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flank pain while sleeping

when i am laying on my side i have lower back pain and it feels like my kidneys.  It is flank pain on both side then i have a hard time getting out of bed.  Any suggestions
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The pain sounds like a possible UPJ constriction/partial-obstruction.  The UPJ is a section of the ureter that can be pinched by nearby organs. Early-on, gravity can help drain the ureter, but it will become “clogged” without help of gravity (meaning the kidney is producing urine faster than the ureter can drain it, until pressure is high — or gravity is helping).

There will be very little hydronephrosis on Ultrasound so it’s hard to diagnose without advanced imaging.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello and Welcome,

Your questions and concerns are important to us.

I'm glad that you noted the age of this thread - it belongs to another poster - though they are no longer active. I encourage you to please begin your own post - "Post A Question."  It's a green box on the right hand side of this thread - among other places. You can copy and paste your question into the Question box. You'll get better visibility and it should bring you more responses.

There are a range of SX (symptoms) listed in the thread. Although I joined MedHelp in 2008 I have not been active in this community until recently. As I read these SX some leap out to me as possible kidney stones, others seem to be spine related - or some may be a kidney dysfunction/disease.

Another thought that comes to my mind is SIJ (Sacroiliac Joint) or SIJD (Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction).  SIJD is often overlooked and under-appreciated as a main source of low back pain (LBP) or the flank; research estimates between 15-25% of LBP comes from the SI joint.  

It's a difficult DX (diagnosis). SIJD does not usually show on any scans or x-rays but an astute physician including a D.O. or ortho can DX it. I have it and it took years to be DX.

I'll look forward to reading your new post with a more complete description of your SX.

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Hello I know these posts are old and not sure if any of you still visit this page. But I am having to same pain and it is driving me crazy. I can't hardly sleep and when I do I wake with the pain. I do drink a lot of sodas and sweet tea. I am going to start drinking a lot of water to see if that helps. I just wanted to know if anyone found out what it was causing this pain?? Thank you for you time. God bless.
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9785001 tn?1415898658
i have had this for about 3 years now. It has sent me to the ER, one time by a PT I was working with who called an ambulance, that's how intense the pain gets. It's good to not feel alone with this.
I get my pain only on the left side, right in the flank area. I as well was sent to a GI Dr. But nothing showed up. I do have many protruding thoracic discs which I believe are causing the pain. I also have a cyst coming out off the T10 left nerve root. Though these are often dismissed, I have done some research only to find out that many do suffer pain from these. I just happened to see it in a report of an MRI I had 6 mo. earlier, so Dr.s don't seem to bring them up. I would get a copy of your MRI to check. There is also a Intercostal nerves that run through this area and is something to check out.
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I have that also. I really do think it's muscle related. I notice that mine only happens when I have slept too long. It could be mattress related. I just got a tempurpedic mattress, and it seems to be worse since I got that. I'm going to get a softer pillow top mattress pad, and see if this helps. I also stay sore underneath my right rib cage.
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I'm 45, in relatively good health, exercise on and off, and have never had back problems.  After several nights not being able to sleep, I started doing internet searches and found this website.  My symptoms are the same as most posts:

Pain started around 2 weeks ago for me
Severe back pain around 4:30 like clock work
Pain woke me up and was unable to get comfortable and fall back asleep
Pain stopped after waking up and walking around for 15 minutes
Was able to sleep another 1-2 hours without severe pain when waking again

After reading all the posts I was worried about going to a bunch of doctor's appointments and getting no help and didn't want to spend all the money on a mattress not knowing if it would help.  I decided to follow the suggestion to drink lots of water and stay away from sugar drinks.  The 1st night there was no difference, the 2nd night I woke up but the pain was not nearly as bad, and the 3rd night the pain was gone.  It's been days now and no pain.  The only trade-off is that I wake to urinate 2 times during the night and about every 1/2 hour at work.  Not sure what the medical issue is, but it's gone.  I hope this helps.
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Did you're pain subside if you laid on the side with pain? Or hurt worse taking a deep breath in?
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That's what I was told mine was. It input happens at night, and RIGHT when I get up, its done and over. And it doesn't happen every night. Its strange. I also thought it was my mattress
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I know some of these posts are really old, but I just came across them, and have a possible solution.

