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treatment for intestinal metaplasia of the bladder


  can you please let me know your treatment options for intestinal metaplaisa of the bladder/

  I have had an augmentation cytoplasty in 1985 and they found tissue that is pre-malignant.  

  What are treatment options?

Thank you kindly.
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  Thank you for your reply.

  What then is dysplasia of the bladder?  I have had a augmentation cytoplasty 13 years ago.  I have had recent test of cysto.  they found abnormal tissue and ademonas.

  How would you recommend treating adenomas or the intestinal tissue now in the bladder?

thank you so much!

kind regards,

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Intestinal metaplasia has been suggested to have a role in the development of bladder cancer. However, it seems that it is merely found along with cancer (bystander not a participant) and along benign growths. Its role as a primary, premalignant lesion is in doubt, hence there is no specific therapy or surveillance for such a finding currently recommended.
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