new to this forum. i am having a lot of trouble finding forums with people who are in the same position as me. i will give a brief description of my injury and surgery. i have also posted this message under back problems, and it was suggested to me to try posting here as well.

my story:
i was the passenger in a near-fatal auto accident on 11.21.07. my husband walked away with a few scratches and bruises and my almost 3yr old twins made it through without a scratch! i, on the other hand, literally walked away with a broken back. i had a T5 burst fracture, a broken scapula, and several bruised and fractured ribs.

my surgical procedure consisted of a 7-level thoracic fusion (T2-T8). i am about 8 weeks post op and i am doing surprisingly well, considering my surgeons say i was a miracle...they said i should have either died or been paralyzed UPON IMPACT! i can walk effortlessly and have full use of my arms, with very little loss of range of motion. i still have some numbness in my elbow (from broken scapula) and my back is still slightly numb, generally around the incision site and my shoulder blades. but i feel great other wise and realize how truly blessed i am!!

i have been steadily doing research about my injury and my surgical procedure and i am really having a hard time finding a whole lot of information...apparently, i am a rare case??? so i am subscribing to this forum, b/c i am hoping to find someone who has had thoracic fusion or a thoracic burst fracture. i am really just looking for someone to talk to and exchange stories and progress notes.

29 Responses
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I'm posting this to share info on a particular pain mgt. procedure that has given me substantial pain relief and that I don't see specifically mentioned in other comments.  It is called a radio frequency neurotomy (or "RFN"), which deadens the nerves in the afflicted spinal area.  It's not permanent, so has to be repeated every yr or so, but it's just an outpatient procedure, less than an hr. I think it might help you, too, because I've had similar injuries.  I was in a car that a bus T-boned, flipped & pancaked.  Also, similar story, i.e. should have died (as did my husband & 2 friends), should have been paralyzed but now walking, etc. I had a dozen vertebral fractures (among other typical trauma injuries), but burst fractures of L1 & L2 required fusion surgery.  Initial surgery in Mexico, location of accident, was a posterior fusion of T12-L3.  Surgeon fractured T12 & L3 w. rod screws, also rod screw entered spinal canal, causing CSF leak. Back in U.S. 5 days later, still leaking.  Required fusion revision surgery, now 6-level, T10-L3, & new rods, intended to be permanent.  2-1/2 yrs later 2nd revision fusion revealed unhealed areas, & rod screws actually loose. Cadaver bone lattice added & rods removed permanently.  All that to say my back took a beating & maybe if RFN helps me, could help you.  Also, want to say glad the rods are out.
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do you mean the hardware? if so ,no.its expensive and insurance wont cover the surgery.  on top of that its risky,very risky. im stuck with fused spine and 8 lbs of unnecessary titanium, its so stiff and uncomfortable. worst of all one screw is starting to migrate(slowly unscrewing itself) causing even more unpleasantness.  
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did you get ur fusion removed? in same boat need to talk..please
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i live in ny and it is becoming only more of a pain to have to plead to deaf ears.  its insane. i feel as if even if i were dieing of one of the most excruciating forms of cancer i would still be looked at as drug seeking... im almos at the end of the rope, literally.
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hi thanks for the kind words. the name of the site is blacked out...
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2212714 tn?1342258744
Wow! Mighty young for all of this situation. Have you considered an injection of a permanent nature. I believe the site for information is ****.com  Harry is an excellent moderator if he is still in charge.
Folks with back surgies espress their feelings and give their sincere help on that site. They will help with suggestions for seeing docs that are cooperative in giving medication for the pump. Even if you do not want the pump right now the discussions are archieved for your reading. The support
was excellent when I needed it for my husband. Best of wishes for more comfort and felpful support in your journey. Chuckie
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8/27/10- i was in a pretty bad car accident.long story short broke my back compression fractures(t7&t8) docs at hospital told family members i would be paralyzed arms down if i didnt receive immediate surgery. mind you they put me in a med coma because they say i was in excruciating pain. I do not remember anything from the time leading up to the accident to 4 days later when i woke up. they did spinal fusion t5-t10 with pedical screw and rod implantation. i was 26 when the accident occurred with docs telling me i should be in a wheel chair/walker for the rest of my life. needless to say i said **** that. got up after dose of meds and sent the nurses and docs into a frenzy. haha. two and a half years later in hind site, shouldn't have done that. pain has been escalating steadily with no end in site. ive been on many meds. from percs/vics to dilauded opana. im now on butrans 20mcg and oxycontin 40 3x/day. i have severe muscle cramps on daily basis. not to mention my gf was 4 months pregnant with our beautiful daughter(now 2 yrs old) and she is such a handful.i cant keep up. very frustrating. my doc refuses to give me anything that i ask for and keeps suggesting that i consult new neurosurgeon for advice on removing the hardware...with all the new scaretactics the gov is putting on the docs they are afraid to precribe anything that works well anymore. its really scary.i never took any kind of pain meds for kicks. and now need them to survive daily life. im 29 now and cant handle it anymore.waking up in tears,or just breaking down inn pain induced fits.dont know what to do next...any body got any bright ideas? would be greatly appreciated.  
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  I am having a shoulder pain of t5,t6,t7 and some disk problems and also it has been got pressed by the pressure . That's why right hand is not geting proper blood circulation and that's why the pain is becoming more and more .
So please can i get your  solution or suggestion for it.
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I was very happy to come across this forum where i could compare my story to others.  Some of your accidents sound just horrible and Im glad that you are all alive to tell your stories.  

