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To jsbags and rescue304

hey guys
I did it. All went well. I was in the hospital for two days. The doctor put in 4 screws and one cage, he also "cleaned up" from the surgery I had 17 years ago not cool but I am doing wonderful. I was called "the maricale patient", the staff and my doctor could not understand how I was almost running down the halls of the hospital. All I could say is it's my kids at the school I teach art at and my own daughter. I always tell them never give up keep trying and this time it was me who had to do it. Well any way I mus get back to bed I still can not sit for very long but all in time, all in time. Luvs Bye
Oh, Jeff I get the sleeping thing I am writing this at 4:30 in the morning. Talk with you guys soon.
18 Responses
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Hey jsbags,
I sent you an e-mail on May 31, 2007. I am so sorry I did not know that I had not been on line for soooooooooooo long! I am just now trying to sit so this e-mail stuff is a trail and error for me. I can for sure sit for 10 -15 min. I am O.K. for now. The weather keeps going from 90 to 54 here that has been tuff. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I e-mailed you Jeff. I want to keep in touch and I hope you and your wife are not break dancing (ha, ha).

HELLO Rescue304,
I have not forgot about you either. I want to know how you are doing. Please e-mail me at ***@****. I miss you also. I can't wait to here from you both.

It has been the best thing to find you both.


