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what is wrong with me...anxiety?

Hello..i have some serious concerns on my mind..I am 23 years old and feel like I should not have these problems. To start I have acid reflux and allergies to ragweed (this season) , grass, dust mites. I have been getting a tightness/pressure in the left side of my neck and I am so worried about it. I am planning on seeing a neurologist asap. What can this be. I know that acid reflux/heartburn can cause burning in the throat but I feel like a pressure/tightness in the left side of the neck. One of my doctors have said I had anxiety in the past. Can this be it? stress? I am always tired and feel like I'm not in my body. Kind of like I am groggy or just out of it all day. What can this be? Please help me out. I had a CT early this year which came back fine and a chest x-ray. Why do I always feel run down and this tightness. Can it be like a caroded artery. Would that feel like this. Any comments would help since I am paranoid about this feeling. Thanks for your help out there. Also, do you think ragweed can attribute to me feeling like run down and dizzy/out of it/tired? I have taken xanax before and they help to calm me down but I have been experiencing this pressure in the neck more lately.  Please help me out . Thanks again.  Also, I am constantly getting sinus infections.  Please try to make sense of all this.
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i postd  on here can someone please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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you need to contact a suicide hotline...or a crisis line...please check your yellow pages.  

it is impossible for me to help via this forum...to impersonal...but I will tell you one thing...my mother was a suicide and the pain of that NEVER EVER ends...so please, do NOT do that to your kids.  You have no idea the lasting impact this would have on them.  My life has never been the same.

Please reach out to someone tonight for help.  wanting to commit suicide is an absence of hope.  I don't know why you don't have hope right now - but I do know that things can change in a person's life and they can wonder why in the world they ever considered such an option.  

Please - reach out to someone who can help you now.
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okay, nothing is "wrong" with you.  You are suffering from anxiety.  Iknow, Iknow....if you hear one more ******* health professional (I am am RN ) say the word anxiety one more time you will absolutely scream your head off while throwing things.  Heavy things.  Preferably at said professional.  (ha ha lucky I am on the 'puter, just kidding.)   Listen, I have a congenital heart disorder.  Not in my mind, an actual one.  And lots of recent personal problems.  So when I started feeling like I wasnt in my body, like I was in a dream, like I was going to faint, I thought, well, its something with my heart, need to go see Doc.  Well, doc does the usual, ekg, cardiogram, holter for five days (no shower I dont know how my family and friends could stand me ) Cant find anything that would make me feel this way.  Then he says the dreaded A word.  And I restrained myself from throwing heavy things, and I simply and adamantly denied that I would not be put on some addictive and potentially dangerous drug for the sake of a little anxiety.  It was, after all, probably something he was missing in the tests.  So I went to another doc. And another.  After about the fifth trip to the ER and finally to my GP, he was like, Melissa, you have anxiety.  At this point I was like I dont give a **** just give me anything to feel like I am not in a dream anymore.  So he gives me some Klonopin for "anxiety" at which point I am beyond throwing things and just so exhausted I wouldve taken crack cocaine if they told me it would make me feel better.  No, sorry, not better , NORMAL.  Like out of "the dream".  Like anything that would keep me from running another red light at a major intersection at rush hour with my three year old in the car.  Not buckled in, because, well, I forgot.  He tells me that within one hour of taking the Klonopin, I will feel better. He was right. (damn my sense of righteouness...LOL)If it was in any way approporiate, I would kiss that doc and send him and his guest of choice to Fiji for a dream vacation. Within one hour, I am starting to mormalize.  One week later (the lady sobs with gratitude and relief) I am NORMAL.  Yes, my typing is bad and I occasionally JUST miss the curb while driving into my driveway, yes I am sleepy a bit, but I am AWAKE.  AND HERE>  Yes, it is VERY addictive.  Yake it ONLY as prescribed. ONLY. Get with a doc who will understand your needs, and get a comprehensive program (game plan) together before you start.  WHich is hard when you feel like you are far, far away.  But ask for a weeks supply, then a follow up and get a game plan together.  Which i promise you will be able to =do then.  Mine is :  Three months Klon. .05 mg three x a day, also started paxil, 10 mg 3x day, (this takes about 2 months to kick in so you need to take the klon. till then) then, month four, koln. 2x a day, still .05 mg, then month 5  .05 klon bedtime only then month six a script of twelve klon to be taken only if necessary.  Go over this with your doc, see if he can agree, and give it a try.  Giood luck.  You will be okay.
Love, Melissa
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Also, before all of you scream at me, you SHOULD have you thyroid tested as well. Soory, that bit escaped me.  You can never be too sure.  Sorry bout that.
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Thanks for your response...u have actually made me laugh my *** off while reading this..lol..let me ask you if this is anxiety can i  just fight it ...do i really need to be on pills..is being alwasy tired anxiety symptoms or depression?
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242532 tn?1269550379
Your symptoms suggest that you are experiencing both anxiety and depression, and this is the most likely cause of your various aches and pains.  But that said, you have to be alert to unusual and persistent pains that may be something else. Nothing you mentioned seems to be causal of neck pain, but only a good examination will confirm that.

I recommend a consultation with a good therapist.
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