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Brown patch in between breasts

I have this patch of brown in between my breasts (see pic; although I think it doesn't show that great) my older sister has the same thing; and when she noticed mine; she became afraid we have something.  She said hers has gotten worse; that it used to look like mine but it much darker and bigger now.. so naturally I fear it'll happen to me.  I think I first noticed it a few years ago. like 2.
what can this be?
43 Responses
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I figured out the solution <3

Hello, I also have/had that and I recently figured out the "solution".  I first got it in 7th grade & it seemed to grow, just a month ago I remember how dark, wrinkly, & ugh it was. I looked online and this is the "recipe" I made and it worked.
- Baking Soda
- Vinegar
- Lemon
I put all of these together until they reached a consistency I liked & could apply to my skin. I also mixed the lotion and consistency at one point so it could better apply to my skin. Recommendations are that you apply it 3 times a week for 10 minutes but I would leave it on overnight and during the day (cause of quarantine) and it took like 3 weeks for it to like go away entirely  
-  At one point it like made that skin bumpy, I think it was like a reaction to it - when it got like this I would give my skin a break and after the bumps went away the dark patches from that part like fell off - so the skin was clear
- Like in the second week of putting it on consistently it kinda burned - not like painful burn but it was a bit uncomfortable - to fix this just don't put it on like I did which was everyday

I don't know if this is dangerous in someway but this is the same thing a lot of women use to clear dark armpits/necks.
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Are they spots like dots
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Hi had the same thing when I was 13 until now. Mine usually come and go. triggers by eating food like eggs, chicken, shrimps, crabs and beans. itchy sometimes. It completely went away when I was pregnant and came back a few months after a gave birth and since then it usually appears when i&#39;m about to have my mentrations. A doctor once said that it&#39;s skin asthma, I took meds but it&#39;s still there. I&#39;m using Gluta C facial scrub now and Papaya Soap and I think it&#39;s working plus avoid eating those stuff mentioned above and lose weight at least be within you BMI.
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same thing happened to me just take a clean towel and some rubbing alcohol and scrub really hard in all the affected areas after that use soap and water do that for about a week and it should be gone if not then keep doing it you can see a major difference after the first try. and to avoid getting more spots after using soap and water rub a new deodorant in the spot to keep from sweating
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Did it completely go away? How long did it take for this to work? I am not pre-diabetic. I got the patches my senior year of high school. My doc told me that it would go away if I scrubbed at it. I have been trying for three years and it still has not gone away. I have made an appointment with a dermatologist. I hope they do something about it
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Did the cream work for you brothers? I am visiting a Dermatologist on Friday.
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I had the same issue and so did my mom. I am 18 turning 19 in a few days and i took showers and cleansed it regularly. Right after i shower or bathe i would dry off and put baby powder on it to dry it  up more. My boobs sweat alot i am a double d cup naturally and because of that sweat build up the dark spot came. the baby powder has helped.
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I believe it's called tinea versicolor. That's definitely what I have based on the images I looked up on Google.

Moist and warm parts of the skin gets brown patches. Also itches at times.

Anyway, stay dry. Powder up.  :)
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Answer right here.

I have it too. It's humid and I constantly sweat.

I visited a doctor about 6 months back, who gave me a pill for fungal.
May have helped, but not sure because I keep getting sweaty.

I read in the below answers that zinc helps. In any case, I used medicated powder (Aiken) to help keep my skin dry. That really dried up the spots. The dark brown skin peeled off.

There's a light brown patch below it now, but it looks better and is obviously getting better.

I'm going to let the skin peel off naturally instead of scrubbing it since it does not seem ready yet.

