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Allergic reaction to Antibiotic Keflex (Cephalexin)??

A few weeks back I had a cold that ultimately led to a sinus infection.  I went to the doc and they indeed confirmed the infection, and prescribed me a 7 day dosage of Cephalexin.  After 7 days, there were still some lingering symptoms of the infection, so they prescribed me another 7 day course.  I am at the end of that course and the sinusitis is gone.  

However, just yesterday, I started itching all over and today I've noticed small, faint red bumps scattered all over my body essentially.  These are, undoubtedly, the cause of the itching (though the itching is not incredibly bad).  I have had an allergic reaction before to an antibiotic (don't remember what kind it was, but I was taking it for acne when I was a teenager) except that was full blown, head to toe hives that itched AWFULLY.  This, so far, is just very small bumps that itch kinda like it feels when your skin gets dry.

Is it unusual to have a reaction that far into an antibiotic?  That is the only thing I can think of that could be causing it?  Could it be something I ate or drank with it?  Anyone have a similar experience w/ an antibiotic at the end of the course?
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Thank goodness I found this thread, thankyou so much. I was prescribed Keflex a few weeks ago for a sinus infection. After completingthe course the doctor recommended a second course. As soon as I started the second course of Keflex i broke out in tiny red itchy lumps on  my fingers, palms, inner thighs, feet and legs. As they appeared they would itch like crazy, drove me insane. I was able to get some relief from antihistaimenes (spelling??) After visting two doctors i was diagnosed by one with Hand, foot and mouth and another dermatitis!!! As soon as I stopped taking the Keflex the itching stopped and the rash started to dissapear. It was then I found this thread and realised I'd had a reaction to the Keflex...
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I was given Cephalexin 500mg a couple of weeks ago for a swollen gland. After a few days of taking the meds, I noticed tiny dull-red bumps on my sides and abdomen. They didn't itch, really. Unfortunately, in a few days, the bumps were appearing on my upper legs. These ones itched! The ones on my stomach are still there. :(  I quit taking the Cephalexin about half-way through the course. That was about a week ago. The bumps are still multiplying. When they show up in a new place, they itch like crazy. Then, not so much. Today I'm just being tortured by them they itch so darned much. Some days they are redder and some days they are barely there. Some days they're bumpier, and some days they're small. They get redder after a hot shower.
This has to be a reaction to the meds. There simply isn't anything else that I've changed or introduced besides the Cephalexin. I've never had this before, that's for sure. I haven't seen a doctor about it yet. Going to get an appointment tomorrow.
No other symptoms. I'm feeling fine otherwise. I think I'll go for a walk.
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Reaction can last a very long time from the drug months. Some reactions from Keflex  never go away. Don't take it again, have the dr. put it on your chart.
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For all of those wondering about the ways to heal these allergic reactions to Keflex (cephalexin) - simply start taking probiotics (notice the PRO at the beginning), in addition to homeopathic sulfur, on a daily basis until the symptoms are gone.

You can find good probiotics and sulfur products in stores such as Sprouts and probably WholeFoods (and pretty much any "natural" store). I chose to go with a probiotic company called "MegaFood" that has a product named "MegaFlora" that has 20 billion  CFU (that is, 20 billion active bacteria of various types) and a homeopathic sulfur called "Sulphur 200ck" which comes in a little, half transparent, blue-ish container. I bought them both at Sprouts and I actually found out about the sulfur product thanks to a Sprouts employee who told me he's had success with it for cases like skin rash and symptoms that are similar to mine. I preferred the MegaFood probiotics over others because it had the most straightforward ingredients and seemed to be the most "natural".

The MegaFood probiotics says to take it once a day with a meal. I sometimes opted to take it twice a day, once at breakfast and the other at lunch or dinner.

The homeopathic sulfur should be consumed by placing a pallet (or pallets) under your tongue until it, or they, dissolve. I actually had fun consuming the homeopathic sulfur as the one I bought tasted kind of like candy. According to the manufacturer, 5 pallets should be taken 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved. I mistakenly took way less than that (that is 5 pallets a day rather than 15), but it still worked its magic regardless.

I am not associated with any of the products or the stores, but even if I was, you shouldn't care because they will help you heal :)

I've had my allergic reaction to Keflex a day after I completed my 500mg, 4-times-a-day, 7 days journey with it. First I had red spots showing up on my inner palms, and then on the next day I started having those red spots all over my body, especially at the back, and it was looking pretty bad. I was itching lightly, especially at the extremities of my body.

