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Severe Low Back Pain After Standing?

Not sure where to post this, but I'm getting worse with this problem.  I get severe low back pain after standing or walking.  It's been like this for a few years, but lately, I can't stand more than a couple minutes without feeling the need to bend forward to alleviate the pressure on my back.  I've mentioned it to my doctor and my chiropractor and both of them just sort of blow it off as nothing - but it's seriously affecting my quality of life.  Even grocery shopping is difficult anymore.  Any ideas?
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Haven't posted my story here but it is much the same as all others.  Mine began about 10 years ago.  I HAVE TRIED (not necessarily in this order): diagnosis and treatments by innumerable physicians -- all disciplines; acupuncture; spending a lot of $$$ on a holistic quack; PT; resting; exercising; heating; icing; endless diagnostic injections -- some steroid, some not;  many, many x-rays and scans; every medication the doctors could think of; back-to-back surgeries... 1 for spinal stenosis and 1 for scoliosis... which installed 2 titanium rods and 6 stainless steel screws in my spine.  OUTCOME: Surgeries ended my most severe pain and allowed me to walk.  DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE, for months following surgery, straightened out the muscles my muscles and tendons and released them from the misalignment caused by having held my body in unnatural positions while trying to cope with the pain that was taken away by the surgeries.  I believe the DTM was a very important component of recovery.  HOWEVER, the one pain I began with, my MYSTERY PAIN (low, deep point in pelvic area which shoots up to point in rear, middle, upper hip -- radiates along that line) REMAINS.  It is brought on by standing in one spot or walking/moving very slowly (as in washing dishes or shopping.)  It is slowly increasing.  Still no medical professional has an answer for this and it continues to erode the quality of my life.  If I EVER find an answer for it I promise to post it all over the web because, as much as I have searched for the cause, all I have EVER found on the internet are questions from those made desperate by their  pain and the lives that are passing them by.  NEVER ANSWERS!!!!
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I use muscle relaxers and stand with crutches. I can walk for hours but standing gets me. I have both MS and disk issues.
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I am only 56 and I can't stand or walk for more than a couple of minutes before that lower back pain starts. When I'm sitting the pain is gone. I have had x rays (showed up nothing) a spinal injection osteo and physio and none of them worked. No one can tell me why this has happened and what can be done about it. I can't go shopping with my friends or walk anywhere it's so frustrating.....
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14784904 tn?1436487087
I haven't been able to work for almost 1 1/2 years now. I need left knee replacement and have dessicated discs in my spine, one bulging & one herniated discs. I have Spinal Stenosis, Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis and Diabetes. In the past 10 years I've put on 60 lbs and have not been able to exercise much because of my chronic pain. I've been in Pain Management since 2012 and taking Morphine & Oxycodone daily as prescribed. I have a TENS Unit which helps some, along with hot baths, ice packs, Lidocaine patches. I had to discontinue PT because my insurance only covers short term therapy.I cannot do simple things like grocery shop, laundry, clean house, do dishes or walk to my maibox without being in excruciating pain. I'm lucky if I sleep 3 hrs without having to get up & move around. I have tried absolutely EVERYTHING imaginable to alleviate the pain. I don't know how much longer I can live like this! I have no quality of life as I once knew it.
I can relate to all your posts & I feel your pain. I heard somewhere that God won't give us MORE than we can handle but how much more must I bear? I've been able to lose 20 lbs but no matter how hard I try, the scales stay the same. I miss the active lifestyle I used to have, I miss doing things I used to enjoy with my Husband, kids & Grandkids! I want my life back!!! I appreciate any & all feedback. Thank You.

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Have you been checked for arachnoiditis or adhesive arachnnoiditis?
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Hi Patrick,  I'm 40 years old, I'm a Dentist and I understand very well how you feel, I was 3 months like you the last year, I can't stay for 10 seconds on my feet, I take all kind the test on me like MRI, , I went to a Spinal Surgeon  (I can't take the surgery because I take blood thiners) I went to chiropractic, massage, physical rehabilitation  I saw 11 doctors and rehabilitators in total and nothing works for me until I saw a video in YouTube from a person who suffered the same symptoms like you and me and I start doing the exercises and after 3 weeks I was running.

First you have to understand that your problem is reversible, that your problem even if you have a bulge disk is muacular,  some of your muscles are more strong and contracted that others and this is what is causing the problem.

How fixed? With the next exercises:

Always try to be with the lower back straight Always,  never relax!