Overall,it's a definite fix.
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Apple cider vinegar!  
It works within days!!!  
Just put it on a washer/cloth and wipe it on area 2-3 times a Day!!  It works so well!!
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what you're describing is what i had when i was 13, i had high triglycerides and cholesterol and this makes dark spots appear behind your neck, ears, on your elbows knees and sometimes in between your breasts. Its called Acanthosis Nigricans, luckily by eating right the dark spots can go away completely.
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how do I get rid of it . it's between my boobs and on my stomach now
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I've been having this for a while, so I went to the doctors and the doctor told me that it was a fungal infection. I was prescribed with a nizoral cream, and the spots after a couple of days had gone. You need to see a doctor about it because it is infectious and it will spread all over your body. I hope this helps!
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Did it work me and my sister have it and my mother says we might have diabetes. but i dont think so does that actully work???
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I have it and my doctor said it's a fungal infection. She told me to put athletes feet medication cream on it that I bought at the .99 cent store and it works great! Hope it works for you all! :) let me know
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I am 17 and have the same problem.. I just noticed mine in the summer as one small little patch no bigger than a pea. And I guess i forgot about it and now its a big patch that goes almost all the way across the underside of my breast. I now am finding the little pea sized marks appearing on my next and upper cheast and continually getting larger. It doesnt really hurt its just itchy and embarassing.. It looks like a birth mark almost with dry skin over it but the skin sits up a tiny bit more from the rest of mine.. Im going to the doctor next week about it, hopefully you guys figure it out :)
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You get these dark spots because this is the area sweat rubs against you. A great way that I use to get rid of it is to put powder on my stomach and chest area when i wake up, when I go to sleep, and after a shower. This has helped so much and now I do not have these spots!!! I truly hope this helps, as I feel so much more confident in myself without those spots!
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I used to get these spots all over my chest area and stomach. They got worse and worse, and more appeared. All i did was get an exfoliating glove and, with body scrub (neutrogina), went over these areas, and there was a massive difference, and now they are gone. They appear because of sweat, so wear sports bras when you can!
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I wanna try the zinc but how do I search for it? just under zinc? or what is the actual product called? please help!!
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I'm 16. I got the brown spots (giraffe spots as my older sister points out -_-) i can't even remember when. It's between my breasts ,it was small but it grew bigger and sorta grew under my right breast. It is also in the middle of my neck. At first, I thought it was dirt so i scrubbed very very hard. It went away a little bit but started getting bigger. But i gained some weight, too. So now i'm kinda thinking it does have to do with my weight. But i'm going to the skin doctor so hopefully i'll find out what it is and what causes it.
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**It is not a skin condition. It is a symptom of pre-diabetic nature.
Regardless, scratching and scrubbing and applying oils won't affect it. These actions will at most irritate the skin or make the skin appear even darker; they will not affect the acanthosis in the way that one might hope that they would.
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Acanthosis Nigricans causes darkness between the breasts, in the groin area, under the arms, and, most commonly, behind the neck. It is painless and not itchy; it is simply displeasing to look at. It is also considered a preceding omen of diabetes, and is usually found in women ages 10 and up. It is a skin condition, so regardless of how much you scratch at it it will remain there. The best treatment is usually a medicine called Metformin (prescription from doctor is necessary). It is a common medication for those who have type 2 diabetes, and will, over time, make the dark areas smaller and less noticeable; in some cases, it might even "rid" the patient of the dark spots; but the acanthosis will remain. It ( the darkness/ spots) will only remain less noticeable so long as it is being treated. When treatment stops, the acanthosis will return and possibly worsen.
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Do you know how wonderful you are for posting this comment?? I have PCOS and insulin resistance. I suspected the spots had something to do with that. When I eat better and cut out sugar it lightens up. Thank you!
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Hi everyone! soo as of about February of this year i too noticed that I began to get dark marks between my boobs. I am skinny but I do have  big boobs so i figured it may have something to do with having big boobs. I started working out more so I thought that was the cause. So (stupidly lol) i decided to ease up on my exercising but realized that doesnt work so i went back to working out then i tried exfoliators and lotions but that just made it spread and darken :( so i went to a dermatologist and they gave me differin to put on it. Ive been using it for a week now and so far it seems to be working. It has shrunk a bit and got lighter in certain parts but it does dry out the area and i have to make sure i use sunblock. My dermatologist told me that to avoid using creams like hydrocortisone because they arent good for this part of skin.
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