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Adderall side effects.

I am 31 years old and have recently been put on adderall to combat ADD. (30mgs a day) It seems to help me concentrate but there are side effects.  I have no appetite which I understand is common; I also have sleep difficulty, but that is waning with time.
My main concerns are what I suppose are circulatory problems. My hands and feet are extremely cold- my knees actually become a light purplish color. I also sweat like crazy even when its cold out. My hands are always clammy and cold- my armpits sweat through 2 undershirts.  These side effects coincide directly with usage.
Is this a common reaction? Should I discontinue use?

-Cold and sweaty in Ft. Lauderdale
17 Responses
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I took adderal when I was 17 and I abused it really bad, I would go out and  drink everyone under the table and stay up all night when I was tired I'd just take some more. I started getting paranoid and felt depressed my body was exhausted. I finally said enough with it and quit. I'm 26 now and I recently got back on it and I'm extremely care full with my dosage. I do get cold and sweaty hands and feet when I'm sitting for a period of time. I have shoes I wear in the house that dose the trick. sometimes my heart gets pumping to fast instead of ignoring it I just know I'm taking to much and I take less the next day. I was a lil scared about gettin back on adderol but now I'm focused on my work. Sometimes if I don't get food It makes me lil to serious on life so I also make sure I'm eating even if i have to force it. All and all I'm getting positve results
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Adderal can really make you tense and uncomfortable. Those side effects arent worth it, Ive had almost all of them from taking 60mg, two 30mg a day and after 4 weeks and my body still hadnt regulated it, i switched back down it seemed just simply too much for my body too handle. every body is different and if it effects you so much its obviously doing more damage then helping you. Id try changing it back down but if you still dont like trying a new less body heavy one out. Think of it this way, adderal used to be craze in teenagers to get high. If you had to compare your symtoms to anything its really similar to a pill high, in my perspective, and if your body is getting high its simply an amount your body doesnt need or want. Good luck!
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I have been taking Adderall for about a week, at first 5 to 10mg once a day, and then I was told to bump it up to fifteen two times a day. By the end of the week, I was so exhausted, I couldn't sleep or eat. The weird thing is, sometimes Adderall works on me and other times it makes me drowsy and a bit depressed, like I am out of the loop in regards to what is going on around me. I also had severe chest pains, so bad that I went to the ER, where they did an EKG and blood enzyme test, and those came back perfectly normal. I also get weird pains in my wrists and legs, and have a lot of muscle tension. Has anyone else ever expeirenced these side effects? Could it be my circulatory system failing? I haven't abused it at all, yet I still get these side effects, but not all of the time.Is the Adderall quick release safer than the XR? I have a bundle of questions that my doctor never has time to answer/ If you have had these experiences, please share them with me as I am getting a bit jumpy over thsiwhole ordeal. Additionally, when I push on the very center of my sternum, and it is painful to the touch. I also get these pains high in my chest wall and shoulders. What gives?
Thanks for any and all answers.
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i just noticed that fleedle posted in 2003. So i am sure they have the hang of it now sorry!
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"I have no appetite which I understand is common; I also have sleep difficulty, but that is waning with time."

"My hands and feet are extremely cold- my knees actually become a light purplish color. I also sweat like crazy even when its cold out. My hands are always clammy and cold- my armpits sweat through 2 undershirts. "

I have been on and off adderall for quite some time now and i remember when i used to sweat under my arms as well. It should go away, it usually appears if i have taken a higher dose than i am used to.  the decrease in appetite will go away, sadly the dry mouth is always there in some form.

The sleepless nights well happen when you start out, i have my own rules for that. I try not to take the second dose (when i decide to take 2 doses) after about 2:30pmish, 4pm the latest. Try taking the medication a little earlier than you have been taking it, also you are starting off on 15 mg twice a day, or 30mg once day? I would start taking (depending on how long you have now been on it) about 7.5mg for each dose, I have 30mg tablets and break them in half and then in quarters. That will usually help the sweating and the sleeping too. I then move up to 15mg, i pretty much prescribe myself with dosage ( i have been on it long enough and have been prescribe the legal limit of 60mg a day, i dont think anyone should ever be on that) I try to get by on taking it once a day, right now i am at half once a day and try to take it a little later in the morning so it last throughout the afternoon.

I too have issues with my extremities being cold and very sensitive to cold weather, my big toes always go numb. Unfortunately i do not remember if i had this before i started adderall. there is also a condition out there called raynaud's disease that has to do with the symptoms you and i both have.

Let me know if you have any questions, i am 26 and i have been on it for about 7 years, i have been on and off of it and know exactly how much does what to me and what works.
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I have spoken to many doctors and they all tell me that everything should be fine as long as you dont abuse it. Also, be really good about skin care and your diet. It makes a big difference, and dont smoke or drink or anything like that...it'll jsut make it worse. Hope that helps....wish the forum doctor would respond
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Hi I am a young woman who is about to turn 26 and naturally at the time of being concerned about aging as well. I have been prescribed adderall for quite some time although I definitely do not take it as much as am prescribed. I am about to begin grad school so this is obviously a time where I will be needing it more again. I have just begun research on the effects of adderall on aging and that is actually what landed me on this forum/site. Any information you may have found is greatly appreciated.
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I m a 26 year old female, 5'8 and weigh 140 lbs. I was prescribed adderall when I was about 21 or so, and have been taking it on and off since, 20-25mg tablet a day. I get paranoid about aginf, and I wonder if adderall causes premature aging? I amphetamines do in large quantities, but does that mean that adderall does as well?