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lol just wondering were your at!!!! lets talk. hope i didnt scare you off.you heard from rescue??? been thinking about both you guys really hope all is well!! get back too me soon(im worried sick) lol just kidding......JEFF
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listen dont know if you have e-mail but if so mine is ***@**** want too talk with you more,you been such a great friend an insperation and i thank you sooo much for that!!!! please post back or send me some mail(I MAY NEED TOO VENT SOMEMORE!! LOL just kidding) so im here if you wanna talk here or by mail  please post back i miss chatting with you also.YOUR THE BEST......YOUR FRIEND......JEFF
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hey there my friend,im so sorry i've  been away awhile. i've been havin a few issues to deal with here an they have'nt been pleasnt!!! i quit takin my pain meds.about 2 weeks ago(ARGGG) wow what a nightmare.they never tell you about stoppin them!! well without going into all the nasty details i was pretty sick for about 5-7 days and im still not right!! i think i made a big mistake.right now im really coinsidering calling for more(but not if i have too go threw this sh.. again)two days ago i had to get motavated so i got the lawnmower out(changed oil an sharpin the blades ect.ect.it's a rider)well i cut the front lawn an been bearly able too walk(really sore) sence then.anyway i had my 5 week post-op the day before i quit the meds.got x-rays done first an took em in with me well doc.comes in looks at them says everything looks good how ya feeling let us know when you want to return too work i gotta go.THAT WAS IT!!! my wife an i looked at each other like are you kidding me!! im asking questions as he's walking out the door an down the hall,an all he says is no break dancing yet(I WAS BLOWN AWAY)had sooo many questions to ask an never got the chance(i still can't belive it) ok thanks for letting me vent on you LOL LOL im sorry!!really missed talkin to you also.you dont sound bored to me more like bubbly(REALLY HAPPY FOR YA)BIG HUGGS..JEFF  CONT.
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I miss talking to you and want to hear from you. Pleases write me. Guess what I slowed down. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I don't want to **** you off. You have been a great help to me. THNAK YOU, hope to hear from you soon, hope all is well and you have been getting sleep! I miss your friendship and need your friendship to stay sane. WRITE BACK SOON. I will be lying around waiting to hear from you hope all is well. I need to know all is well. Hope you are almost human again. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. Please write soon. BYE FOR NOW AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE A POSTING FROM YOU.
P.S.  I don't want your wife to come and beat me up so I am doing what I should do, to the book.
BYE FOR NOW TAKE GOOD CARE AND I WILL TALK TO YOU SOON I HOPE. You are the only thing keeping me in line so PLEASE WRITE BACK.
Do I sound bored,well you guessed correct. HELP I need an  outlet. Tag your it, HA,HA,HA,HA, HA..............................................................
BYE till next time.
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Thanks for all your incouragement. This is my last week before the surgery, and I have been in some of the worst pain yet. Sometimes my family doesn't understand and financially I'm terrified!. somedays its all too much to handle and the "depression" meds don't do a thing. By the end of the day I have taken so many meds to keep out of pain - I;m just a zombie. I hate hurting and just pray that this surgery will take me out of it !. Thanks for your prayers !
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Hey guys,
Well I just walked over a mile for the first time. YES! Doing good so far. My left leg is a little pissed off, the doc did a fusion with a cage and four screws but he all so cleaned up all around the nerve hole on my left leg(also took out arthritist). I can feel it now. I am starting to wonder if those nerves even like each other they have been apart for so long. Just Kidding, I am sure it is just pain from all the work that was done and if not I will deal with it with rehab in 2 1/2 months. I have slowed it down a little but I am a wigggle worm and it is so hard for me to go slow. I learning. JEFF I DON'T WANT AN A___ WHIP'n so I will be good. Hope all is going well for you and your family. Let me know how it is going. Rescue304 I know the fear must be killing you just remember to breath and be nice to you. Just 1 extra nice thing for you per day that's all I ask.  I am sending you both all my Love and will talk soon.
Bye Luvs,
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go down slowly on your meds. they can slowly reduce them little by little. your doctor should be more than willing and your insurance company too or its rehab city and detox and its no great fun!
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hey,stephanie was wondering if you read my earlier post asking you what you suggest about the cold turky thing.i think im about ready to try something else besides these pain meds,not sure if it is gonna work yet or not.they got me goin back to work on the 14th an i'd like too be off them by then..................... what do you think???????????  THANKS........JEFF
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hey,beane great too hear your doin better, but c-mon if im not mistaken it's only been a couple weeks right??(may 27th?) you think your getting yelled at there,well maybe you can here me all the way from michigan(BECAUSE IM YELLIN TOO!!)you slowww down a little bit there young lady or im gonna be lookin for a plane ticket to cally. and i'll bring my wife(you don't want that) now you don't need any setbacks,your gonna have plenty of time in rehab to get all the moving around you need.get in your confy spot(bed,couch,chair) an just bark orders from there...lol RELAX PLS.this needs to last the rest of your life!!ok enough butt rippin for now,that ice pack thingy sounds great im gonna look in to getting myself one.i need about a 1/2 hour of ice every morning and it really helps so i could use something like that.i got sent home with this funny lookin belt thing i wear 4 hours a day some sort of electromagnetic to promote bone healing.wondering if they mentioned anything like that too you.i have to get an x-ray before my six week follow up appt. so will see if it works or not.i've been walking 2 miles a day now 1 in morning an 1 after dinner,so i wake up pretty sore and it's been one month for me.now you just slow down an relax till it's time for rehab.or the butt rippin is gonna start again!!....lol  i will talk wit you again soon YOUR FRIEND..........JEFF        
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Hey Guys,
