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Colonoscopy Worried help

I go in for my second colonoscopy in 3 days. My first question is: After the procedure, how best can I avoid a C-diff infection? I had one last June after I took a broad spectrum antibiotic and I fear it happening again. What diet or probiotic supplement might help prevent this? I’ve been taking Florastor every day since recovering in the hospital from C-diff.
My other fear, please don’t think I’m crazy, I just finished a jar this week of the Jif peanut butter that was recalled for salmonella. UPC codes matched exactly. Gee, how do I tell salmonella from the colonoscopy prep (MiraLax) which will be cleaning me out!?
I’m 74 and trying hard to follow the pre colonoscopy guidelines. I tend to lapse into gout which affects my knees greatly if I get dehydrated from diarrhea. I need to drink water and stay calm.
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