Im a lineman and I was in an accident at work  on Sept 20th last yr. where i fell about 25' from a power pole and landed on my head.  I had to lay in a hospital bed for 3 days sucking on a sponge while I waited for my surgery.  I ended up having 4 fractures in my spine, 9 broken ribs, a fractured sternum, and a collapsed lung.  I had to have a chest tube inserted for the lung and had a fusion from T2-T10.  They made me a turtle shell and it had the neck brace connected to it.  I was released from icu in 7 days and from hospital after 10 total days.  The first time I stood up I surprised how difficult it was and how my body changed so quickly, but my wife was 6 months pregnant with our first daughter so the hardest part for me was emotional.  The thought of never seeing my wife and kids again and having my kids grow up without me,  leaving my wife to raise our 4 children by herself.  It was all i thought about while I layed there in my bed.  

I was able to remove my neck brace after 2 months and had my shell removed 6 weeks later.  I started physical therapy soon after and worked hard to get back to normal as quickly as i could.  It started slow, but i started getting stronger and after 5 months I was jogging.  On March 12th I returned to work, by this time I had been off of the oxy for 6 weeks and perc for 3.  Now Im just taking anti inflammatory once or twice a day. None of my dr's or comp nurse wanted me to go back full duty so soon, but I wanted to at least try to do the work.  Wasn't going to know whether or not I could do it if I didn't try.  I've been back to work for a month now and I've definitely had my ups and downs.  I still have numbness around the back of my ribs, my neck is always hurting, and I have some lower back pain.  I am hoping that all of these things get better with time, but i am worried about my future.  Will my back start to hurt more as i get older?  I work in the elements and will my body not hold up in cold temps?  