My symptoms were completely gone after 4 or 5 days of daily consumption of the probiotics and sulfur. I actually stopped itching almost completely after a few hours of consuming the probiotics and sulfur, and I was already able to tell that the red spots are starting to fade out.

Hope this helps and wish you all the best!
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17981480 tn?1462026434
I, too, had an allergic reaction to Cephalexin. It has been horrible for me to endure! Red itchy hives/bumps all over my body. It has been almost 3 weeks into my allergic reaction. I stopped taking this drug 3 weeks ago and I am still having an allergic reaction. My dr prescribed a steroid to take for 6 days, I did. They came back once I stopped with the steroid. I called dr  back, she said to take more steroids!! I don't like the steroids, they make me feel weird and I don't like the side effects at all. I am trying to just wait this out, if anyone has any other remedy please reply. Thanks in advance. This is one terrible drug out on the market. Cephalexin/Keflex. I'd advise anyone to NOT take it. So, basically, what I am doing today is...........no meds.........period. Drinking a lot of water, and putting on some cortizone cream for my itchy hives. I want to kind of detox my body I suppose. I was wondering about taking Turmeric or Ginger as a natural way of healing, any thought? Thanks, Julie Jones...Indiana
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If you never found an answer, even though this is 8yrs old, look into Interstitial Cystitis, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, and Vulvodynia. I went though unnecessary antibiotics for years when they weren't truly needed.
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9367164 tn?1403347481
I woke up hour ago itching badly and got ahold of a cream for poison oak and in tears got  into the bath tub and with very warm water rubbed and scrubbed this stuff, its gritty and intended to remove the poison oak oil. I have a terrible sore on my leg looks like poison oak, doctors thinks a spider bite, he says go to emergency you need an IV antibiotic to make sure it doesn't go systemic and looks like some celulitis may be developing. They didn't do a culture in Er and put me on Cephalaxin, 3x500 a day,  i knew something was wrong because hair follicles at my stomach and groin area where I shave were swollen and red. I cut back a neighbors yard 1 week earlier and there was lots of poison oak, but I wore long pants and gloves an d a eye mask and was very careful not to touch tools etc without gloves and cleaning.Even if I got a few spots on my arms there is no way to explain all over my legs and then showing up more and more. First thing I did, can't think of anything I ate or new except this dam antibiotic. I am going for a vigorous detox, probiotics and colon cleansing and going to research where this antibiotic may store itself to have such long term effects. Some medicines get accumulated in body fat etc and don't
dissolve or get eliminated readily. One thing is sure if you have raised hair follicles red like ingrown hair infected and it itches and its a lot of them, its an allergy inside your blood system..I hope all of you remedy your crisis.
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Have been dying of intense itching since tuesday.. A whole week now.. I Finished taking 4 capsules of keflex daily for two weeks for a UTI roughly around the same time the intense itching began. It began mildly during the course in my scalp and legs .. Tried a medicated shampoo thinking i had scalp issues.. And extra moisturiser for my legs. Once i finished the course the scalp became even more intense and my back and torso and legs got very itchy small bumps. I Thought possibly from sand fly bites but the itch did not go away or flea bites but as my partner is not suffering and in the same bed I did some research and sore antibiotics as a link.. Remembering i had just finished a course of keflex i immediately googled it and came across this feed. Arghhhhh!!! I feel silly for putting up with the itch for so long thinking the bites would disappear but now i see it is a reaction or imbalance. Have just taken 4 probiotics in one night and a lot of yoghurt .. If there is a major improvement with that alone I will post and update but will also head to the chemist tomorrow morning for a cream. I Will probably visit the chemist instead of the doctors because docs really have no clue I have found. If it wasnt for my mum teaching me about probiotics I would have NO idea as stupid doctors dont care to mention it or even on a side note any ways to stop getting UTIs.. So quick to just hand out antibiotics instead of also trying to help you not get one again. Also Scary to hear the itch comes back even after you take the steroids/antihistamine .. Hopefully the probiotics work magic and im itch/rash free because i can not handle this for much longer. Oh and showers do not help at all makes it so much worse!! Nasty stuff :(
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Today I went to the ER for severe pain in my lower right shin with swelling and redness. I could barely walk. They hooked me to an IV and injected me with dulaudid (sp) for the pain. Took 5 viles of blood and sent me for an ultasound to check for blood clots. The results came back with no clots and they diagnosed me with cellulitus. They gave me a prescription for Keflex and vicodin and had me take 1 Keflex capsule and 2 vicoin and wheeled me out of the hospital all the way to my car. My friend and I stopped at a favorite restaurant after the hospital and ordered onion rings as an app and each a burger. By the time the burgers came, I said, "my lips are tingly and my tongue feels weird, are they swollen?" She said yes, I limped to the bathroom and couldn't belive what my lips looked like. Waitress packed up our food and back the ER I went. They rushed me right into the ER, hooked me up to many monitors, started IV with Benedryl followed by steroid breathing treatments and then put on oxygen. My BP went up to 186/81. Two hours later, they released me with a different prescription for antibiotics, I can't remember the name but it starts with an "L". Of course, by this time all the pharmacies in town are closed so I will have to drive back to town in the morning to fill the scrips. Welcome to Hawaii living!! NOT!
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I'm adding my allergic interactions to this column because I think people should know that this is still going on ... I had a dog bite, was taking Cephalaxin 500mg 2/day as a preventative.  

