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toddler complains of back pain

I have an almost 2 1/2 year old son who began complaining of back pain in mid-October.  We had just had another baby, so I didn't really think much of it at first.  Then in early November he wouldn't walk, after x-rays and blood work all came back normal our pediatrician diagnosed him with toxic synovitis.  He began walking and was back to normal in a couple days.  However, the occasional complaint of back paincontinued, most of the time when he was laying down.  We took him back in to the Dr. and had more x-rays done.  Then in the beginning of December he began to complain of back pain when he was in his car seat.  Again, i just took it as he wanted out, nothing too alarming.  It has gotten worse that now he will scream like he is in enormous pain whenever he's in the car seat.  I have since paid close attention to what it is that hurts.  He always grabs for the middle of his lower back with his right hand and says that's where it hurts.  We had a Britax Boulevard carseat since April and were praying that it was the carseat that we went and got a new one.  Same thing in the new one.  I then began watching him sit.  When he sits he will not sit with weight equally distributed on both hips, he'll immediately shift his weight to one side or the other, or need to sit sideways with a leg up, then he's fine.  Since a 5 point harness prevents him from doing so, he can't figure out how to fix whatever it is that hurts.  This week he also started it in the stroller.  He will not sit on my lap without shifting to one side or the other.  Even if I distract him with TV or a snack or anything he's all over the place.  If I try to make him sit straight he will immediately begin kicking his legs and squirming his back all over the place, and then scream.  Our pediatrician ordered more x-rays but I don't know what else to do or who else to see for a consult.
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Did anyone end up finding a diagnosis for this? No one has posted for over a year ago, but my 3.5 year old son is experiencing back pain at the moment and I'm very worried.
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Something I hope everyone will try for the sake of your little ones my son started complaining of back pain at almost 2 so of coarse I was doing everything I could to find out why I even took him to a pedi chiropractor against my better judgement because I'm not into that stuff but the one thing that helped was fixing his mattress they tend to slump in the middle so if your lo is sleeping on there belly at all thru the night head and feet are up and belly back are down it bends them just enough to cause discomfort throughout the day my son would freak out in his car seat I would have to pull over and put a blanket or jacket behind his back but the mattress was the problem for us kid beds usually have a mattress that sits on a bed frame that is somewhat open in the middle leaving the mattress to rest just on the edges so the middle curves with any weight I hope this helps some of you !!!
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I think its OKAY to keep posting back pain stories and issues.  There are nuances in the different experiences that yield information and may be pieces to the puzzle.  Please do return though with solutions if you find any!  

Daughter also having screaming back pain in the car for nearly 2 years, some night terrors/waking but no back pain at night, and off and on complaints of knee pain. my daughter is 4.

Carseat at onset=Britax Marathon, two since no change
X-rays and MRI = both negative
Chiropractic= 2 different, only very mild success (one for over a year)

Latest Advice=kids can have an original injury to the back, pain receptors fire over and over and get kind of wired for pain in a particular area of the back.  Doc told us to us a piece of foam and cut a hole out of the back so her back would not touch the back of the carseat and rub oil on the area of sensitivity and while talking about how it is getting better.  Doubtful it will work but will let you know.    

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Please try a food elimination diet.  I kid you not...I was had knots all over my back for years...so much pain.  My husband said, "I have never felt so many knots on someone's back."  I have had them since I was a kid.  Finally, after tons of testing and no results, the doc said to try an autoimmune diet.  Lo and Behold, all the knots literally disappeared.  Pain gone, swelling gone, migraines gone.  I am still in bit of shock and it has already been one year.  Gluten is the culprit for me.  I have a gluten sensitivity.  I am also allergic to coconut of all kinds and corn starch.  I was desperate.  Please don't wait to try this.  If nothing changes, then you've lost nothing...but if it is the issue, you can literally heal your child.  I cannot have any gluten...not even pick up bread and then lick my fingers...I'll be in immense pain within 30 minutes.  
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PLEASE PEOPLE STOP posting your kids back hurts. It's been posted a 1,000 times already. Please post the SOLUTION since everyone clearly understands the problem. After over an hour reading posts here are the potential diagnoses others have posted:
1) Tethered Spinal Cord
2) Giardia
3) Lyme Disease
4) Dairy Allergy
5) Henoch-Schonlein Purpura  (HSP)
6) Spina Bifida
7) Discitis
8) Celiac Disease
I would Google a few of theses or talk about this list with your DR. I hope this helps!
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Hi mesimeri

  My name is Suresh and I saw your post from Dec 2008 (We have seen similar symptoms.  Our daughter, almost three, has complained sporadically of back pain for the last 9 months.  Sometimes we can go one or two weeks without a complaint, then she'll say at bedtime or in her carseat that her back hurts and puts her right hand on her mid to lower back.  No screaming pain, just the complaint.  Urine test normals.  X-rays were normal.  She otherwise plays normally and falls asleep at night).