I have so many questions and concerns about how my body will hold up in the future or how I can expect it to anyways.  I can't imagine doing something other than what I do or starting over again in a new career.  I know that Im doing better than most, but any info or advice from others that have gone through something like myself would be much appreciated.
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update. ive had the surgery and im home now. they had to open me right up and did a 7 level fusion in the end from t6-t12. i lost 2.5 litres of blood and blood pressure went down to 75/45. they took the bone graft from my spinous process's in the end and inserted 14 screws and 2 14cm rods. im in a world of pain right now and sleeping in a massive issue due to being woken up by the pain and lying in the one position for too long causes my body to sieze basically. it takes about 4 hrs in the moring to get moveing where i feel ok enough. it has only been 7 days and they surgeons reckon im doing outstanding all things considered. i sore the wound today and its a very neat job. cheers to a full recovery how ever long it takes.
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hi all, i thought i would relate my story as im about to have fusion from t7-t12 done in 2 days time. on the 12-7-2008 i was in volved in a motorcycle accident. a driver came through a stop sign and collided with me and then pushed me into a parked car as well. i woke up in ICU. i tore my left corotid artery and broke my back in 5 places and my c6 in my neck. Much to the doctors surprise everything missed my spinal cord. Emergency surgery repaired the artery issue and 9 days of not being moved before a thoracic brace and neck brace could be fitted so i could be sat up and moved. During this time my wife gave birth to our first child which i missed but am releived i am still here to see. ive lost 5 cms in height or 2 inchs in the old terms (i live in australia). ive been in massive pain every since and the surgeon has left me no option but to have this surgery on the 7 june 2011 in sydney. i wont lie when i say im scared but reading some of your stories gives me great hope. Since the accident my spine has kept on collapsing causing other potential issues as well. Over 3 years ive been told to keep my head up but sometimes you just ask yourself why me. life hasnt ever been the same since and most common tasks really become a battle of mind over pain at times. ill keep you informed post op of the results. fingers crossed. thanks michael
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I do know how lucky I am.  My surgeon is ok with monitoring it for now.  The surgery could be done later. Hopefully, nothing with change and I can go on without surgery.  
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I just hope you appreciate how lucky you are. These type of injuries can be horrific, with out comes like paralysis, permanent disability and never ending pain.

I  understand your dilemma and its sounds like a pretty major surgery, is it something that your Surgeon feels needs to be done immediately, or could you put off a year or two?
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I was in a moped accident in Sept 09. Burst fractures of T6 and T7.  I was 2000 miles away from home on vacation.  I opted out of surgery at the time to get me home.  After arriving home, the neurosurgeon I saw didn't feel I needed surgery.  After 3 months out of my brace I went in for a follow up with an orthorpedic spine specialist due to the pain I was having.  He did xrays, MRi and a CT.  and believes I should have had surgery, that it was a flexion distraction fracture.  I now have kyphosis in my thoracic spine. I'm only 47.  He is concerned that it will continue to progress.  I haven't had any neuro damage and he is concerned that if it continues to progress I could have problems.  The surgery is removing the two vertebrae and replacing with titanium implants, with screws and wires.  Possible 8 hr surgery.  I don't know what to do.  I can live with the pain and slight deformity of my posture, but I don't want to look 80 when I'm 50.  
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Hi I'm Helena :-) I too was in a car accident last Dec. 31, 2008, hit by a semi from behind, at the Grapevine, with my entire family in the van, husband and 5 kids and in-laws.  T-4 burst and I underwent a 6 hr operation. Dr. fixed me up and now I have 2 titanium rods, 7 screws and a  t-4 cage implant.  Dr. said I'm disabled for life.  But I;m just so thankful I'm alive and can walk, but depressed I cant do much at my age, 48.  Reading these testimonies makes me feel I'm not alone, I'm glad I came across this site :-) God bless us all
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Hi I'm Helena :-) I too was in a car accident last Dec. 31, 2008, hit by a semi from behind, at the Grapevine, with my entire family in the van, husband and 5 kids and in-laws.  T-4 burst and I underwent a 6 hr operation. Dr. fixed me up and now I have 2 titanium rods, 7 screws and a  t-4 cage implant.  Dr. said I'm disabled for life.  But I;m just so thankful I'm alive and can walk, but depressed I cant do much at my age, 48.  Reading these testimonies makes me feel I'm not alone, I'm glad I came across this site :-) God bless us all
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1159795 tn?1262635568
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hi pete.  i haven't updated here in a while so i apologize.
in a few weeks it will be 2 years since my accident and injuries.
i am happy to say that i AM a success story!  i am a very rare case.  i actually had all of my hardware removed in march of this year, leaving my t4 and t5 permamently fused.  i haven't needed in pain medication in several months.  i can for the most-part enjoy normal daily activites.  i can even go offshore fishing!  i don't work, and i can't see going back as i still can't sit or stand for long periods of time.  so i am able to rest when i need to at home, so maybe that is key.  but i realize staying home isn't an option for everyone.
before i had my hardware removed...i had NO movement in my thoracic spine and it caused a lot of discomfort.  i also did accupuncture and massage, which worked, but i had to do it religiously.  in january, the doctor realized the many of my screws were growing outside of the vertebrae and pushing on my lungs.  my fusion was solid at that point, so we decided to go for it and get it all out of there!  best thing i ever did!
i hope that you will find some relief in the future.  you can read all about my accident, injuries, and recovery on our blog: http://twins225.blogspot.com
best of luck,
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My surgery was June 2008. I am 17 mths post op T7-8 herniated disc surgery. Was in pain for 8 years. Went from dr to dr then I paid for a private MRI and found the problem!!  I am still in tremendous wrap around rib cage pain. I have done everything. Prolotherapy, acupuncture, pain meds (no more!) Naturopathic care and of course several times a week yoga and pilates. I am 44 with 3 kids ages 6, 8, and 10. Everyday is a struggle and I pray for a cure. I don't read any success stories!  Why? I continue to have hope and do my research karen in vancouver canada
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My name is Chris 28 year old male and i have also been through a very traumatic event.  I have rods and screws from t5 to t11 and a spinal fusion of t8 and t9.  I was in a near fatal car accident in May of 08.  I fell asleep at the wheel doing about 70 on the highway.  I was ejected from the vehicle and slide across the oncoming traffic lanes on my right heel.  I nearly tore all the skin off my right rear foot.  I had a very severe burst fracture of the t8 and t9 verabrae.  Luckily there was no paralysis and i am able to walk somehow.  One of my Drs told me to go play the lottery.  I also collapsed both lungs(chest tubes are not fun), broke 10 ribs, broke my clavicle, and had many lacerations to my face and bruises all over my body.  It has been 9 months or so i am doiing PT with my sister who is a liscened therapist.  I am still in a good deal of pain but feel that the PT is making things better.  I see a pain management dr and take avinza and percocet still for the pain.  I have lately been having issues with nightmares and panic attacks.  I had not experienced any of these problems until recently.  It feels like i am still trying to get back to my old self.  I played college soccer and a little bit in the pros.  I will never be able to play at a high lever but do hope to play again in some sort.  I too have had problems finding info on my injury.  I hope that everything continues to go well for you and your recovery is complete.  I try to keep my self as busy as possible with work, i am sure your children take care of that for you.  If anyone else out there has had a similar situation i would love to talk or hear about it.  Keep your head up and just keep moving forward life stops for no one.  Have a great one and i look forward to reading more posts
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I can identify with Kris and twins225 (rebecca) following my 26' fall to a concrete floor Nov 10, 07 landing on my back, breaking 11 right ribs, sternum, scapula, burst T5 & T6 and bruises to heart, brain and lungs (1 burst & collapsed).  Titanium rods & bone grafts of T4-T7 was done on day 4.  I was a young 67 year old man and turned a much older 68 in Jan 08.