By the second night my face began to itch, but I thought it was just dry skin.  I instinctively lowered my intake to only once a day and the itchiness got better.  

Last night I the right side of my throat started to hurt, so I thought I'd do some research on allergic reactions to Cephalaxin ... Boy am I glad I did!

I won't be taking anymore of this, and I will get some probiotics today.  Great advice from mentioned this, thank you.

I have never had an allergic reaction to any medication before this ... I think they're using us as lab rats, what's wrong with amoxycillan?  
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It can be herpes, and if it's not then use povidone-iodine vaginal suppositories!
It wipes out every possible harming germs, bacteria, viruses, micro organism...
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Allopathic medicine is only useful in emergency rooms. Allopathic doctors seldom know their heads from a hole in the wall, the things they are taught are half true and very few have the mind to actually learn much from experience. A fungal inoculation is what causes the lasting effects the people here are describing, and that can be cleaned best with natural medicine such as alliultra and silver 100 which can be found at http://nutrimedical.com/ (and no i dont work for them). By the way those two products will also work better than most antibiotics on earth to cure (yes CURE - kiss my grits FDA) most ailments. The truth is that nature based medicine is far far more powerful and benevolent than allopathic medicine ever will be except in invasive emergency procedures when it is the lesser of two evils. People will 'bah humbug' what i just said, especially doctors but you try it, when your doctor has failed for the tenth time you try it, and then when it works like a charm you come back and sing it from the rooftops. it is time to end the medical monopoly tyranny that is killing more aAmericans than any other cause. Wake up and get healthy, for real.
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whoever took cephalaxin in a capsual form could be having some problems if u swallowed the capsual u have to let it disolve in 2 tablespoon of water then drink then puut water back in cup and swish round and drink it do not swallow the capsual
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Hi how long did it take for the rash to subside and for you to feel better.. Please let me know.. Thanks,
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Everything I have read here is nearly identical to my experience after taking a course of Cephalexin. The rash developed the day after I finished taking it. The rash first appeared as small red, lumpy pimple like dots all over my arms and chest. I went to my GP a day later and she suggested I take some common antihystimines. I have done this for the last 6 days and there has been no improvement. In fact it has got worse and has now spread to my legs. The rash on my arms was not itchy at first but I am now experiencing a mild itch and many of the red pimples/lumps are now quite scaley and feel almost like sunburn. The rash on my legs is still just a mass of red pimple like dots. I am very worried after reading all these posts as none of them have indicated a successful treatment/cure. If any of you have had any success please let me know!!!  
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Everything I have read here is nearly identical to my experience after taking a course of Cephalexin. The rash developed the day after I finished taking it. The rash first appeared as small red, lumpy pimple like dots all over my arms and chest. I went to my GP a day later and she suggested I take some common antihystimines. I have done this for the last 6 days and there has been no improvement. In fact it has got worse and has now spread to my legs. The rash on my arms was not itchy at first but I am now experiencing a mild itch and many of the red pimples/lumps are now quite scaley and feel almost like sunburn. The rash on my legs is still just a mass of red pimple like dots. I am very worried after reading all these posts as none of them have indicated a successful treatment/cure. If any of you have had any success please let me know!!!  
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WOW! what a nightmare after reading the above threads. I was given cephalexin 500 mg x 2 for a nagging dry peeling skin above my upper lip. Doctor said it was a bacterial infection considering it wouldn't go away with a mild steriod cream. I was given 20 capsules for 10 days. I took 7 days without a problem along with a probiotic. I missed 1 day, took 1 pill the following day without a probiotic. The followowing day my arms started itching. I noticed pimples, and from there to my chest and around my neck. I went to the doctor, he said it was a reaction to the cephalexin, stop taking them. Itching is mild, controlled with steroid cream, it will definately spread is you start scratching. I'm trying Benadryl and remember to keep your hands washed. For this too shall past...
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Cephalexin has ruined my life.  I took it two months ago for a UTI.  They gave me cephalexin because I am currently nursing and they said it was perfectly safe for my baby.   It gave my son horrible diarrhea for over a month, but thankfully he has recovered.  About a week after I stopped taking it I developed the sensation of a lump in my throat and heartburn.  Now I also have stomach cramps, indigestion, and diarrhea - 2 months later!  I'm sure it was the cephalexin as I never had any problems before I took it.  Please research this drug before taking it!!
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After I posted my last comments, I had a discussion with my daughter who suggested I try Black Soap on my skin to see if there would be any improvement in the rash I had resulting from the Keflex.  I lathered the soap and washed everything from head to toe.  There was a very mild burning on my skin, however not enought to say ouch.  After a few days I noticed that the tiny bumps were not as raised as before.  Today, the bumps on my neck are completely gone.  The bumps on my face are almost gone.  I hope this information helps someone out there.  Feel free to reply to discuss further or if you have any questions.
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HOW LONG, HOW LONG, pins and needles, itchy, little red bumps.  I already fight back thoughts of just ending all my problems the wrong way.  What makes me mad now my pain managment doctor would have or hear nothing of the stupid keflex doing this to me.  Kept on insisting it has to be the dilaudid in my pain medicine pump in me.  And dm it that doctor is a three hour drive one way and $100 in fuel away from me.  Being on dissability.  That is A LOT of MONEY!  So frustrated and scared!!  was on 500mg every 8 hours.  Took 11 pills plus 3 viles they gave me in my I.V. set up while in post opp after having my pain med. pump changed out inside of me.  Fighting back all these side affects, bad back pains, sever depression frustrations.  Stop taking med yesterday.  But after reading all these posts.  Feels like it will never go away and can get worse yet.  ANY HELP?????? Please    I am freaking out here and having hard time fighting back the bad scary thoughts
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I've read the many comments here as they are not only extremely similar, but are exact descriptions of what I was going to say about my own personal experience with Keflex.  Has anyone received feedback to know how to remedy or stop the reaction?  From the comments posted here, it seems doctors don't really know what to do about it.
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On Day 8 of a 10 day course I started itching and immediately stopped taking the antibiotic and took Claritin during the day and Benedryl at night. They were moderately effective.

