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Does God 4give suicide? I want 2 know ur opinion!!!

Just food 4 thought i ask people this question all the time! I would like 2 know what you think?
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518031 tn?1295575374
I want you to know brother right now there is a burning smell here in my room.....my brain is melting with this question....I have not found nything scriptureual to help me with this answere..so this is my personal beleif....if a person commits suicide, he is killing one of God's creation...so I would say that they premade thier destanation for the afterlife by doing this...so no I do not beleive they are forgiven for suicide
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518031 tn?1295575374
Please if anyone know of any scripture pretaining to ths please post because I could not find anything....thanks ....God Bless...brian
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203342 tn?1328737207
This hits close to home. We had some neighbors and friends who had a 15 year old daughter. She was the sweetest girl. She had become a born again Christian when she was 12 or 13 and did love Jesus. She was very active in church and youth group and loved the little kids and would always be willing to babysit. We were stunned and heartbroken like everyone else when one night she committed suicide. She did it at home, which made us wonder if she had wanted to be found before it was too late, if it was a cry for help. We found out that she had suffered from depression for years. Her parents did try to help with that but I don't know if they knew how severe it was. This was while we were stationed overseas.
I know some wondered if she made it to heaven. I firmly believe she did. Here's why. She was a born again Christian who suffered from a mental illness, depression. I think the Lord understands that. I think He also understands that teens especially act impulsively because their brains are still developing.
Besides, how do we know if the person didn't ask forgiveness at the last moment? We don't know. I believe God shows Himself to people in the dying process in some way or another. That's just how I believe, anyway.
Yes, suicide is wrong and a sin. It's destroying something God created but I don't think it's any worse of a sin than any other. If anything, I would think God would understand what causes a person to get to that point and that it's a mental illness.
I think if the person had ever believed and accepted Christ then they are saved. They may lose some rewards in heaven but I still believe they are saved. That's what I believe.

Ps. I also had a sister who nearly took her life several years ago and I was on the phone with her when it happened. I never want to go through something like that again. Thank God He saved her. I can't imagine my life without my sister. I believe God didn't let her do it because she's not there yet with Him but there are many of us praying for her so I do believe one day she will fully trust Him.

Like I said, the topic of suicide hits very close to home.
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Amen jolly i agree! No one has the right 2 take their own life only God the creator can do that! I think its a selfish act that comes from the pit of HELL demonic spirits! & in my opinion its a one way ticket 2 hell! But then i say 2 myself what about those people in the twin towers during 911 that jumped from those buildings! 2 their death im pretty sure they died b4 they even hit the ground beacuse of panic! God knows the heart & that is what he goes by! yeah this a pretty tuff ? Bs4c:
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Amen april i know the bible tells us that there is one sin that is unforgiven & thats blasphemy against the holy spirit! Not 2 mention accepting the mark of the beast mentioned in the book of rev!
I always say myself God must understands that persons heart! 4 them 2 even attempt suicide! But then i say 2 myself if a pesron comitts suicide are they really trusting in God!!! But then it goes back 2 God judging the heart!!!hmmm
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I found this at bible.com!
Almost everyone would agree that life is the most precious gift that human beings have been given. Just the chance to be alive on this earth and play a part in the grand scheme of God's eternal plan is a privilege indeed. Yet, despite this, there are times when life becomes so difficult or unbearable that many have, at one time or another, wished they were dead or had never been born. For some, these feelings linger--and if they linger long enough, suicide seems to be the only escape. In fact, in the United States (and stats are similar in countries around the world) the suicide rate has tripled among teen and young adults in the past 40 years.

What does the Bible say about suicide? How does God view it? Do all those who kill themselves go to Hell?

Very few would argue with the fact that suicide is a direct breaking of the Sixth Commandment which is, "You shall not murder." We are not to murder each other or ourselves. God created human beings in His image and each of us carries within us the potential to overcome the evil in this world, and to rule and reign with Christ in heavenly places. If we are Christians, we no longer belong to ourselves, but to God. We are overseers of our bodies and our lives (which belong to Him), and we are responsible to guard that which has been entrusted to us.

Suicide is a grievous sin that seriously hurts both the heart of God, and those who loved the deceased. The pain of losing a loved one who took their own life is not easily healed, and often isn't fully healed until Heaven. Whether you are contemplating suicide or know someone who killed themselves, God wants you to know there is hope and life for you. He is the great Healer and Restorer of what has been lost or stolen.

