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Breast Cancer

Hi, My paternal grandmother got breast cancer in her mid 30's and beat it. My great aunt on my maternal side had breast cancer and died. My aunts, mom and cousins on my mom side have issues with lumps in there breast. It seems that every year they have to have a lump removed. Always benign.  

My paternal grandmother and I are like two pea's in a pod. Every health issue she had growing up I have gotten, right down to thinning hair and a short stature.

I guess I am wondering how likely It would be that I too will get breast cancer. AND isn't there a test you can take that will tell you if you are genetically at risk to get it.
35 Responses
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127512 tn?1193742216
It sounds like you are doing pretty good. Glad you had a great trip. I love going to the mountains. In fact the girls and I would much rather go to mountains than the beach. Anyways,  I have never heard that colon cancer could be related to breast cancer but I guess it could happen. I am no doctor and there are so many different research studies going on that it very well could be. Later.
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I'm so glad your trip to the mountains went well. The trip was probably good medicine for you at this time. You have a wonderful Christmas, too. Hope the pain is gone next time we hear from you.
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Hey, We made it back from our trip to the mountains!!  We really had a great time, it was good just to get away from everything.  I did very well on the trip.  We just took a long time getting there because we kept stopping for me to walk around.  It even snowed before we came home.  We had beautiful weather.  I go to the Pearlman Cancer Center this next Monday morning to see one of the doctors there to see if he thinks I need to take any meds.  I sure hope not.  I am an "herbal" person myself.  The nurse told me on the phone when she took my medical history prior to my visit, that even though there was no history of breast cancer in my family, that since my dad had had colon cancer(1985) that now there is a direct link between either parent having colon cancer and a higher risk in their daughters having breast cancer....have you heard that?  Anyway, will let you know the outcome.  For 2 days I felt terrible.  Today I feel better.  I have had trouble I guess with the feeling returning in some of the incision areas...and one spot of fat neurmosis(sp)(hard spot) in my reconstructed breast.  It's not as bad as it was, but at times I still have the pains.  Not sure how long these will last either?  Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that I am home again...we came in on Friday.
Hope all of you and your family have a blessed Christmas!
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Thanks for the info. I will pass it along. I hope things are still going ok with you.
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Another way to try is :  www.medicinenet.com
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is the website, or just go to GOOGLE.COM and type in
Raloxifene Equals Tamoxifen in Preventing Breast Cancer
this will give you links to a lot of medical pages on these items.  Let me know if you have success in doing this....
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Please do copy the article you mentioned. Or, if there is a web-site we can go to and read it, just copy the web-site. Thanks.
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127512 tn?1193742216
Snoopy/Montana girl - great news for you and your nephew. How is your dad? Thanks for the medicine info. I will search the site and call my doctor today to see if this is an option for me. Thanks Montana girl for thinking about me. Sorry I haven't checked in. Had a sick kid. I just hit the couch for a couple of days for some much needed rest. Husband went to Dr. yesterday to have a mole removed that came up in a couple of days on his temple. Was the size of a piece of pepper then three days later the size of a dime. The doctor froze it then instead of removing to send for a biopsy they burnt it off. Oh well he is the doctor what do I know. I told them when I made his appt. that skin cancers run in his family. Hopefully it want return. I do feel better today. Still dizzy from this med and somewhat emotional but like I said I feel much better today. Husband brought home some Christmas gifts for the kids. So he got some of the shopping out of the way. That made me feel lots better. I felt like things were closing in on me trying to squeeze in Dr.s appts between holidays. Sorry so long winded. Have a great day girls!
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No, I don't remember what he said it was, but when I find out I will let you know.  He said it doesn't have the same risk factors as Tamoxifen and he said it works differently.  I just really hope and pray I don't have to have to take anything, but I will just have to wait and see.  Thank you all for your prayers...We got wonderful news about our nephew yesterday afternoon...his aneurysm has disappeared!!!  The doctors are baffled...but we KNOW that God is in Control.  His pain has stopped and the bleeding has stopped.  They are keeping him 7 more days and then will rerun the tests to make sure...PRAYER WORKS...IF WE HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE!!!!
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Raloxifene Equals Tamoxifen in Preventing Breast Cancer
This is the medicine I was talking about.  There is an article about it, if you want me to copy, paste and send I will.  Let me know.  