Cobra: The only exercise that put back the disk in the right position. You have to do the most you can in the day for all the days

Bird Dog: This exercise will make strong your lower back muscles

Planks: This will strong your core to hold your spine

The next , you will sit in a chair with your back straight and rise your feet until your your feet is traigt with your knee and pelvis,  return and do the same with the next leg.

Put attention in your Piriformis Muscle and hamstrings muscles, you always have to stretch them and always for the future do you have to do butt exercises.

Hope you get better
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Hi all
I have read all the posts in this thread and the general consensus is that all this pain  we endure is incurable and we all just have to put up with it. I know from my experience that this is not the case.
I suffered with back pain, knee pain, stenosis, toe pain (the weight of a bed sheet tipping off it was agonising), sciatica, DDD  etc etc, for 30 long years. i haven't had any back pain in the last 5 years for 99 percent of the time, or toe, or knee pain.
I strongly suggest reading any book by Doctor John E Sarno. He is a miracle worker. He deals primarily with mindbody syndrome which basically covers most 'mystery pain' issues. The pain is awful and persistent,  but the source of it is rarely mechanical.  It doesn't work over night and requires work and patience, and belief.

You are probably skeptical as I was at the start but if you are still in pain what have you got to lose?  

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I'm almost 65 and haven't been able to go on walks like I used to for about 5 years.  I attributed it to my weight (which I'm focused on getting off (by starvation, if necessary), but now I'm not sure.  It's getting to the point where I can't stand in my kitchen and do the dishes for more than 10 minutes without severe pain in my lower back.  I'm going to try yoga and stretching and am hoping for the best.  But this is no way to live.
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omg, I was literally looking all over the internet trying to find some sort of resolution to my back pain and stumbled on this thread. im 19 years old and have been experiencing this pain for eight years now after a car accident I was in. your symptoms sound exactly like mine. I hope you are able to get some sort of resolution, hopefully you don't mind sharing. unlike most others this pain occurs under my feet as well. I don't go anywhere or do anything out of fear of the pain. my doc said its back spasm but provided no long term solutions to my problem.
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I have the same problem. I am 44 yrs old and have dealt with this pain almost a year.But have found out that it is all due to my SI joint. Nothing so far has worked so the next step is surgery. Normally I would be against this, but I am at the point that Iam willing to try it just so I can finally get relief!
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I have exactly the same issue. For now,when I get the pain in lower left side of the back,i stand with my feet a foot apart and pointing straight ahead. Then keeping my legs straight,i lean forward keeping my arms straight and grab my knees with both hands and hold this position for about 12 seconds. When I stand up,the pain is considerably better but only lasts for about 8-10 minutes before I have do do it again.So u can imagine when I'm out shopping how I have to cope. Doctors just give me ibuprofen. Also i find if I sleep on my right side with my right hand placed under my right cheek and left hand between both my knees,this helps me get through the night. Stretching exercises help but for limited time and pain is back again. Sitting down also lessens the pain but I'm a goer not a sitter.
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Hi I am 30 years old i first started feeling this kind of pain when I was 24 years old the pain would pain would come and go I struggle to walk long distance or on a incline or stand up for to long I get a shooting pain from my foot up to my lower back it gets to a stage where I have to sit down for a few minutes the strangest thing is I am able to lift weights and train at the gym but as soon as I walk a long distance or I am on my feet for to long the pain comes I have been to doctors and have received no answers it is very frustrating I am just lucky that my job requires me to sit down at a desk or I would fin it very hard to find a job
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I have exactly the same issue. For now,when I get the pain in lower left side of the back,i stand with my feet a foot apart and pointing straight ahead. Then keeping my legs straight,i lean forward keeping my arms straight and grab my knees with both hands and hold this position for about 12 seconds. When I stand up,the pain is considerably better but only lasts for about 8-10 minutes before I have do do it again.So u can imagine when I'm out shopping how I have to cope. Doctors just give me ibuprofen. Also i find if I sleep on my right side with my right hand placed under my right cheek and left hand between both my knees,this helps me get through the night. Stretching exercises help but for limited time and pain is back again. Sitting down also lessens the pain but I'm a goer not a sitter.
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I am thankful to have found that I am not alone in the pain I have been suffering for months now. My problem is very similar to other posts here minus one exception. My pain starts this way:  I'm a side sleeper but for months I have woken and find myself on my stomach and my lower back is killing me. It takes me a few minutes to roll to my side and get out of bed. Once out of bed and walking around the pain is much reduced, almost gone. My morning routine before work is a quick one and I don't spend too much time standing, except while I prepare my lunch at the counter where the pain in my lower back creeps back in. This is such a short period of time and once I'm moving around the house again it again subsides. Then it's. 30 minute drive to work, no pain, a little stiffness but nothing to bothersome. Once at work if I have to stand still for more than a few minutes the pain comes back, and the longer I have to stand the worse it