Many of the greatest saints and heroes of the Bible faced overwhelming depression and sometimes wrote that they wished they had never even been born. King David, (Psalm 13:2-4), the prophet Jeremiah, (Jeremiah 20:14-18), and Job, (Job 7:15-16) among others, all reached low points where they despaired of their very lives.

Job says, "So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my life. I loathe it; I would not live alway: let me alone; for my days are vanity" (Job 7:15-16).

Yet, each one of these men were blessed of God, and persevered through their trials as an example to us. Though they faced great suffering and injustice, they kept their faith in God and His goodness, and in so doing, were sustained and led into abundant life.

Though we may get depressed from time to time, we believe that the act of suicide never takes place apart from demonic influences driving one to take their own life. Suicide is directly counter to the power of life that God has put so strongly into His creation. Everywhere we look we see life growing, even in the most hostile environments. This "survival instinct" is a gift from God. In fact, if He didn't bestow this gift upon His creation there probably wouldn't be any life on this planet at all! Suicide, then, is directly contrary to the will of God, and originated in the realm of the demonic host, who come only to "steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10). Though demons may try to tempt us to kill ourselves, as Christians we have power over the devil and he cannot push us to do this if we sincerely call on the name of the Lord!

We are all in a spiritual battle. The problem is, many of us are not aware of it, and do not know how to protect ourselves against attack.

Do all those who kill themselves go to Hell?

Some people believe that all who commit suicide go immediately to Hell. However, the Bible never says if this is the case. The Bible is silent on this issue. God probably did not address it in black in white for a good reason. If we knew that we would still go to Heaven if we killed ourselves, there would probably be a lot more suicides taking place than there already are. However, if we knew that all who killed themselves were automatically banished to Hell, no matter what their situation, it may be too much for the grief-stricken family and friends to bear. Murder and suicide are not unpardonable sins. The only unforgivable sins are rejecting Christ (Mark 16:16) and blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

(Mark 3:28-29 KJV) Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

All other sins can be forgiven. However, anyone contemplating suicide may be in danger of going to Hell, as their relationship with the Lord is not intact at that point. Those who would consider suicide may have a severed relationship with Christ and therefore they would enter the real Hell--which is worse than the hellish feelings they are experiencing at the moment.

It is so important to remember that God judges each of us individually, weighing all the factors of our lives, our beliefs and our motives. Each one of us is so intricate and complex, only God could really judge us in total truth, wisdom, and without favoritism. The most important truth of all, is that each one of us will stand before His throne and give account of our lives. If we lived intimately with this sobering truth, much of the sin in the church and the world, would immediately be stopped.

If you are contemplating suicide and are relying on God's grace to get you to heaven, PLEASE stop for a moment....God's grace never means that we have a free license to sin! Those who willfully sin after knowing God's grace, are in far greater danger than those who know less. Though you may feel that God is far from you right now, He is much nearer than you think. He may even be speaking to you through these words! Please open your ears and hear Him tell you how valuable your life is. You are needed on this earth and the purpose for your life has not yet been fulfilled. God loves you, and so do many people around you! God would not be God if He could not work this situation (no matter how unbearable it may seem) for His glory and for the good in your own life.

Depression is often anger, and a host of other emotions that have turned inward and become frozen. If you are carrying anger, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, frustration, jealousy, despair, worthlessness, hopelessness, fearfulness, vengeance and/or self-pity in your heart, you can turn these things over to God and begin to receive your healing right now, in faith. If you don't know how to let them go, confess it to God and ask for His help in releasing it to Him. No one can overcome these things by themselves. We all need the power of God to set us free from sinful and hopeless ways of thinking. That is why the Bible tells us that we must be "transformed, by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2)." The Holy Spirit is the only One who can help us break free and be healed of these deadly emotions.