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Thanks for the info. I'll pass it along and see if boninclyde wants the article. The Lord does wonderful things. I'm so glad to hear about your nephew.
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Yes, it is good to hear your good news. I will pray for the rest of your family. I'm going to share the info about an alternate drug for tamoxifen with boninclyde. She's having a tough time with tamoxifen. Do you know what it's called?
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I'm so happy that you recieved positive news from your doctor! I will continue to keep affirming thoughts for you, your dad, and your nephew. Seems we're often challenged in life...and darn it, all at once at times!! Stay strong and trust that we are all on the path we need to be on at this time.
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Wonderful news!  I went back to my surgeon today and he said the pathology report was great!  The DCIS was only in the milk duct; there were no signs of anymore cancer or any other cells present in any of the other breast tissue!  He said I would not have to have any chemo or radiation, but he still wants to make me an app't with the cancer doctor to go over the reports and see if he thinks I should take the antihormone meds or not.  He said now there is a new type rather than the Tamimoxifen(sp?) anyway, that is truly a praise! I go back to him in 3 mos. However, my dad did not get a good report.  He has to have surgery to remove the "axillary mass" under arm.  This is very scary.  Also, we got news this morning that our great nephew, 15 years old, was airlifted to Shands with a aneurism in his brain which is leaking!.  Keep all in your prayers!  Thanks for being so supportive.
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I don't consider myself a strong woman, I just have a strong faith in a Powerful God.  The Lord has truly been with me and my family through this.  I don't know how people go through this without Him.  I had gotten an e-mail prior to my surgery that stated about Will-Power.  It said if we are willing then God is Powerful, so there you have WILLPOWER.  Thank all of you for your prayers during this time.  I feel my strength returning every day.  We had a great Thanksgiving day yesterday.  I had dressing and all frozen that my sister had brought earlier so we had a feast.  My dad(84)was with us.  Keep him in your prayers, he has leukemia and is going to the surgeon on Monday about a large lump under his arm.
Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!  We have so much to be thankful for!
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Hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I have so much to be thankful for this year.  I am really doing great since my mastectomy with reconstruction.  I am getting stronger every day.  I am taking my herbs again which help greatly.  The seepage from my reconstructed breast has finally stopped.  I am still sore and have some burning around the incision areas.  I go back to the general surgeon on Monday, then to the plastic surgeon on Dec. 19th.  We are still planning on our trip to the mountains Dec. 2nd.  I guess I will get my pathology report on Monday.  I have hestitated on calling for the results, since everytime I've called to get results, they were not good.  Keep us in your prayers!  God is sooooo Good!
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So glad to see your post. I'm so happy that you are feeling better. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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127512 tn?1193742216
Been waiting for you to post. Sounds like you are **** well. Enjoy your vacation. You are a strong women.
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127512 tn?1193742216
Been waiting for you to post. Sounds like you are **** well. Enjoy your vacation. You are a strong women.
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Enjoy Thanksgiving and your trip. Yeah for your recovery.
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I'm glad you are healing well and feeling upbeat. Thanks for keeping us posted. My prayers continue...
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127512 tn?1193742216
Sounds as if things are going great. You have such a positive attitude. You are strong. Keep us posted.
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Just another update to let you know that prayers have definitely been answered for me.  I am getting stronger every day!  My stitches are beginning to itch, which my husband says that is a good sign of healing.  I go tomorrow afternoon back to the plastic surgeon's office to get the stitches removed hopefully.  I just sit, read, e-mail, or watch TV nothing else.  Last week our church families provided food every day, this week, my school co-workers are bringing food in every evening.  This is really wonderful, especially with my husband trying to work and not having a lot of time to do.  We have really been blessed!  I will just be glad when I am up and back at work.  We are still planning to go to the mountains the first week of Dec. then we will come back on Friday and if things are going well, I will probably go into work the last 8 days before we are out 3 weeks for Christmas holidays.  That way I will still have about 10 or 11 sick days left to use if needed.  Thank you all so much for your support and prayers.
Just keep praying all will go well.
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You sound wonderful, thats great.....
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