I have been experiencing exactly what you all describe....pain in kidney area when sleeping that eases up 20 min or so after getting up.  Sleeping upright helps, been to every doctor/chiro/massage/etc with no results.  I have some chronic back pain from an injury a few years ago.  This particular pain started up about 3 weeks ago after falling asleep in an awkward position.

In passing, my physiotherapist mentioned sleeping with a rolled up towel under my back.  I always sleep on my back with my knees up over a big pillow so my lower back is eased, but I thought I'd give it a try.  Well, I'm on day 3 now and I just slept for 10 straight hours!  I'd say 95 % reduction in pain, just a little bit there that I can sleep through!  It seems overly simple, but I hope it works for even just one of you!
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I have this same problem and recently came across an article on Whipple's disease. I am going to talk to my doctor. I have unexplained anemia and joint pain without RA. You might talk to your doctor and see if it's a possibility.
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My nephrologist is now testing me for iGA nephropathy.  Diagnosis is via kidney biopsy, however hematuria, and proteinuria are suggestive of this diagnosis.  I am off to get these tests this week.  I have had the pain for nearly 10 years, left flank, relieved with urination and movement in the morning.  I will let you all know my resutls
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1394601 tn?1328032308
Stifness upon waking is a sign of MS.  Not saying it is but I would see a neurologist.  Also I wouldn't go near a chripractor until a neuro has taken of MRI of my cervical spine and brain.  They can do a lot of damage trying to help.
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my symptoms are similar those of most of you. pain in the lower back, under the ribs....seemingly where my kidneys are. usually later in the night or in the morning.  breathing in is very painful and getting out of bed is usually painful as well.  after being vertical for 10-20 minutes, pain usually subsides completely....although it has continued on past that time frame before.  mine began 4 or 5 years ago.  

possible correlations that i've noticed are the following.

it happens everytime i go to bed after have drank alot of fluids.  quite often if i get myself out of bed and urinate, the pain subsides rather quickly, but may come back again hours later while continuing my sleeping for the night, whereupon i may wake up again and urinate to subside the pain again.  

years ago when i had a very old warn out mattress, it seemed to happen much more but specifically on the side which i was laying on.  i ascribed that to bad support.

my own idea on the situation is the amount of water in my system. It seems that water is "pooling" in my kidneys because the pain subsides when i either stand up, or urinate.  It is a guarantee that i can urinate whenever i am experiencing this pain.

