1348686 tn?1310654243

Natural Anxiety Help!!!

I am hoping that someone can help me.  I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for 9 years now.  The last 8 days have been horrible.  My anxiety is off the charts and everyday I have been having several really bad panic attacks.  I am trying to find an alternative to medication to help deal with the anxiety and attacks.  I just started taking a multi vitamin and I love chamomile tea but I am so afraid to drink the tea if i took the vitamin in fear of interactions.  Crazy????  I also heard that lavendar oil in baths is good.  Can anyone offer any insight to alternatives to anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds????
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello Jul~I am sorry that you are suffering so from anxiety, I experience it too as well as the full blown panic attack, I know they are no fun.

You said they were getting worse? Are you under any extra stresses lately?

As to what to take, well, a good, food grade multi-vitamin and mineral is a good start. Make sure also, that you get a good amount of the "B" vitamin, this is the "nerve" vitamin, and without enough, you will have all kinds of anxiety, etc. A good way to get them other than pill form is via "brewers yeast" I love the stuff on cottage cheese, it is so good. You can get it at any health food store by the bulk, and it not only has all of the B vitamins, but also the necessary amino acids, proteins, etc. It also has chromium which is the glucose tolerance factor, this helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. Taking Chamomile tea will not intereact to the vitamins, so don't worry about that. Yes, Lavendar oil is great for relaxing in the tub, that is called "aroma therapy".

There are two books that might really help you as well.They are by Dr Claire Weekes, one is called "Hope and Help For Your Nerves" and the other one is "Help for Nervous Suffering" I have them and they have been a true blessing for me. The author talks just as if she was sitting next to you and explains what is going on and has pointers to help as well. I highly recommend it to all who suffer with anxiety and panic.

I hope this helps some, and try to relax, if you can. Oh, if there are any near by, I would suggest seeing a good, naturpath, they excel in this kind of treatment.
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Unless you've suffered from chronic anxiety and depression, don't be so sure these are so easily treated.  They're incredibly resistant to treatment, and often recur.  As for ssris and cataracts, serotonin is all over the body, but ssris target different serotonin receptors, which might explain why some are worse than others for this.  It's also why most of them cause digestive problems, since that's where most of the serotonin in the body is.  However, ssris don't increase serotonin at all, they reuse used serotonin in the targeted receptors while other receptors go dormant as they're no longer being used.  One can posit the possibility, therefore, that some ssris might actually help prevent cataracts, while others obviously increase the chances.  But if you've ever had therapy resistant anxiety or depression, you have no life anyway, so for those who can't find a non-pharmaceutical treatment, cataracts would be far less of a problem than the cost of mental illness.  But I always say, everyone should exhaust all non-pharmaceutical treatments before turning to them, and most people on them shouldn't be -- maybe the vast majority.  They used to hand them out like candy for just about everything, and snris have now been approved to treat fibromyalgia.  Problem is, most of our medical problems can't be treated that well, and that leaves us with a problem once we have it -- best treatment is always prevention, but once you've got it, then what do you do?  As a years long meditator, it hasn't helped me avoid anxiety -- I was a regular practitioner before I ever got anxiety disease.  These are very tricky problems, as a visit over to the anxiety and depression forums will tell you.  Some people just aren't very lucky.
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Senior cataracts linked to antidepressants

