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Progesterone went from 4 to 191 on clomid in one month!

Hi i have been on clomid 100md day 2-6 and went for my day 21 progesterone and last time i had it , it was at four the result came in at 191 this time. Im worries and not sure what this means is it good or bad???? what could it mean, Im confused!
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1568930 tn?1326706216
no problem at all, i work in an office so i'm logged in all day lol...think i'm expecting to see some change in my tracker that indicates pregnancy, i do honestly feel crazy at times lolol!  I'm suprisingly chilled out this cycle...just hoping i continue to ovulate without the clomid and dare i say get my bfp before lap n dye on 25th May (wishful thinking).  Ive booked a progesterone test for the 3rd May which will be cd 23 not 21 but as i tend to ovulate late i dont think it will make that much difference.  I just hope i get my pos opk and a good prog result...natural ovulation is more than i could have hoped for even if i dont get a bfp, lets face it its half the battle lol....let me know how you get on 8 )
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Thanks for looking and sooo quickly lol. Im just going to try and keep to my temp taking and see how it goes and try not to get stressed. Though easier said then done.Ive added another post asking people to look at my chart hoping someone does but thank you for trying to help me as much as you have and i hope you have good news soon also! How are you getting on with yours?
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1568930 tn?1326706216
Oh thats better.  Yes your progesterone result showed you ovulated (massively lol) but the charts should show you round about what day as it happens just before your temp spike.  I cant see where you ovulated but i can see where your temps started to drop as af arrived.  Lots of things can effect your temps too i.e if you don't take them as soon as you wake up, sleep disturbance, illness etc....temping does'nt work for everyone, some people get a clear shift and others dont.  The main thing is BDing, if your doing that all bases are covered so i really would'nt worry (I know, I know...near impossible lol).  I dont get my pos opk till CD 16/17 on a 28-31 day cycle, so you may not have had it yet.  I suppose you could get it earlier or later and it could depend on your cycle length.  If you feel it's stressing you out by testing then dont do it...just BD every other day and let your 21 day test confirm ovulation.  Maybe you could ask one of the girls who temp as everything i'm saying is in no way expert advice lol...just what ive picked up on these sites, i will keep stalking your chart though incase i see that temp spike lol 8 )
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Just added it and i think i must of ovulated last month before i had my progestrone done on or around the 20th march i dont know. They said i defo did last month. Its all so confusing. My last period was a strange one i started after having intercourse then light flow for a day or so then it stopped nothing else. Weird but im sure normal . I havent had clomid this month as it was to late after they said i could go back on it, Thank you for all your help. I just havent got a clue .
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1568930 tn?1326706216
Hiya...ive just had a look at your chart and notice you have not recorded your period and therefore its not showing your CD.  Do you know the date of the 1st day of your last period was if you record this on your chart it will automatically show your CD's?  If you record it on the chart ill have another look.  I no expert on temping b/c i forget to do it lol but i believe that there will be a consistent increase in temps after ovulation so this only indicates when it has already happend, which won't help if you want to BD to catch ovulation but will help confirm that you have indeed ov'd.  Your temps then start to drop before af shows her ugly face and i think your temps stay high if you've hit the jackpot! Perhaps you could just keep a note of you temps and then put them all on together when you get change to jump on here.  let me know when you've added your period and ill have another look as its hard to interpret without knowing what cd your on.  Keep going with the opk's it just might not have happened yet 8 )
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Hiya Liz i have been trying my opks but nothing seems to come up :( and i chart my temp on here every morning but i dont quite get it if iim honest... are you able to see it? if so what do you think? nothing seems to be working. Only thing to do is try every 3 days and that covers almost every day of the month and my partner isnt complaining lol but feel thats the only way. Any ideas??? Hows yours going???  8)
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1568930 tn?1326706216
Hi Missc372