Just as ailments in our physical body need to be treated with medicine to be healed, the same is true of our emotions. One powerful way to fight against depression, is to apply and confess God's Word as a healing balm to the places where you have been wounded. For instance, if you have unforgiveness in your heart, begin to confess God's verses for love and forgiveness, even if they don't exactly feel true right at the moment. If you feel worthless, confess the Scriptures of God's great love for you. A rote, mechanical repeating of words may not do much, but if you deliberately take these living words and hold on to them for dear life, you will have the enemy on the run. The devil simply cannot stand against the Word of God spoken in faith. God's Words are like spiritual antibiotics, destroying every germ and unclean thing in their path.
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518031 tn?1295575374
I think this is probably the toughest question so far in this forum...there are good answeres, April sorry about the nieghbor girl and I do pray that your right, and she is in Glory, and praise God your sister is still with you....
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If you commit suicide, this would be the last thing you did and would not have time to repent for this sin, right? It could be called murder, desecration of the temple that houses the spirit among others. I will have to look for the scripture, but in my opinion, I would say no, it is not forgiveable if you have no time to repent. hmmmm,  However it would seem also that the age of accountability would have to come into play as well, and the fact that someone maybe influenced by devils or be possessed? The more I talk the more complicated this becomes, even to myself! lol   Off to look for scripture!
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Amen jolly! I even ask believers this question all the time! & they're pretty much where we are on this topic! Some say it's a selfish act! Others say well only God knows the heart! But 2 me now this is just me I don't care how hard times get I will refuse 2 let Satan plant that seed in my head & commit suicide! He did it once b4 2 me & he won't do it again! I have the power of Jesus 2 overcome such situations!
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Amen Sis! Yeah this one of those tuff ones! But this keeps the iron sharpened!
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(1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NIV) [16] Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? [17] If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God&'s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.
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When a person commits suicide is because the did not have the  necessary coping skill to what in reality was a temporary situation. It is written in the bible and a commandment, "Thout Shalt Not Kill" and that includes the self, but I believe that only God can judge. God is a God of love, mercy and forgiveness and I can't imagine God sending a person who was tormented in life to be tormented in death. I believe that God is merciful and will have mercy on the soul and give him/her the help that it needs, but the only person that can judge is God and He is Almighty, loving, merciful and forgiving. Judy
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also, an attempt suicide is a cry for help and painful human suffering in life, so I have to believe that there soul will get the help the needed and only God will decide in judgment what will be next for this soul. I know we have to pray for God's divine mercy and continue to pray for this soul that was tormented in life and hopefully find peace in God's mercy....just my thoughts and opinion :)  Judy
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203342 tn?1328737207
Thank you, Judy. This thread was getting difficult for me. I don't know why God allowed my sister to live and this teen to die. But I believe with all my heart that she is in heaven with the Lord that she loved. I think she regretted what she did. I believe God does not hold teens as accountable as an adult because their brains aren't fully developed. I don't ever presume anything.

I am going to ask one thing from you all. Please, if you ever come across this with someone you know, just comfort them and be there for them. It's not up to us to judge someone who was in deep pain and lost sight of God. We just don't know. We don't know if they regretted it at the last second but was too late to turn back. We don't know if they asked forgiveness at the last second or turned to Christ at the last second. We just don't know. We need to have compassion and pray that God will shine His light in this darkness.

God saved my daughter too. She was going down a pretty dark path for awhile there and was hurting herself. Do you have any idea how it feels to find a suicide note in your 14 year old's room? Or a stash of pills? And wonder if she really would have done it? I went through hell during those years and was on my knees a lot for that child. I didn't understand it. She was raised in a loving, Christian home. But Satan got a hold of her, anyway, for awhile there and I had to fight to get her back. I literally had to fight and pray and plead until I was drained and didn't think I could go on. But God was faithful and brought my daughter back and I will always be grateful to Him. There is always hope with God but we must pray for the lost and broken because some day it could hit close to home and be your child or neighbor or sister or brother. God loves them all. There is so much darkness out there and I fear it's getting worse. We need to pray for God's light to shine in that darkness and pray.
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God is not to blame, because He has given manking free will and choices in their decisions. Teens are very gullible to depression and suicide. Suicide is not of God, but of free will, choice and evil spirit planting the seed of doubt and lessening the value of life. Many time's it's a cry for help that went wrong. Some people take pills to draw attention to their suffering and end up claiming their life. I believe that God will have mercy and help this troubled soul and one day in His time they will be in peace and share in God's glory. Only God can judge and no one else.  Rest easy, there is always mercy and forgiveness with God. All things are possible with God, in life and death.

p.s. I attempted suicide when I was 17 and God had mercy on me and I was blessed to live to tell the story, because I walked the shoes...God is merciful and loving and gave me a second chance and will help the soul that did not have coping skills to deal with their problems. Rest easy, He will never permit her to ever suffer in death as she did in life. Judy
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203342 tn?1328737207
God had plans for your life just as I know He has plans for my daughter. I always believed that. Even when I couldn't see anything good for awhile there when my daughter was out of control and running away and so sad and rebellious, God told me to pray believing and I did. I would pray Jeremiah 29:11 over her and remind God that He had good plans for her life. I truly believed that He'd use her in a powerful way once He got her through this dark time. Because of what she went through, she can now help other hurting teens in a way others might not, because she's been there.
I had a dream once of her speaking before thousands of young people. Whether or not she does that, I don't know but I do believe God wants to use her in a very real way to share His goodness and mercy, to show hope. Because of what she's gone through she's really matured well beyond her years and has a true love for the Lord now and a very real faith. God brought good out of this dark time and He wants to do that with everyone.