I regained my memory at 17 days, walked with much assistance in ICU about day 20.  Rehab (days 26-36) had me walking with a walker, then unassisted but oxycodone was my best friend (other than my wife, constantly there) for 4 months then I quit the meds and was able to tolerate taking nothing for pain.

My recovery has come along very well; I've tried to walk, exercycle, swim (using fins, shoulders weak) and climb stairs and work out at the YMCA whenever I can.  My pain at 4 months was along the spine & hardware, across the back, along with shoulders, abdominal muscles and tingling pain around the numb area of my back and right armpit & right breast area.

After a year the pain has subsided in all areas and strength has increased overall; the the pain is mostly still in the muscles along the spine in the area of the hardware (T4-T7) when I get tired or have been on my feet for quite a while.  These muscles feel like they are swollen and are sore to the touch.  I have wondered if similar cases have had this pain and had it go away with time; it seems like it should have healed by this time but I can't complain.

I feel blessed to have been this fortunate and far along in my recovery; I feel serious effort at physical therapy and exercise has played a big part but everyone's case is different.  There has even been significant improvement in the last couple months in how much exercise my upper body can tolerate without giving me misery at night like it did not long ago.  New aches & pains come and go over time but there has been progress whenever I look back.  I hope all of you have some of the progress I have had.