gets, unbearable really, and I have to force myself to sit. Initially this hurts as well. After sitting for a bit I am able to get back up but I have to be moving-no standing still. This is easily accomplished due to my job requirements. And then it's done for the day. No more pain. Standing in one a lot doesn't bother me for the rest of the day. And then it starts all over again the next day. It's like I have to work up to being able to stand in one spot. Yesterday at the grocery I ran into a friend who was long winded in a story, I couldn't get away from the conversation, or the fact that I had to stand the whole time to listen to her go on. The pain came, shifting my weight from leg to leg did nothing to help the problem, I didn't want to be rude and walk away so I stood there, better than 30 minutes. It was excruciating! Finally when we parted, the walking helped but I could barely lift grocery items into my cart. It took much longer to work out the pain with walking. Probably because I did not have the benefit of being able to sit. I almost left the store and went home. I know I am overweight, I'm 5'4", 200lbs, age 44. I did have a Lowe back sprain when I was 20, and occasionally have problems with sciatica. I have yet to see the dr, after reading everyone's posts here I don't know that it would do much good. I think my first and best bet would be to lose some weight, this makes sense to me since I have other lower joints starting to bother me.
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Hey I read your comment and I want to let you know you are NOT alone. I am currently going through the same thing. My lower back tends to hurt while walking and standing the most and I can feel it in my hips and upper buttock area. When I arch my back I get pain too and depending on how I'm sitting it can be bothersome too. I haven't gone to the dr because I am terrified. I really don't know what to do and have been searching for other people's experiences. whenever I go to the stores by the time I'm there and shopping I'm ready to leave cause the pain is bothersome. Anyways let me know if you have any updates and I hope all is well.   ----Kelly
I'm 44, for the past 3 years I had unbearable pain especially in my lower lumber region, upper buttocks, hips is unbearable. Standing, walking and sitting is almost impossible and so painful. I have had Fibromyalgia since I was 19. I think I have Undiagnosed SLE Lupus or possible another autoimmune disease along with the Fibromyalgia. I have tried to explain to my doctor that I am stiff upon getting up and instead of being able to walk it off, it's like my back twists itself tighter and my hips lock. I lean forward, sometimes it helps other times no relief. I literally cannot move and have to find somewhere to sit. The spasms don't go away then either. Yesterday, we took our daughter to Chuck E. Cheese. I couldn't even walk around with her and play games. Sitting was uncomfortableness when I got up to walk out, I was hunched over like a 90 year old lady. I was in tears the whole way home,  the only relief I get it laying down But even then it's still hurts. My hip pain radiates down my legs into my feet. I flip and flop all night. I have no insurance. I need an MRI and a specialist. My doctor won't do anything because I'm too young and just need to lose weight.I am a curvy girl but not huge.  I cannot even walk, I can barely stand without extreme pain. I do stretches and all. I cannot do anything like housekeeping, grocery shopping, basic stuff. I am just at my wits end.  Hope we all find out what is causing our pain. Stacey from MS Gulf Coast.
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Hi I no this is a long time after you posted this, I was wondering how you were with it now ? Did you have any treatment? My life is utterly awful with this I'm so fed up and very depressed with it x
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Did you ever find relief?
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14852761 tn?1436914976
Thank you for those book titles. I have the same pain issues starting about a year ago. I went to a friend for a massage and he worked to stretch the piriformis area (as I swore like a sailor). I wish doctors would learn and share more about alternatives to pain meds. I intend on reactivating my core muscles and losing the 40 lbs I have gained in the last couple of years. Upon reading all these messages I realize how integral stretching and core strength training is, no matter how daunting it feels. FYI, folks, one stretch is to lay on your back, cross one leg over the other, and then pull your legs toward your chest as far as you can. That will stretch your piriformis!
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I just finished posting that answers were never found on the internet but reading your post I must take it back.  This is one of the few (if any) actions that a chronic pain sufferer has taken that provided relief!  Thank you for being a friend!
14784904 tn?1436487087
I haven't been able to work for almost 1 1/2 years now. I need left knee replacement and have dessicated discs in my spine, one bulging & one herniated discs. I have Spinal Stenosis, Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis and Diabetes. In the past 10 years I've put on 60 lbs and have not been able to exercise much because of my chronic pain. I've been in Pain Management since 2012 and taking Morphine & Oxycodone daily as prescribed. I have a TENS Unit which helps some, along with hot baths, ice packs, Lidocaine patches. I had to discontinue PT because my insurance only covers short term therapy.I cannot do simple things like grocery shop, laundry, clean house, do dishes or walk to my maibox without being in excruciating pain. I'm lucky if I sleep 3 hrs without having to get up & move around. I have tried absolutely EVERYTHING imaginable to alleviate the pain. I don't know how much longer I can live like this! I have no quality of life as I once knew it.
I can relate to all your posts & I feel your pain. I heard somewhere that God won't give us MORE than we can handle but how much more must I bear? I've been able to lose 20 lbs but no matter how hard I try, the scales stay the same. I miss the active lifestyle I used to have, I miss doing things I used to enjoy with my Husband, kids & Grandkids! I want my life back!!! I appreciate any & all feedback. Thank You.