Well it is already getting old very fast. I am not a person to stay down long so I am getting yelled at for not taking it slow. I walk often and try to help around the house (little things, I found out I can pick up almost anything with my toes) HA,HA> Anyway, The pain level is the worst in the morning. Like Jeff said very stiff. A friend that lives down the street also works at the hospital I was in so he was able to get me a Polar Care 500 Lite, it is a back brace that you can sleep with. What you do is put ice and water into what looks like a ice chest then plug it in and wear the brace, it circulates the ice cold water. It has been heaven and give me alot of relief. Rescue, I can not start rehab until three months from now. The pain in the hospital was up and down it depended on the person taking care of you. I had a PCA machine but at times I needed more than that. I have not  been down much, I guess it depends on the person. I have to be careful I don't over do at this point. My doc said,"You are unlike most of my paitents", I don't give into pain, which could be good or bad. O.K guys I have got go I still don't sit well at all. I will check in with you all soon.
Hang in there Jeff.  THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH
RESCUE304 I will talk to you soon in more detail. BYE
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hi,stephanie  ok now you really got me worried,my p/c doc.said that if i was to taper myself off that all i would do is just delay the inevatiable.he said either way wasnt going to be pleasant his opinon was to just get it over with!!(he said it wont kill me may just feel like it) WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST?!! i have a really good relationship with him an dont think he would steer me in the wrong direction.i've been doin some searching on the net.and everything i been reading has been 50/50 either way,im a little scared now but really need to do this before i go back too work(HELP!!!!....LOL).you said fused BACKED together,did you have it fused once already???i hope not!! if so im really gonna be concerned about my procedure, hope thats not the case!! thank you for your reply an please get back too me soon as you can.i have to leave for a few hours but will post when i get back home.THANKS AGAIN.........JEFF
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what ever you do - don't go cold turkey - its the worst that you would ever go through in your life and your doctor should not make you either. I'm also in the emergency medical field and it can cause serious side effects on your body, mind and bodily functions going cold turkey.  I'm having my surgery on April 25. My l4,l5,s1 to be fused back together with screws/nuts/bolts - LOL. its all i can do these days to get out of bed and get dressed. today - it only took me 4 hours to get up and shower and dress. resting about 30 min inbetween. some days are better but others - well you know.  Talk anytime. stephanie(rescue304)
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hi,stephanie i dont think im going to have to go too p/t this time. this was my second srgy. since dec.13.first one was too remove half of L5 an patch up L4(was leaking) i went to p/t after that, all mine was done in swimming pool.  had about 20 sessions,and they started out ok but were getting more painful as i went(also had numbness in foot an butt cheek) on so on my follow up appt. doc. had another mri. done.bad news was still had rupture an pressure on nerve.next option was fusion.he gave me awhile too decide went home an talked about it with my family.well i couldnt stay like i was so called back an said lets do it.had second srgy.march13,2 cages a plate an 2 screws.im getting better by the week but still dont know what to expect a year or 2 from now. they say i should be able to do everything i want in time.now my main concern is getting off these pills(been taking some sort of pain meds.since just after 4th of july)went to my p/c docter last week an talked to him about it he said best way was to just stop cold turky gonna be 5-7 days an everythings gonna hurt an going to feel like i got really bad stomach flu with all the symentoms(sry bout spelling).what are u having done? thank you so much for your comments an would love to talk to you more(it really does help)i'll be here for you if you wanna post back. huggs an prayers..........JEFF
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How much physical therapy do you have to go to and for how long? It has helped me more than you know to find this web site and talk to everyone!. Surgery is scheduled for April 25 at 11:30. I have lowered my dose of Fentaynl patched from 50 to 25 to lessen my resistance, but still taking Endocet 10/325 about 2-4 times a day - depending on the day. I'll keep praying for your recovery and good health!. THANKS AGAIN jsbags.  stephanie(rescue304)
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hi,beane was away for the weekend did'nt see your post till today,been checking almost daily for you to come back.i knew you would get through it just fine,been thinking alot about you while you were gone.im sooo happy everything went well,now it's all down hill (talkin from expirence)...lol.actualy tommarow is my one month postop.i have only been out of the house once since this weekend,been walking twice a day on treadmill waiting for my follow up appt. on the 24th. im feeling really good right now,really stiff in the morning have to ice it down every morn. just too get goin.now when you start getting up an around alittle better you post back too me an we can share all the gorey details...lol.maybe we can talk through e-mail.i told you god looks after special people!!(an thats what you are).i know you were pretty scared goin in an just maybe those little prayers from me may have helped!!(glad they may have help someone,lord knows they dont always work for myself)LOL.YOU TAKE IT EASY AND MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW ALL YOUR POSTOP INSTRUCTIONS!!! everythings gonna be fine............hope to talk to you soon............JEFF
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Oh, that is so great to hear !! I am so happy for you. They have now scheduled my surgery for April 25.  I'm still scared to death, but you have been so reassuring ! THANK YOU.  How was your pain in the hospital? home? how long have they said you would be bed ridden?  My prayers are with you. stephanie(rescue304)
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I logged on, this morning, intending to write to you.  Last couple of days I have read all of your post and was wondering how all had turned out. I am so glad to see you are doing great. I am so happy for you and your family. It is most certain a family ordeal!! At times, I have felt more sorry for my children, then anything.

I hope all continues well and wish you a very Happy Easter.

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