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Blood in stool

I have had bloody stools for years which I have told two of my doctors about and they seemed to think it was hemorrhoid related due to the fact that I have IBS and my stools are always either very hard or explosive diarrhea,which seems to cause more blood. Today I went to the ER for it. The dr did a rectal exam and found numerous hemorrhoids. I, of course am terrified it's cancer. I have horrible health anxiety also, which makes this even more unbearable. He suggested I see a GI dr and I made appointment. I am 38 years old, female, in otherwise good health. I am, however, convinced I have cancer. I know they will want to do a colonoscopy and I am Terrified of that as well. Mainly because I am scared about what they will find.
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So that you are better informed for your next appointment with a GI specialist I suggest you google rectal bleeding.  The Medicinenet site is particularly informative.

Haemorrhoids are one of the minor causes of blood ex rectum and easily treated.  A colonoscopy is no big deal and you will be sedated.  Although you are scared of the outcome it is surely better to know rather than having to imagine.  Even if the worst diagnosis is forthcoming, colon cancer is treatable and usually successfully cured especially if detected early.  Share your anxieties with your specialist - he/she will surely have encountered similar fears with previous patients.

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1703392 tn?1307450500
First off, try to relax. If you had cancer you would probably be exibiting other signs such as dramatic weight loss, black stools, etc,

I have similar symptoms and was also told it was hemmoroids. Turned out to be a polyp and it needed to be removed.

My advice is to get the scope sooner rather than later to be sure. If it's more than hemmorroids then they can fix it right there.

It can give you the peace of mind you need.
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Did you have bleeding? Mine is always bright red:( saw GI doctor today and he said he was not overly worried. Asked if I had a family history of Crohn's or ulcers. No Crohn's that I know of but my mother had 7 ulcers at her colonoscopy. Also, I hve been on Clindamycin for the past week for dental work and he made me stop taking it because it can cause colitis.
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Also, had a CBC and everything was normal. Don't think that matters much, though:(
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1703392 tn?1307450500
Yes I had alot of bleeding. It was a good thing that I kept complaining to the dr otherwise it would have been dismissed as hemmorroids.

Just get the colonoscopy. It will tell you everything you need to know whether it's colitis, polyps, Crohn's or hemmorroids.

It will get you on the path to wellness and end alot of the mystery.
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Had my colonoscopy yesterday, I was too out of it to understand the dr. but my husband said they found one polyp and nothing else. The doctor said he'd put money on it being benign, but I'm still a nervous wreck. Won't know till tomorrow. Also they recommend another scope in 5 years. Is that normal? I'm just worried they missed something.
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1703392 tn?1307450500
If they said 5 years then that's a good thing. I have to go back in one year.

Keep me posted.
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5766249 tn?1375776295
Hey, don’t be panic, hope for the best. I hope you haven’t colon cancer or anything else. Coloncoscopy is a process, in this a thin tube with a light and lens, called as colonoscope is inserted into the colon through the rectum. If there are any polyps, colonoscope identifies the polyps and will remove them. Just relax, after this treatment you will be 100% healthy and I added you in my prayers.
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Hello pinklemonade215... All these conditions may not lead to colon cancer. But some times IBS, Diarrhea and constipation lead colon cancer. Have a colonoscopy test for you confirmation. Through colonoscopy Doctor can examine your colon to identify the polyps which are lead to colon cancer. All polyps are not cause colon cancer and if he find any polyps that cause cancer they can be removed.
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The bright red blood is equal to not good. Are probably hemorrhoids or tear or something related to squeezing. Dark red blood is very bad can be something serious like bowel cancer. Mostly it cause of bad diet. If you eat more fast food or chips that’s what happens. Try to consume more fiber foods, vegetables and fruits. If it is bright red blood, try to change your diet see if it’s improves. If it is dark red blood I would like to suggest consults a doctor for better advice.
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You look the same twin as me. Even i had this experience in the past. I never listened the words of my elders of having control on my diet while was packed with junkies. The fast and processed food were my hot pick. That too the spicy and i used to drink less water. When i realized with the pain and the bleeding from the rectum it was too late. It was a boon that even after doctors warm to operate the hemorrhoids, it was my granny who disagreed the decision to operate them. I was offered some home remedies by her which helped me to get rid from the bleeding hemorrhoids. Now am healthy and i moderately take my favorite foods. I'll share some remedies which are very effective.
1. Drink the diluted yogurt with little salt added in regular intervals. Yogurt helps the hemorrhoids to shrink its size and relieves the pain too.
2. Completing the bowel movement, try the warm sitz bath. (Sit in the Luke warm water for about 10 - 15mins). This also helps the hemorrhoids to shrink its size. Useful to relive the pain.
3. Avoid taking the spicy, fast processed and junk foods that are best buddy of the hemorrhoids and constipation.
4. Drink adequate water (aprox 8 ounz glasses water)
5. Be high on fiber foods that help in easy bowel movement.
6. Avoid drinking liquor or smoking.

These things definitely work as I'm the live example of it. Hope you get well soon.
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