On day 9, I developed a rash and was prescribed Hydroxyyzine, which is more effective at reducing the itch and also seems to make the rash less visible.

On day 11, the rash is still present and may even be spreading. I will continue to track and report.
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I hope your wife is feeling better.  Everyone is different and how quickly she heals is based on the severity of the allergy and how quickly her body can rid itself completely of the allergen.  Even though I only took 5 doses of the Cephalexin (Keflex), my allergy lasted nearly 3 weeks.  The first 10 days were unbearable and I didn’t think I would ever overcome it, the milder symptoms lasted for an additional 10 days.    
I hope her's doesn't take nearly as long to recover from!  
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My wife gave birth to our son a week ago. She underwent surgery post birth and was given a course of cephalexin. Within 24 hrs she broke out in a small cold sore like blister / itchy rash on her wrist. We thought it was an allergic reaction to the medi tape used in that area but 5 days later the rash is spreading and her itchiness is unbearable. Having googled allergic reactions to cephalexin we found this link and perhaps this is the answer. She's now stopped taking the antibiotics but can anyone give line of sight on how long it will take for the rash to subside?
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I was suffering with serverely bad breath so my doctor prescribed Doxycycline. My bad breath cleared up but at the end of the 2nd week of taking the drug I started to see a cluster of spots on my neck. I assumed it was hormonal as I was due on my period and carried on taking the drug. It was only two days later that I realised it was in fact a rash that was on my face and chest. I only had one day left out of a fourteen day prescription but I stopped taking it after realising it was an allergic reaction to Doxycycline. It's been nearly a week and the rash still hasn't gone and it itches from time to time but I'm yet to contact my doctor. Any advice?
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