look away from antidepressants-- because a new study finds yet another awful side effect to add to the list: cataracts in seniors.
Researchers looked at data on 19,000 seniors taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and 190,000 people the same age who were not. And they found that, on the whole, the meds boosted cataract risk by 15 percent, according to the study published the journal Ophthalmology.
the increased risk means 22,000 seniors will get cataracts thanks solely to their antidepressant use.
The reason can be found in the eye itself: Your peepers have serotonin receptors in them. That means when you load up on these meds, you can get an eyeful of this stuff... and animal studies have found that excess serotonin in the eyes can cause cataracts.
Three meds in particular had the highest cataract risk:
Fluvoxamine (Luvox)--39 percent
Venlafaxine (Effexor)--33 percent
Paroxetine (Paxil)--23 percent
Not every antidepressant was linked to cataracts in the study, but that doesn't mean you should look for a med with a lower risk, either. You don't need any of these drugs to beat your bouts of the blues--and that's true whether you're a senior or not
Remember, antidepressants are among the most-prescribed and least-effective drugs on the market--in studies, they're routinely beaten by everything from exercise to sugar pills. one new study even finds that simple B vitamins can lower the risk of depression in seniors.
Not only that, but the increased cataract risk is only the beginning of the possible side effects that can come from using these meds. Antidepressants can lead to weight gain, nausea, diarrhea, rashes, agitation, headaches and the sweats. In some people, they can cause insomnia. In others, drowsiness. And these meds can reduce your sex life.
Even worse, these drugs can lead to an increased risk of suicide or attempted suicide--something you'd hope an antidepressant would stop, not cause.
If you're having trouble beating depression on your own, or can't get relief from proven natural remedies such as St. John's wort, talk to a naturopathic doctor--because your condition may be caused by easily correctable nutritional or hormonal deficiencies.
depression can lead to real physical pain.
Mental problems cause physical pain
low moods can lead to high pain... and now, a new study shows how it happens.
Researchers studied the brains of healthy people as they were subjected to pain. Then, in addition to that pain, they worked in a little sadness by adding some depressing music to the mix, or causing some negative thoughts.
the University of Oxford researchers say that the negative thoughts and sad tunes caused the brains to process the pain more emotionally--and that, in turn, made the pain feel even worse, according to the study in Biological Psychiatry.

There are even some techniques that can help beat both at the same time--and two new studies show how.
The first finds that people who've been meditating for a long time--decades, really--don't anticipate pain in the same way as people who don't meditate. In fact, they barely anticipate it at all.
As anyone who's ever waited for a needle can attest, the anticipation can be the worst part. So it's probably not surprising that the meditators had less pain to go along with their lack of anticipation, according to the study in the aptly named journal Pain.
Researchers found this connection by zapping volunteers with a laser to deliberately cause pain

The biggest benefit was found in people who had been meditating for 35 years or more.
Another new study finds that all you might really need are two strong hands--because massage therapy won't just help you prevail over pain, it can also help beat the blues.
The analysis of 17 studies, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, found that massage "is significantly associated with alleviated depressive symptoms."