I also get dry eyes and blurry vision sometimes, but not if I use eyedrops consistently.

It really helps me with everything, I jsut wonder if these reactions are ok.

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I'm glad to find others who have experienced some of the same effects.  I noticed I was particularly cold this winter.  I am 34 and was officially diagnosed and started on adderall xr in Sept.  My feet in particular have been freezing!  Not numb or blue, just cold.  I thought I might have become anemic due to the weight loss since the meds, so I saw the doctor.  Blood tests are fine. I had a blood flow study on my legs yesterday and will be having a muscle nerve conduction test next week.  It was just last week, though, that I noticed that my feet are sweating.  This of course could also be contributing to how cold our feet feel.         Josh- When does the nausea occur?  I have this happen sometimes when  I have had little or no breakfast. It comes on so fast, I feel like I could actually throw up,then a minute or so later it passes.   I've found if I eat protein instead of cereal or toast, this does not occur. Those mini sausage cheese burgers seem to do the best for me in the morning:)    Also, try little snacks during the day, even though you may not feel like eating.   My appetite came back about 4 months after meds begun. Cool thing is i think motabolism is faster too.  I can eat whatever I want!!!    Shannon
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I am currently doing research for an upcoming book which deals with the side effects and withdrawals people have experienced from Effexor XR and other (like) anti-depressants. I am interested in receiving any information current or former users would like to share concerning their experiences with these drugs. Please email me @:
and thanks!
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I am 18 a senior. I am a competitive gymnast, I take 30mg a day. Before I started taking it I had trouble in school. Now I am doing great and my athletic career is also alot better. I have a much better performance whil working out. My scores have dramatically increased in competition. When it wears off I feel less intelegent. Is it possable that it is killing my brain cells?
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I'm 16 and I've been taking adderal for about 5 months.  I used to make C's and D's in school and now im making A's and B's, I also used to weigh 164 lbs and now i weigh 146.  At first i could sleep fine but recently ive been waking up multiple times everynight and also i randomly get a bad nausea feeling that will come for about 2 min then go away and just randomly come back.  All these other people are talking about sweating and all that but i havnt experienced that whatsoever.  I just wanna know if it's going to be worth staying on adderal with all these side effects.

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The prescription deoderant is called Drysol.  My armpits sweat through my shirt in hot and cold.  Not only sweat, but literally dripped.  I thought it was something that I would have to deal with my whole life.  Drysol works like a charm.  That's only one problem solved though.  I take 30mg. a day of adderall and while the pit sweating is solved, the other side effects aren't.  Accept the fact that you're gonna be cold.  You'll have clammy hands and even a clammy groin (raunchy but true).  Your feet will be cold but they'll be sweaty.  On the other hand, these are 9 to 5 symptoms, and between those hours, as uncomfortable you may be, you're producing like you've never been able to before.  I can deal with the clamminess and the chills, but the thing I have the most trouble dealing with is the coming down.  It's absolutely miserable for me to say the least.  I have to take Attivan as a parachute and even that doesn't even help that much.  I often find myself winding down with a couple of drinks(bad!!!), but it's better than the alternative of feeling like jumping out of my skin for a couple of hours.  As far as the clamminess and chills and overall coldness goes, take a hot shower at the end of the day to get your body temp. up.  You feel like a new man.  Take two if you need to because I honestly do believe adderall gets your body temp down.  That's why you'll get goose bumps in a warm shower that feels unusually hot.
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I have had the exact same experiences in regards to the sweating and the "Freezing" cold hands and feet.  It is apparently a side effect that really sucks!  I however have noticed a huge difference in my attention span and ability to get my assigned projects completed.  If anything, I now hyper-focus on work and spend more time at the office than any of my co-workers.  I was told that there is a prescription deodrant that will help with the sweating.  I am going to go to a dermatologist next week to get the skinny on it.  I will report back and let you know if it helps.
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I've actually expirienced this same problem with the cold feeling and purple skin. I take 20 mgs time-release adderall once daily and have been using similar medication for ADD most of my life. The same goes for the cold body symptoms. But they have become particulalry unbearable these past 10 months or so. I constantly have chills and goosebumps, My veins show purply through the skin on my legs, and my hands and feet in particular are freezing cold to the touch. Is this a relatively normal occurance for Adderall users and can it be releived? Or is it likely that this is linked to another condition with any need for me worry? please let me know, its becoming a problem.
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The side effects are unpleasant, but are they common? Is it unhealthy? I cant put up with it, but I dont want to be damaging myself either.  What avenue should I take next?

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I don't know if you should discontinue it, but you certainly might try reducing the dose, or using it periodically rather than regularly.  Those are very unpleasant side effects, and are the ones that are unlikely to change at that dose.
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