    Our daughter who is 4 has been showing similar symptoms for the past 6 months or so. Can you please let me know how this issue was solved. We already had 2-3 doctor visits but no solution yet.

Thanks in advance
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Any updates with your daughter? My son is having similar issues. I hope you have some good answers.
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Hi, my son is having the same problem, what was the outcome with your baby?
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Hi, my son is having the same problem, what was the outcome with your baby?
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Hi, my son is having the same problem, what was the outcome with your baby?
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Posting our story...in the hopes of keeping this going so that the more people that find out answers, they will come back to post for those of us who still need help.

My daughter is 2.5 years - has complained about back pain for approx 1 year - and only in the car seat. We have tried multiple car seats, rear and forward facing (ended up switching back to rear facing because it is safer and because her feet won't dangle).  Ped checked her for kidney infection and fractured rib, both negative.

When she was 2 she stopped walking for approx 4 days - no weight on the foot which is the same side she complains of back pain  (her right side)  We had x-rays of the hip (and i think low back) done - they diagnosed transient synovitis.

We have found *some* improvement with a very reclined rear-facing car seat (we use the Diono Radian).  But she still mentions it. After the recent holiday and a long car ride, she was screaming. I DO think she has some sort of hip/spine imbalance because when I tighten the car seat straps, one seems much tighter than the other.  

Side notes: She is also a tummy sleeper and I wonder if this is hurting her back (I tummy sleep and have low back pain because of it).  We also have a long history of autoimmune diseases which is making me want to get her checked for celiac, rheumatoid arthritis, etc  

Will post back with any updates.
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Sorry to hear those posted that their kids are having back pain. I do hope that something will get figured out on to help the pain for them.
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my 3 year old daughter started complaining that her back hurt for the first time when she had strep throat a month ago. Since then she complains on and off and sometimes wakes up at night holding her back. I took her to ped and had urinalysis done to check for uti (came back clean). She does have a Britax car seat but doesnt usually complain while in it. I am concerned as to why it is bothering her and waking her at night. She has recently been diagnosed with GERD though she never had it as a baby. She took meds for it last night and didn't wake like usual although she did still whimper and moan in her sleep. I am going to look into some of these diagnosis from this page but do find it a little comforting that I am not alone. I am worried and do promise to update if anything is found.
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Some meds cause constipation. I suggest going to a chiropractor that specializes in children.  Meds only mask the pain, they dont fix the problem, pinched nerves will cause life long issues. massages can help also
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Children dont make up being in pain, there is a reason for it, whether its kidney issue or back/spine issue, dont brush it off, it could result in worse issues, a disc in the back going for a long period of time being pinched, does not get oxygen, becomes deadened, hard, the spongy ness of it is lost, t here fore bone on bone, which in a child has to be horrendous for life. Search for a good chiropractor, ask around, find one that specializes in children. I went to a few, some werent very good, in fact I would  worse, I ended up finding one that was Great, had young children of his own, and adjusted children. Ao  pinched nerve is nothing to disregard . Some meds will loosen your muscles up so that the nerve becomes unpinched. I dont know that they would prescribe those meds for young children, but chiropractors give immediate relief. Take care and good luck
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I came to this thread when searching toddler back pain.  My little girl is two and has held her back from time to time since she started walking, and now is able to say back hurt.  She also couldn't hold her weight on one leg a few weeks ago, collapsed to the floor thee times in walking four feet!  Scary!  So anyway, she has leg involvement that wasn't really mentioned in the rest of the posts, but we got a diagnosis or a start of a diagnosis anyway, so I thought I would share.  She was diagnosed hypermobile.  (Her joints extend further than they should, the wrong way.  Kids used to call it double jointed.)  So she will be prone to lots of sprains and strains and such and the looseness of the joints pulls on other muscles for support, including back muscles.  Also, someone mentioned putting a box under kids feet in car seats so that wouldn't pull on their back so much, well that sounds like it fits with the hypermobile stuff, so I thought I would post this, for what it's worth and I hope every ones little ones are doing well!!
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Should have said... my toddler also had a Britax Marathon carseat when he complained of back pains / tummy pains.  
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"Diono" is the only car seat that I could find,
that has no flame retardants. Uses fabric that has
natural flame resistance. Infant/Booster seat.
All in one. This eliminates a great amount of exposure,
but check carriage/strollers, highchairs or anything with
foam, and sleepwear. Labels will be on most everything somewhere.

Cover mattresses below, to avoid further exposure while sleeping. European research has claimed it eliminates all SIDS death entirely
when applied. They claim it's due to the chemicals in mattresses of infant cribs, etc. Babies and adult covers below.


other information FYI.