this is my analysis of the situation and is in know way supported by
actual medical research.
feedback would be muchly appreciated
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I have had the same pain in my sides when I sleep,off and on for over 15 years. I have been to doctors of all kinds test of all kinds but the only thing that seems to help is water. I have found that if I stop drinking cokes,juice, any thing with sugar or caffine and just stick with water for a few weeks the pain will go away!
Also a firm mattres helps. The reason my pain keeps coming back is because I cant stop drinking soda! But as soon as I get that pain I switch to water. Try drinking water for a couple of weeks. Just water! Nothing else! No sugar or caffinated liquids. Only good old H2o. try it eveybody and let me know how you feel!
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I have had the same pain in my sides when I sleep,off and on for over 15 years. I have been to doctors of all kinds test of all kinds but the only thing that seems to help is water. I have found that if I stop drinking cokes,juice, any thing with sugar or caffine and just stick with water for a few weeks the pain will go away!
Also a firm mattres helps. The reason my pain keeps coming back is because I cant stop drinking soda! But as soon as I get that pain I switch to water. Try drinking water for a couple of weeks. Just water! Nothing else! No sugar or caffinated liquids. Only good old H2o. try it eveybody and let me know how you feel!
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I have the exact problems!  After sleeping for some amount of time I am awaken by severe left flank pain.  At first, it only did it when I slept on my left side, eventually it also occured when on my back and once in a while even my right side.  When I wake up I am compelled to go ahead relieve my bladder and return to bed.  It has seemed the draining of the bladder was the solution.  I don't think that is what is now.  Look up "Nutcracker Sysndrome".  I believe this a restriction of the blood flow to the left kidney caused by the aeorta pinching the arterial vein feeding the kidney.  Standing up adjusted the aeorta off of the vein.  I further added another symtom of an onset of severe shortness of breath.   Enough so that my cariologist thought I had a heart blockage and did an angiogram.  It showed the heart to be in great shape and not the problem of the shortness of breath.  Adding these my sysmtoms together has now led me the Nutcracker Syndome and hopefully I have solved my pain and extremely poor lung capacity.  To all good luck!!
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Well my symptoms are all similar on my left side. I have seen all sorts of drs. My chiropractor thinks is a knot in my rib cage. My GI Dr has done an upper endoscopy an ultrasound of my abdomen and my kidney area and all came back clear. Know they are starting to question my mental stability. The pain is always there. I'm on paxil and xanax to try to calm my nerves. My urine looks like dark beer early in the morning. I also have very little appetite and have lost 30 lbs since thanksgiving. I have been really depressed I can't work and spend a lot of my time in bed which probably makes the problem worse. I'm going to schedule another deep tissue massage. I'm in bad shape if anyone has any ideas please share. I'm at my wits end and feel like giving up sometimes.
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I go to a message therapist and chiropractor and feel like I am 20 instead of 50 when I leave there, but when I go to sleep at night, that will usually do me in again with shoulder and upper back pain.  I did have whiplash 2 times and think that this may be the cause-if not any ideas? Lorraine
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I have this pain only after i have been asleep for a while its on my left side if i sleep on my left side its on my right side if i sleep on my right side i feel like the pain is my kidneys but i was thinking if i had a kidney problem it would hurt all the times not just when i am sleeping. I think the pain is not as bad if i dont eat much for that day. I have tried getting a new mattress but that didnt help does anyone have any answers
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Hiya. I have the sorta same problem, everytime I go to sleep and wake up in the morning I have a nasty pain in n my lower back under my rib cage, it feels like my kidneys are in such pain. I've researched kidney infections and I don't have any of the symptoms that have been said, I don't know what it is. But I'm only 16 so it surely can't be that serious...can it?ow
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I too have the same issue... It's been going on for quite some time now, about 5, maybe more, years.  I will go to bed for the night, but before I do so, I relieve myself by urinating.  Most of the time, I will wake up with this pain.  It's a deep throbbing pain, and it hurts to breathe.  I will get up, urinate, and when I lay back down, the pain will either be mild, or completely gone.  It's exactly where my kidneys are located.
I mentioned this to my GYNO and he said that it could be endometriosis, however; I have absolutely NO other symptoms, and apparently, men suffer from it too!  Apparently, he hasn't had other patients complain about it.  I seriously thought I was the only one.  My BF wants me to "get checked out", but I feel FINE otherwise.  Granted, I urinate often, but I've ALWAYS been like that.  
When I started on the pill, it went away for awhile, and I also noticed, that if I am in bed alone, it doesnt hurt as much, if at all.  Maybe stretching out, and having more room in bed is a must for all of us.

Has anyone received a diagnosis yet???  
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I have been going through this for a month. The description "I go to sleep and I wake in the middle of the night feeling like I am bent in half for days and every effort to straighten or un-kink seems to hurt. (But i am not bent at all)Its like sitting on your knees for 2 hours and then trying to straighten and just start jumping around except worse. It feels like knives that are stuck in vertebrates" is spot on. I also get the knife pain in my sides and the the pain often radiates around my ribs towards the center of my chest. Have had cardio and gastro and all other tests for internal problems the docs can think of. All conclude it is muscular. The biggest problem aside from the pain is the lack of sleep. I sleep maybe 3-4 hours at a time and awake with this pain. As it takes 2-3 hours for the pain to calm down with ice and heat treatment, I am simply not getting enough sleep.

I do take DiovanHCT for blood pressure control and have been on it for 6 years. This pain started a month ago after lifting a heavy object so I do not think it is the side effect of the med.  
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Hy everyone, I am amazed as to see how many others are going through my same pain.  I do not feel alone anymore.  I have been having this pain for the last 3-4 years.  I did get breast implants about two years ago, that may probably have worsened it, but still, I have always had this pain in my ribs, while sleeping and waking up.  Its like SJMCRAE says on her post, to take that first deep breath in the morning is dreadful...right?  But, I feel better now knowing you all are out there for support and very useful information! :)  have a great weekend!
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I'm relieved there are so many of you like me. Sorry if that sound sadistic but I was getting really worried. Doctors keep telling me it's muscular. My exact symptoms are alternating left & right pain under the rib cage in the front with usually followed later in the day back pain in the left & right flank / & back kidney area. It's not severe but getting worse by the week. Ive a shitload of blood tests gone off to the lab for analysis. Im hoping they come back clear.

God bless you all,

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