Good news about going back on clomid.  I'd continue with the opk's i test twice a day about 11am and 6pm (dont want to miss it lol) and i normally start testing cd 10...i buy the cassette style ones off ebay there about £3 for 10.  Maybe you could monitor your bbt and cm too, although if your anything like me the last thing on my mind when i wake up is taking my temp and always forget lol, also i never seem to get this EWCM so that doesnt work for me either.  If you just BD every other day you wont miss it and then you'll have your 21 day bloods to confirm you have ovulated.  I always ovulate on cd 16/17, perhaps if you monitor your bbt, youll have an idea of your ov day for your next cycle (assuming it will be round about the same day every cycle...give or take a day either side) that way you can BD every day for those few days......you'll start to figure out your cycles.  I went from having them 2-3 a year, but when i started the clomid (and since finishing it) my body seemed to do everything at round about the same time every cycle, and now i know it inside out....hope this helps 8 )
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Yeah thats right Liz ours is different to the US. Ovulation is anything over 30 they were concerned with mine due to it meaning i multiple eggs ovulating. But been told today doc said i can go back on clomid just a lower dose of 50mg and see how i do for 2-3 months. But he was no help to aid me in knowing when im ovulating so going to try do research find out how i can tell when im about to ovulate because my opk kits dont show up anything :S any ideas??? I feel i need as much help as i can get right now but it is good i can go back on the clomid. Just keep fingers crossed.Have got another progestrone to go for when i start my next batch of clomid just hope this month isnt as harsh to me as last month. My body just having a rest this month. As soon as my next period comes along i can start it again. Im also trying to be alot healthy hoping that aids me too. Sorry if sound abit all over but just trying to work things out lol and looking or abit of moral support i think . Thank you both :)
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1568930 tn?1326706216
are you in the US?  i think they measure differently so dont be alarmed if your measurements arent as high as missc372.  I think in UK measurements it has to be 30 or over to indicate ov...is that right missc372?  I think it also depends on ov day, ive heard you need to be 7dpo for an accurate measurement obviously the day 21 test wont be accurate for everyone as we all ov on different cd's.  I think the 21 day test is based on a text book 28 day cycle with ovulation at cd 14.  If you ov'd on cd 19 you would only be 2 dpo on 21 day test....and therefore your measuements would'nt be as high at 7dpo.

I'm no expert its just what ive picked up of various sites....but this would mean you results may have been higher if taken at 7dpo, hope this helps to make you feel better 8 )
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1657254 tn?1327098055
Thanks for the reply!  I really hope your appointment goes well tomorrow! What about your progesterone levels alarmed your doctor??

It kinda makes me nervous I havnt had any monitoring or any additional testing done besides an ultrasound for cysts and bloodwork before starting clomid.  My periods are so irregular coming only 2-3 times a year I don't know if its the cysts, my tubes, my hormones or what is truly the cause of the problem!  My doc said I don't ovulate either.  Guess that's obevious with my lack of cycles!

I think my doctor mentioned having my tubes checked at my appointment to start clomid, that we hadn't done it yet. But  I didn't really know what I needed/should do that's what she's for lol.  But advise from friends on here I must take charge of my fertility.  And thanks to all of the women on here I am learning more than I think I ever would with my doctor.

I'm seeing an OB/GYN. I've only taken 1 round of clomid 50mg cd 5-9.  I guess it went well some mood swings and hot flashes and I think I may have had ovulation pain I felt in my left ovary...not sure though. My progesterone level was 7.2 and they said I ovulated.  I'm on cd 28 now and I know I tested too early but I've had 2 BFN so far...

It is very helpful to talk to other women who are going through the same thing.  We learn off eachother and it is nice to have someone to talk to. I appreciate your help Thankyou!

**SSBD** : )
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I had the lap and dye first before they put me onto the clomid because my specialist said there would be no point in starting clomid until they knew my tubes where ok. One was damaged but other clear so i am abit confused as to why either of you havent had this done yet. But different people work differently and it could be even down to why you cant concieve. I only know i dont ovulate and and thats why im on it. As for the level in your progestrone i was also very confused over this because i was told it was good and then my specialist came back with concerns of it and requested i stopped clomid until i had a scan which was done last thursday and tomorrow i discuss with him if im going back on clomid or if any damage has been done so it does get you all over the place. So dont always rely on what you read it does mess with your head. I found i didnt get much advice from anyone other then on here. If you can i would try asking for the lap and dye now so you are aware if there is any blockages. I found that i had a high risk of etoptic because one side is damaged so im aware of that. Try speaking to somebody about this all they can say is no but at least you tried. Then they might be able to explain exactly why you havent had it yet. What dosage of clomid was on? if you dont mind me asking  and did it go ok for you??I stuggled abit on it but it hasnt put me off! The end reward is so much better  and worth it. I am going through a specialist at the womens clinic for fertility who are you seeing?? Hope ive helped even if its just a little any other questions shot and ill try to answer if i can. I have found this was the only way i got answers on here... speaking to people like us. Good luck ssbd :)
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1657254 tn?1327098055
Hey!  I just had some questions for you ladies if you dont mind.  I just went through my first cycle clomid and had my progesterone level checked and it came back 7.2  My nurse said that means that I ovulated.  I was very excited because it was my first cycle and I know sometimes it can take time for that to happen and just knowing clomid worked for me was a big step.  