Something Cassie Bernall's mother said in her book about her daughter (the girl shot at Columbine High school) really touched me. She said she wrote the book to encourage parents everywhere that "No child is ever beyond the reach of God". Cassie reminded me so much of my own daughter. She went through a lot of the same things. But God brought her daughter back a year before she was killed at Columbine. There is always hope with God. No one is ever beyond the reach of God.
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518031 tn?1295575374
You are correctif you know someone going through the tragedy of a family members sucide comfort them and pray with them...Only God can and will judge the person...this is such a hard subject to discus and I would like to say to everyone who posted on this thread....THANK YOU...there are different opinions and thought, but they were done with love and respect and I wish the whole of med-help could see how Christians can discuss a subject where some have differing opinions, but they do it the way it has been done here and 99.9% of the threads we have.. God is using this site, and all the Glory goes to God...hallelujah....God Bless...brian
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Bible Question:  Just this week we had a recently saved friend commit suicide. What does the Bible say about this and how can we help counsel the family?
Bible Answer: Suicide is a tragic event. It is the end of the road of life on this earth. It is the result of pain in the heart. It is a cry for the pain to stop. That is why Judas committed suicide,

  Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." But they said, "What is that to us? See to that yourself!" And he threw the pieces of silver into the sanctuary and departed; and he went away and hanged himself. (NASB) Matthew 27:3-5

Judas had committed a terrible sin and he could not live himself any longer. He hated life. He hated himself. Life seemed empty and hopeless. When life seems to not be worth living, men and women remove themselves. The pain seems to be to great. There are other men in the scriptures who committed suicide for these same reasons: Saul (1 Samuel 31:4), Ahithophel (2 Sam. 17:23), and Zimri (1 Kings 16:18-19).
      God Forgives. Our next question is, "What happened to them when they died, did they go to hell?" The following verse will help.

  Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. (NASB) Matthew 12:31

There is only one sin that God will not forgive - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This sin is called the unpardonable sin or the unforgivable sin. It is believing in your heart that Jesus was not God. It is believing that He did His miracles by the power of Satan. All other sins God will forgive. That includes suicide. Notice the scripture said, "any sin . . .shall be forgiven men, but . . ." Now that includes suicide. If the friend was a Christian, they went to heaven. If they were a non-Christian, I am sorry to say, they went to hell and will eventually spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Conclusion: Suicide is a sin that God forgives. He loves the broken hearted, desperate, suffering and those who feel hopeless.

  The LORD is near to the brokenhearted . . . (NASB) Ps. 34:18  

Does this describe anyone reading this? If so, this poem is for you,

  God understands your sorrow,
     He sees the falling tear,
And whispers, "I am with you,"
     Then falter not, nor fear,

God understands your heartache,
     He knows the bitter pain;
O, trust Him in the darkness,
     You will not trust in vain.

He understands your longing,
     Your deepest grief He shares,
Then let Him bear your burden,
     He understands and cares.

                              Oswald J. Smith

We will be praying with you for His comfort . . .
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203342 tn?1328737207
Teko, you don't know how much this means to me! Thank you so much for posting this. This has brought great comfort to me. I only wish I'd have run across this years ago and maybe I could have shared this with the family who lost their child. I still think about them to this day. I know this tore apart their family. I know they were believers, though, and I pray that they have finally found some peace.
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547913 tn?1317355667
Well my Good Brothers and Sisters, To me attempting suicide is a very loud cry out for "HELP" from a person who is in a very very dark place. If you see the signs and symptoms of another Brother and Sister who might be contemplating suicide put forth your Hand  and show True compassion and guide them to medical help ASAP!!!! Prevention is a wonderful thing. GOD knows what is in Our Hearts. There are so many variables when it comes to suicide for man/woman to make a judgement call for our Brothers and Sisters  after life "Eternity". GOD is the only judge! Our job is to take notice when our Brothers and Sisters cry out and Help Them by being there a "light" a True Friend and guide them to the help they need.