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I have had back pain for years but then i had a spinal block done 8 years ago and ever since sometimes when im standing or walking i get a sharp pain shoot up my spine. I can't pick up a lot of stuff. When I do have to pick up a box or something like that I am down for days.
If I'm bent over to long I can barely walk.  Every night when I lay down my back pain is so bad that I am in tears until my back finally adjust.
Does anyone know what is going on? When it happens it fast and sharp and sometimes takes me to my knees. Feels like someone is stabbing me.
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I have exactly the same feeling of pain across my lower back. I also have similar awful pain behind my knees and my right arm from my shoulder to my hand is sore especially when I extend and stretch it or lift a mug. Have had this for number of years, had X-rays and they say all clear, like nothing's wrong. I feel like I'm wasting Drs time whe X-ray shows nothing. I am in so much pain a lot of the time, I have fibromyalgia and I've recently been diagnosed with Diabetics type 2(diet, no meds yet). It's frustrating, I am not imagining the pain, like you, I can't stand for long at sink. I walk every day, sometimes a couple of mile, sometime 5 or 6 mile its agony at times. I keep pushing myself I don't want to cease up, I feel my joints need lubricating with a good dose of grease. Sorry for complaining, can anyone advise please Dee, Lurgan NI
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I have the same problems with back, leg. and hip pain.  I have had an MRI and they diagnosed me with degenerative spinal arthritis.  I am 68 and it is getting worse.  I have tried everything and nothing really works.  The best thing is tramadol for pain and oxy I just tried for breakthrough pain.  I will not take anymore of that oxy stuff, it made me so sick to my stomach.  I cannot take anti-inflammatory,  Advil. or anything in that category.  I almost died from vasculatis,. and they said the mixture of all these meds caused it.  So, this is why I am taking tramadol. I have a great doctor but I am so tired of being in so much pain, I guess it is something we have to live with, right?  I feel sorry for all of you, and I wish you the best. suv
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Theses people,including myself,probably have peripheral neuropathy.Spinal stenosis will show up on an MRI.Peripheral neuropathy won't.It can be completely incapacitating,with pain driving people to suicide.And you can look normal and even have a normal gait.The pain is refractory to treatment,and living with this is a Hell on Earth.I cannot imagine a worse predicament.
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Theses people,including myself,probably have peripheral neuropathy.Spinal stenosis will show up on an MRI.Peripheral neuropathy won't.It can be completely incapacitating,with pain driving people to suicide.And you can look normal and even have a normal gait.The pain is refractory to treatment,and living with this is a Hell on Earth.I cannot imagine a worse predicament.
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Philnoir is correct. Look up spinal stenosis and see yourselves in the symptoms. I have suffered for 20 or more years and it is progressive. I know what is causing this life altering pain. I wish I knew what would stop it. Laser surgery commercials list this as one of their many surgeries. Has anyone tried the laser surgery?
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Okay so I'm 5 (26 in march) and I have a 6 yo and am pregnant about 7 weeks along id say. So all of you are in the same boat I was in I had spinal fusion done almost 3 years ago. if that fixed everything it would be amazing Spinal fusion IS NOT A CURE ALL  . L4 L5 fusion btw. So they were supposed to do a procedure to kill nerves that have damage on my spine since my spine pushed so hard on my nerves we think nerve damage is now the cause of my chronic pain. PM Dr is helping me manage my pain till I give birth. So.... it could be worse.
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Scooby1951 rocks!!! Intelligent too!
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