Now a few days later my mind is going crazy.  Just reading all the different progesterone levels women have I feel like mine isn't high enough.  I mean does that matter if they said I ovulated?  Just from some things Ive read (because my doctors office has yet to call me back)  you need a high progesterone level to support a pregnancy.  7.2 humm I dont know...

Lizwishes-  I know how you feel.  I have said the same thing to fiance how I sooo hope that I can provide a child for him.  I will be soo heartbroken if it doesn't happen.  I mean we are built for this (or supposed to be) to make babies.  When will it happen!!!  My parents cant wait to be grandparents.  My sister has autism and my brother doesn't really want kids so its pretty much all on me : (

Since they said I ovulated I guess its a good thing but should I request a lap and dye? With me too they said because of my irregular cycles (only coming 2-3 times a year) and finding a cyst on my right ovary pretty much confirmed PCOS.  But I don't want to go through all these months of trying to find out my tubes were blocked the whole time.  You would think that would just always be what they do first to rule that out as a potential problem.  What happens if they are blocked??

I really need some advise.  My doctors office doesn't really seem like they are there for me.  I also wonder if I should just quit messing around with them and find and RE.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this and sorry if its all over the place! Im just kinda lost...

I WISH YOU BOTH the best of luck!!! *SSBD* : )
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1568930 tn?1326706216
Yh me too, it's nice to chat to someone who truly understands! I'll definatly keep u updated and u too, let me know how u get on with ur next appointment and whether they decide to start u back on clomid, I'm sure they will! Good luck on ur jorney let's hope it's a short 1! 8 )
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My current daughter isnt the child of the man im with now. He has no children so i understand when you say you wonder if it will cause problems with him in the future. My current partner also tells me that it dosent matter and we didnt get together for just that but i stilll want to have a baby with him. After i had my daughter i didnt want another i was content until i met my current partner alll that changed. Thank you for your honesty and opening up i feel like you have made me feel better then anyone else has managed to do in the last few months. I do wish you all the luck and keep me updated! and i have enjoyed chatting to you. :)
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1568930 tn?1326706216
i know how you feel....we dont begrudge them their baby, we just want one too.  I have felt really bad at times, i feel a failure because i cant do the one thing that every woman should do most naturally.  I have good days and bad days...today is a good day but yesterday i was really depressed...i just get scared that maybe i will go through all this and still never have a baby.  I also wander if it may cause problems with my partner in the future, he is great and really supportive but its only natural that he wants kids of his own and i get scared that i wont be able to give them to him.  He goes mad at me for saying things like this lol.  i think its totally normal to feel this way...i just hope that one day ill see two lines and get to be a mommy.  Its really weird but i spent my teens and early 20's saying i never want kids...and now look at me lol.  Heres to our BFP's!!
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Im in Blackpool u??I get completely what you mean about friends being pregnant my best friend is pregnant at the moment and she admits she feels bad when telling me how her pregnancy is going and she  only tells me because i ask i just wish she would understand im happy for her i dont feel anything bad about it. I already have one child aged 9 and she was a shock but i was only 19 and the docs where shocked they said then i would struggle with pregnancy because i had polystitic ovaries however when me and my partner went to specialist this time in oct 2010 and they scanned me i no longer had that and it had somehow gone but i was no longer ovulating. Although this time seems my body dosent want it and it is struggling with treatment.I struggled with hot flushes, crying (over everything) and alot of pain which was obviously down to me ovulating but at time nobody knew why and it was scarey i just wanted someone to say its ok you are going to feel like this but nobody could.I am going to push forward because i know its worth it!!! Have you felt bad in yourself over all this? i felt every now and again like less of a women because of it. Hope thats normal.
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1568930 tn?1326706216