                               The hero is the one who kindles a great light in the
                              world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets
                               of life for men/women to see by. The saint is the one
                           who walks Bravely and with Courage a Warrior for Goodness
                              through the dark paths of this world him/ herself a light
                                                     ~ Felix Adler, Jewish rationalist, and intellectual
                                                                                  (1851 -1933)

                                     "Sing to the LORD, you saints of His;
                                                  praise His holy Name.

                                                                                   ~ Psalm 30:4
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495284 tn?1333894042
I firmly believe that God forgives the ones who commit suicide.  Yes it is a selfish act but these poor souls are so sick.  I understand the depths of hell they enter and for some they just cant see the light.  I believe God takes their hand and shows them the way.          sara
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945463 tn?1266521933
Many times in my life I have contemplated suicide. I grew up in foster care and for a good portion of my life I hated God. I have attempted suicide twice. Both times I died. Obviously I was brought back. Both times my plan was flawless. Both times I failed. Something truly different happened on the night I got saved. (I am currently drafting my testimony that I will put up on a later date.)

Shortly after I turned 18 I met up with my Aunt Paula. She told me about this great church she was going to and invited me to come along. It was a bikers bible study group. It wasn't really my thing but in the next room was a college sunday school group. After I finally got up the courage to check it out I went. I felt so alone there. There was a group of about 60 or more kids my age but they all seemed to have known each other forever. I didn't feel like I belonged so I didn't go again. About two months later I got a little tiny card in my mailbox. I knew it was hand delivered because it had no stamp or address just my name on the envelope. It was from a girl at sunday school. Just saying she was thinking about me and wondered how I was. She also left her name and number. I must have called her number more than a hundred times before I let her answer. I didn't understand why I needed to call her so much. Finally I let her answer and she invited me to a bible study they had on friday nights. She said it was very casual and had free food. I am not normally the type to turn down free food but I did several times before I agreed to go. We got there and she introduced me to several people and then we all went into the living room where the pastor started the lesson. It was about miracles. He had asked if anybody had ever experience a miracle, I started to think trying to find even the smallest of miracles. Then I said to myself no I haven't. Never in my life could I find a miracle. After that thought I kinda of left. Physically I was still siting there but what I was experiencing was something I had only saw in movies. I was reliving ever event in my life when I was scared, hurt, or dead but from kinda an outside view. I was watching it happen. In every moment of my traumatic childhood even the times I had died I saw this thing there with me. I couldn't make out exactly what it was but there was something always there with me. I don't know if it was God or an angel but it was something. At that moment I realized I had experienced so many miracles. So many times I had died, not always by my hand most were times that involved my mother or her boyfriends but the fact that I was still alive that I had made it threw all those years. Even when I hated God he was still there. After this epiphany I came back to where I was sitting. The pastor was wrapping up bible study and he said for everyone to close there eyes and bow there heads. He said that if anybody has not excepted Jesus into their hearts to pray silently along with him. Afterward I felt different. It is not a feeling I could explain but it was a wonderful feeling. I talked to the pastor after everyone went to grab their food and I told him that I prayed along with him. We talked.

Honestly I have never found the answer to what would have happened if I did kill myself. I have gotten many answers over the years. One thing I do remember hearing is that God sent Jesus to die for all of our sins. Suicide is a sin because it is murder but so is lying. The main thing I have been told by others is that suicide is a sin because you can not pray for forgiveness. Which raises the question if I told a lie and then died before I was able to pray for forgiveness does that mean I can't get into Heaven. Now I have also been told that in God's eyes sin is sin. Murder is no different than lying because they are both sins. Truthfully there is most likely a reason God did not include the answer in the bible.
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Yes this is a tough subject! But God gets all the glory we have posted on a thread where there absolutltey no doubt should have been heated! But I plead the blood of Jesus banner so that won't happen again! Thank God! I'm so proud of u guys all are good answers! & thanks teko 4 shedding light on a difficult topic
& April with all respect do ur wish is sincerely granted! ((((B.O.L.D.))))
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599170 tn?1300973893
when I was very active in our old church before we moved a young man not a member but a members family member. Did it hung himself. My Pastors words this yound man had dealt with severe mentalmillness for years , God is a kind andloveing /god he my Pastor believed in all firmness this man would be in Heaven. We discussed this at lenght at bible study instead of bible study that day/ I dont think this issue is cut and dry I personally believe it depends on the variables.
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