**GMO foods can cause the GI complaints, leading to back, etc
& would not be detectable in tests. Make sure little one's
are not eating any GMO.


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FLAME RETARDANTS in car seats. Britax uses some.

This could apply to some or many of the car seat related
complaints. Not sure, but I did lots of research on the
flame retardants in car seats.
Exposure to the flame retardants could cause skin problems
coupled with other issues from exposure. The body must
handle the chemicals through the tissues.
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hi...I am a mother of a 2year old boy and 1 year old daughter...my son has developmental delays with speech and motor skills and is still not walking independently. He is extremely unsteady when he does attempt to walk and can barely take 4 steps without falling down. He is getting speech and pt several times a week since he was 18months.  Labor and delivery was long but normal.  He had rsv when he was born and hospitalized for two nights and has since had rsv several more times as well as pertussis.  We took him to an ENT to rule out fluid imbalances which would explain the delays, an orthopedist and a neurologist who requested an MRI and bloodwork.  Everything came back normal. Some speech delays run on my husband's side of the family but nothing major.  I was  a late walker (17months)   We are taking him to another ortho on Monday to hopefully get x-rays of his hips done since the other ortho did not think it necessary.  
For the past couple of months whenever he layed on the floor he would put his hands underneath his lower back.I didn't think much of it  until he more recently does it whenever he is laying down on any surface.  Something that has been more alarming is when he walks with his push toys he will intermittently stop and put his hand on his lower back (either side) and also at times his butt(either cheek).  Since his speech is delayed he doesn't say he is in pain but he will at times make noises that indicate he is.  He is also more fussy when he is in his carseat (Cosco)He has more tantrums now which I know can be attributed to his delays as well as those infamous terrible twos but I am scared that he is in pain and that is why he is not yet walking on his own.   I have read a lot of helpful info in all of the above posts but was also wondering if any of your kids have trouble walking too.  We will continue to take him to doctors until there is some diagnosis.  I can longer hear "just wait and see" anymore..... God bless (:
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I read this post about a year ago when I was wondering why my 3 year old was complaining about back and tummy pains.  We thought it may be because of needing to have a bowel movement at first; however, it was not always linkable to this.  We took him to the doctor who said everything looked normal.  After reading through the comments on this post, I saw that some other children with similar complaints had a Britax Marathon car seat.  Seemed funny as we don't have a car and don't go anywhere on a regular basis.  Only twice a month or so; however, what I read really made me wonder.  So, we bought a new carseat prior to a big car trip that we took; we bought a seat that converts from 5-point harness to booster seat.  He looks much more comfortable in it as he is upright like his brother.  And, since that purchase... no more complaints about tummy and back.  Coincidence?...maybe... but, it seems a bit too coincidental for my husband and I.  I recommend switching to a seat that doesn't lean back as much and is more upright as soon as you can if your toddler is complaining... I feel so much better now that he is fine again!!  

I don't usually post to these types of things; however, I wanted to share my experience on this post.  

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my son in 20 months and he has been pushing like he is trying to have a bowl movement then he touches his back like it hurts but he is not constipated.  it has only been a week but im going to take him to the drs.  I was born with a tumor on my spine and all the drs told me nothing was wrong of course i had a birth mark on my back and my mom was worried about it.  she didnt give up and it turned out i had to have surgery at 7 yrs old to remove it.  im now 27 and perfectly fine.  but now that my son is touching his back and crying sometimes it makes me so nervous.  His kidneys were also check when he was first born because he had no cartilage in the top of his ear and his dr said it can be a sign of kidney problems but everything turned out fine.
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Diagnosis in less than a month:
My three year old twin daughter continuously complained that her lower back hurt, even during the night in her sleep!
After performing an X-ray the results showed everything was normal.  However, her pediatrician also found it alarming that she would wake up during the middle of the night with pain.  He advised us to see a pediatric orthopedic, so we did. The orthopedic suggested to perform a bone scan and cat scan of her lower back.  Toddlers should not be complaining of lower back pain in their sleep.  The results were contridicting; orthopedic said one thing and the test technician said something else.  So, it was suggested to have a third opinion at the orthopedic center in a well known children's hospital.  She was diagnosed with Spondolysis in her L-5.  Very rare in children at such a young age, normally it is only diagnosed in teens....especially since most doctors/parents do not take children's back pain as serious.  The first time I mentioned it to her pediatrician he assumed she was just mimicking an adult.
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Do you had any diagnosis? We have the same problem with my 2 years old daughter.
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This is such an old thread - but my daughter who just turned four is experiencing these same symptoms. Can any of you tell me what ended up happening in your case??
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