well an ultra sound showed cysts on both ovaries so they assumed this along with irregular cycles was the problem.  Now i have been ovulating but still no bfp they want to check tubes etc....isnt it stange how they all do it differently! Wish they'd done the lap n dye 1st perhaps i wouldnt still be waiting for my BFP!  where about are you?  I did clomid days 2-6 too and ive been quite lucky in that i had no pain really...just hot flushes and mood swings lol.  i really love this site, as much as my friends and family try to be supportive they will never truely know how i feel and how this is taking over my whole life, im an obsessive compulsive at the best of times lol.  They all have kids or are pregnant and i'm so pleased for them and not at all jelous but i just wish it was my turn.  My friend told me she was pregnant the other day (well actually i guessed) she burst into tears and felt awful because of my situation...i felt really bad that she felt she couldnt share her good news with me!!....i never wanted to be the person no-one wants to share their news with 8 (
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Forgot to say i am also in the uk. I am suprised you didnt have lap and dye first? was there any reason for that? so many doctors work differently.
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They did the lap and dye first as my doc told me that there was no point in starting clomid if my tubes was blocked and then the lady who did the lap and dye told me tube was blocked when they did it because she said she couldnt get the dye through but my other was open. They did tell me then and there which was good. They started me on 100mg straight away as he said he knew what my problem was as i wasnt ovulating and i did one month but had such severe pain from it then i found out i ovulated from 4 to 191 which was incredible! i have to admit. Then my doc stopped it until i had another scan to make sure everything is ok. So go back on thursday and hopefully discuss our options then. I plan on asking for a iui along side the clomid to see if it helps.I also took the clomid on day 2-6 of my cycle what about you? I find it hard to explain to people when i discuss why i have to have help to concieve but this site makes it easier. How have you found it?
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1568930 tn?1326706216
dont worry about your cycle length as long as you have one thats the main thing.  My normal irregular cycles only lasted about 3 days (when they showed lol) with light flow, while taking the clomid they lasted a little longer but with a medium flow, so mine were different too...honestly dont worry, a shorter period is fine!  Did they start you on 100mg??...seems a little high to start!  How many clomid cycles have you done?  I'm in the UK and they always start on 50mg, if that works they leave you on it, if not they up your dose to 100, 150 etc.  They will probably lower dosage to 50mg, which according to your results on 100 will still work!  No probs thats what we're here for, i'm asking questions all the time!  Did you get lap n dye results before you went home or did you have to go back for them?
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I already had the lap and dye and it showed one of my tubes was damaged but one clear they did that before i was put on the clomid. I also have irregular periods , my problem was i didnt ovulate which clomid has made me do last month. I was on 100mg so lowering it maybe a option. But i found that my period this month was only 3 days where mine is usually longer.. have you had anythig like that while taking clomid? sorry so many questions .
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1568930 tn?1326706216
yes i think they worry about cysts if your over stimulated, if thats the case then they may just reduce your dose.  I'm just on a clomid break, i did 4 cycles and ovulated every time but still no bfp...im having a lap and dye in May so ill stay off them till them.  No point taking them if my tubes are blocked is there!   On the plus side this was my 1st cycle without clomid and ive still ovulated and had a normal cycle length!! This is not normal for me, i dont ovulate naturally and my cycles are very irregular, it may just be the clomid still in my system or perhaps its kickstarted my body....who knows, the next few cycles will confirm i suppose.  Good luck at the doctors, i'm sure you'll be fine and back on the clomid with a bfp!!!  keep me updated 8 )
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I was very happy about this until my doctor told me to come off clomid until i had a scan make sure no damage was done which was last thursday and i go bk in to see him this thursday see what he says then,Im hoping to ask for the iui along side clomid not sure if they will agree or not. How are you doing with yours?? was you on clomid also. Goodluck to you too :)
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1568930 tn?1326706216

my results went from 4 to 104....it does mean you ovulated and infact probably released more than one egg.  My dr said that i had such a good result that i should be very aware of multiples, your is even higher than mine so thats very good indeed...good luck! 8 )
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