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1348686 tn?1310654243
Thank you so much for your replies.  It is nice to know that there is hope and it doesn't have to be in the form of meds.  I know that this is going to take some time and figuring out but I am determined to get better....Anxiety is horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  I hope that anyone that is living with it finds a way to heal.
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As to lavender baths, they are relaxing, but not lasting.  Chamomile can be taken with a multivitamin, but a stress B formula and magnesium are the most important vitamins and minerals for anxiety.  Chamomile is a fairly weak relaxant, but it does calm the stomach, a common focal point of symptoms of anxiety.
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The natural treatment for anxiety is complicated -- not so simple as is often expressed.  It usually will involve a combinations of remedies, not just one or two, until the proper formula is found for you.  Most will include 5-HTP, a metabolite of tryptophan that manufactures serotonin in the body, passionflower and hops, good all around nervous system regulators, ashwagandha and eleuthero for toning the adrenals, holy basil for the control of cortisol, taurine, the amino acid that along with B6 manufactures GABA in the body, and an immediate relaxant such as velerian or kava.  A good book for an overview of what's available is Natural Highs by Hyla Cass, a psychiatrist at UCLA.  Exercise and meditation and other relaxation techniques would be involved, as would, always, talk therapy.  There are a great many herbs and amino acids that help with emotional balance, so there's a lot to choose from.  Different traditions also approach this differently; Chinese medicine would use acupuncture and herbs that focus on the kidneys, as they believe the kidneys are the source of fear,  and the adrenals.  Ayurvedic medicine would focus on liver and colon cleansing and the adrenals and energy channels.  European herbal medicine focuses on herbs and what they do, i.e., relaxant, etc.  And homeopathy focuses on finding remedies that attack the energetics of your system.  No path is easy, but I hope you find the one that suits you.
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Controlling Anxiety and Panic Attacks Most important is to avoid excitotoxins
in your food. These include MSG, aspartame,hydrolyzed proteins, vegetable protein, isolated protein, soy products (including soy protein isolates,soy protein and soy milk), natural flavoring, sodium or calcium caseinate and others. All of these food
additives worsen brain excitation and have been shown to specifically target the amygdala nucleus — a set of neurons in the brain’s temporal lobe. They are key to the processing of emotions Increase your vegetable intake to at least 5 servings a day. Many of the flavonoids in vegetables have been shown to reduce anxiety — especially hesperidin, quercetin and curcumin. All three are available as supplements. The dose is 250
mg. of each three times a day. Quercetin comes in a water-soluble form. Otherwise it must be dissolved in either fish oil or extra-virgin olive oil Reduce your intake of fats — especially
saturated fats and omega-6 fats (vegetable oils,such as corn, safflower, peanut, sunflower,
soybean and canola oils). Studies have shown that animals on high-fat diets release more cortisol and take longer to recover from stress than those on low-fat diets.
Magnesium is the body’s natural calmative agent. It reduces excitotoxicity and when taken at bedtime, it aids sleep. It also reduces the immune over-reactivity seen with anxiety disorders. In addition, it reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke
and type-2 diabetes (and metabolic syndrome). White tea contains a flavonoid called
epigallocatechin gallate. This flavonoid has recently been shown to calm the brain and reduce anxiety. It works by activating the organ’s most protective system against anxiety  the gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor. This aids sleep as well. White tea has a higher level of this flavonoid and much less fluoride than green tea.  For those who do not want to take a pharmaceutical drug, the herb valerian has been shown to activate the same calming brain GABA receptor. It has been used to induce sleep but also calms anxiety during the day. It should not be mixed with medications that act as sedatives or
tranquilizers. Another useful product is called Relora. It is a blend of two extracts — Phellodendron amurense and Magnolia officinalis. In a number of tests, Relora has been shown to reduce excess cortisol levels associated with stress while
improving mood and reducing stress. It acts via the brain’s GABA and serotonin systems, which are both important in controlling anxiety. Avoid caffeine. People with anxiety disorders hyper react to stimulants, such as caffeine. They can also worsen insomnia.
Protecting the Stressed-Out Brain It is important to understand that our diet should
supply us with all the antioxidants and building material for antioxidant enzymes. If we’re not getting those, we need to add some supplements. Most important are: Vitamin C (as magnesium or calcium ascorbate): The dose is 500 to 1000 mg. three times
a day between meals. Vitamin E (natural form-Unique E is the purist form): 400 to 800 IU a day Multivitamin/mineral without iron Riboflavin 500 mg. a day for those age
50 and over: This increases brain cell function and reduces free radical formation. It also blocks excitotoxicity. Curcumin 250 mg. twice to three times a day: Curcumin is being shown to be one of the most powerful brain protectants known. A new study in the journal Experimental Neurology found that curcumin dramatically improved synaptic plasticity (brain healing), mental ability (cognition) and reduced free radicals and lipid peroxidation in
animals with severe brain injury. Mix the curcumin with a half of a tablespoon of fish oil.
Quercetin (250 mg.) twice to three times a day: Also a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant for the brain. Mix with the fish oil and curcumin. Fish oil: One of the better brands is Norwegian fish oil liquid It has been shown to specifically reduce brain inflammation and improve healing within the organ (especially the dendrites and synapses). The dose is 2 to 4 grams a day. Keep the oil refrigerated.  Relora: As stated above, this reduces cortisol elevation caused by stress. The usual dose is 3 capsules a day with or between meals. You can get Relora from Pure Encapsulations  Regular, moderate exercise is important: Studies show that it strengthens the antioxidant
systems and releases endorphins (a morphine-like compound) from the brain, which calms the mood and reduces depression. However, excessive exercise will increase free radicals and can be harmful. Also, exercising in the late evening can cause insomnia.
Faith: A recent study done at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine found that
African-Americans deeply engaged in their religion experienced significantly lower blood pressure than those who didn’t. A strong belief in God can remove a lot of stress found in the world today Good luck
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363281 tn?1714899967
I forgot to add, have you been checked for low blood sugar, this will sometimes cause anxiety and panic, so will being near perimenopause, an over-reactive thyroid can also contribute. So, as I said, try to find a nutritionally orientated doctor and ask about these tests, they may prove very helpful.
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