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wow!  kris you have been through so much!  i know things seem so hard right now, but at 6 months after surgery, your body still has so much to overcome.  i, luckily, have had a miraculous recovery, so i hate to rub it in.  but at 6 months, i was off of my pain meds and had just started driving again.  everyone has a different course of recovery, i know, so don't get discouraged as 6 months is still pretty early.  luckily, my shoulder healed on it's own without any repairs, so i just have the rods from t2-t8 like you.  i find my "pain" is more discomforting just below where my hardware stops, which is because that is the part of my back bearing the most stress...trying to adjust to movement and non-movement all in the same area.  i also wore a very confining back brace for 9 months (maybe you wore the same one...TLSO brace??.  matter of fact, i just went off-shore fishing last weekend and reeled in a 25# kingfish all on my own.  that was an amazing feeling!  so maybe look at my story as your inspiration of things to come..LOL!
i truly wish you well in your recovery and please feel free to contact me directly at ***@****.  hoping your new year brings you many pain-free days!!!!
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hi rebecca, i was going over your story and its remarkable how close our cases are in severity and treatment. i was recently involved in a hit and run motorcycle accident June 1st of 2008. i was found on the side of the road hours later and was rushed to the hospital. 2wks had gone by in the hospital before i had even retained a solid memory of the incident. i had a c2 burst fracture, t4 burst fracture, left clavicle fracture , left humurus fracture, and multiple fractures in my left ankle- all resulting in surgery. i have a c1-c2 fusion, a t2-t8 fusion (2 rods running the length of the vertibrae) and rods and plates in the arm, shoulder, and ankle.

i spent a whopping 30 days in icu and another 20 in rehabilitation. a total of 6weeks in the most uncomfortable halo device, had no muscle control of my right leg (due to nerve damage). Being only a 20 year old male with no health insurance this was an overwhelming expirience.

thankfully my parents helped me apply to medicaid and i was approved. There was one load off of my shoulder, now i still had to deal with not being able to move one leg, not being able to bear weight on the other, not being able to move my arm, neck, shoulder, and being in constant pain.

So now i had been discharged and faced going home in my new body. countless home visits by physical therapists helped me relearn how to use my leg and eventually led to walking!! well now on to residual... i going a physical rehab center three my leg seems to have peaked in performance 6 months post-op and i walk but with a profound limp. the screws holding my arm rod in came loose and i am awaiting another surgery :(. The biggest problem by far is my massive mid to upper back pain. it feels like someone is physically grabbing my spine tightly and pulling on it. i have gone up to taking 90mgs of oxycontin a day to cope and STILL i am in constant pain and cannot sleep without a high dose of ambein. all perscribed by my pcp because the pain managent center my neurolgist referred me to is "full" i was wondering if any of you have expirienced pains similar to this... i kind of want to know what i have to look forward to. dont get my wrong i am truly blessed to be alive but this pain is draining me both physically and mentally  and i would like to see if anyone has any solutions or ideas?

thanks all and good luck
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643696 tn?1223409142
SO sorry to hear about your accident.  DId you have surgery to fix your burst fracture?  Because everyone I know with a burst fracture has had to have a spinal fusion with some kind of hardware placed holding them together.  I can tell you this...when I first broke my back, I was on so many pain pills.  I could not walk, bathe or dress myself.  I could not go to the bathroom without assistance and there was one point when I first got home from the hospital that I could not even sign my own name.  That is weird that your lower back hurts.  That *****.  But a T-5 is about where a bra strap would go around you, if you wear a bra.  :)  Anyway, back to the point...I did have many numerous other injuries and surgeries as you know from reading my post.  So, that may have hindered my recovery or prolonged it.  But literally I sat in a chair day and night for about four to five months and slept about 22 hours a day.  So if you are only three weeks out...I think you are doing great if you can make it to the computer to write this stuff.  Keep your patience.  I am 1,000,000 times better than I was when it was only three weeks out.  I still have pain and sleepless nights, and a hard time walking more than about three city blocks, but I am able to work 40 hours per week at a desk job...I had to quit being a bedside nurse (RN) because it is too physical but I am still able to support my kids.

I hope you feel better soon.  Keep in touch.
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