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Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis

I have been diagnosed with Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis by a dermatologist. I received antibiotics to cure the spots. The spots disappeared for roughly 3 months and are returning. The papules are located throughout my body, primarily near the belly button. The pattern extends up my torso on the sides, leading to the arms. The upper arms also have papules. I have noticed that when I lay on concrete without a shirt, the papules become more evident and obvious. However, the visibility does not dim over time. Does this have anything to do with it? Also, I would like to ask if supplements used for bodybuilding, which i have used recently that include creatine, NO2, supplementary protein, arginine, and beta-alanine have anything to do with Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis. Thanks you're consideration and time is appreciated
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I've been taking oregano oil supplements and calprylic acid and it has been keeping my skin 85% clear. Some areas of my body like my neck it is completely gone but i can't seem to get it off my chest and under my boobs.
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Dear crpsucks24, did you avoid any diet or food. Long ago I was on milk and soyabean diet and it all cleared up in 2weeks. But who can live on these two things for over so I keep experimenting. I cut all carbs for 5 days didn't see any improvement and back on eating filling food (I am vegetarian) . Anyway I am going to try this combination ..I hope it works. Any food you avoided? While taking these pills.  Also it's giving me burning sesation and little fatigue with headache when ever I eat these pills. Did u face those symptoms too?
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Drink Dandelion Tea. I believe this really helped me with my CRP. Hope this helps!
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Ok I wrote a long comment just now and realized I didn't say everything that helped me. Let me break it down and put my emotions to the side. They say that minocycline is the only known antibiotic to alleviate CRP symptoms. Cons : -you are on antibiotic for long periods of time
-they say that it can conflict with birth control
Ok if it helps us then I think many of us opt yes to the mino! Of course I was allergic to it and ended up with rashes from head to toe...
Ok so I ended up taking all things out of my diet and only ate salads for a while. Slowly brought things one at a time and journalized what happened. It came down to yeast and eggs. I found out that eggs is what did it for me! If I eat eggs then My CRP comes for a vengeance. I use to eat a lot of eggs, my whole life. It was shocking. What I do to keep it under control, is avoid eggs all together, and when it does come , then I use RetinA and take probiotics and it usually helps after a few days. I hope this helped!
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I hope my post helps. I think I had CRP for years but it has been way worst in the last 2 years. I only get it in between my breasts. I was diagnosed with Tinea which my doctor said she was sure of. From then on, I used so many anti fungal shampoos and creams n looked up special vitamins and spent so much money on probiotics. Just went all out trying to find a solution. Nothing worked! So anyways  I went through so many emotions .. Thought it was cancer at one point and so forth. I was diagnosed with CRP last visit. I did research and found nothing but support forums like this. Anyways long story short... I cut everything besides the basics out of my diet. Then I brought things in slowly. It came down to yeast and eggs that I incorporated back slowly. Oddly enough I found the culprit! So what does it for me... Is eggs. So weird! I have eaten eggs my whole life and never had a problem this bad. Now i do my best to avoid eggs and it's gone. Sometimes I Cheat and have eggs for breakfast or Just a little here and there... Then it comes back and I hate it so much! So I encourage all of you to try avoiding eggs for 2 months and see if this works for you. I eat bread but I try to avoid freshly baked goods bc I notice a flare up after. I hope I hope this works for you Guys! I strongly feel that our bodies try to tell us things about our diets in the strangest ways. If it's not eggs then journal your food and try to cut as much as you can out and bring things in slowly. It's a painful process, but so worth it, once you figure out what causes your symptoms. I hope this helped. Sorry it was SO long!  
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I have recently been diagnosed with CRP. To be honest I dont mind ha
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Made a mistake and posted my comment while typing (face palm). But as I was saying I don't mind even having the itchiness and the flare ups. I just wish there was something to put on my skin that would take the dark marks the flare ups leave behind. I am happy that I found other people that have this and can learn what works for different people, it is a big help. I have recently stopped eating egg and product with yeast in them. It is working wonders haven't had a flare up since.
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Wow, I have been diagnosed and I thought after a few internet searches I was one of the only people in the world that have it. I've spent so much of my life, trying treatments, lotions,creams, nights of crying, hiding my body, scratching from the itchiness, to trying to scrap my skin with a knife (just to get it off). It's nice to hear that I'm not alone in this. I've had it since I was 15, I'm 24 now, but I treat mine with a Paleo diet (it's worked wonders) and Selsun 2% shampoo. I will soak in a bath first to soft the skin, then I drench myself in the shampoo, rub it in with hands, scrub it in with loofah gloves and then rinse it off and i do it for about two days and give my body a break, it help controls the itch and it starts to fade until the next outbreak.  
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Hi, I am in the same boat as you. I am 24 and have had this for two years ago. I have tried minocycline and Xolagel and both helped a little but then it started coming back. I was wondering if the things you tried helped you
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I think I may have this too. I've been suffering from dry, itchy discolored patches on my ribcage and sides of breasts/armpits (kind of brown/tan, but my normal skin color is very pale) off and on since my early teens. I'm 24 now (hormonal changes maybe?). I've had doctors look at it in the past but have never been diagnosed or prescribed anything to help, just been told I have dry skin and that moisturizing cream will help... it doesn't. I am hoping that my current doctor or a dermatologist can figure it out. I did notice it to get somewhat better when I was following a paleo diet.
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I've had the same problem since I was 13 years old. The dermatologist knew from the start that I had CPR and treated me with something called Tetralysal. This cleaned me for almost 6 months after I stopped using the medicine the dark patches came back all over my chest and back and it is also affecting my face. I've read everywhere that minocycline is really good and I'm eager to try it. I want to stop being ashamed of my skin everytime I go out to the beach with my friends. Anyone that has had positive effects with the minocycline please let me know for how long you took the medicine. Thankyou.
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Hi. I have dark pigmented patches that started developing when i was about 13. Over the years they have spread all over my chest, trunk and are thickened in my underarm area. For years i worried i may have an insulin resistance and that the dark patches were acanthosis nigricans. However i've never been obese or had PCOS, I eat healthy and in good shape. I never understood what i had and the dermatologists i consulted didn't help. After a lot of research online i finally found that i'm not alone in this struggle and i can talk about this without feeling embarrassed. It looks like I have Confluent and Reticulated papillomatosis (CRP) and i saw a dermatologist again this morning. She couldnt figure it out herself after she told me it wasnt fungal and I persuaded her to check her literature for CRP and the benefits of minocycline for it. She looked it up and wrote me a prescription, and i hope to start taking it from today. I am slightly worried that this is almost a self diagnosis.This condition has been holding me back all my life and i want to get rid of it and be the person i truly want to be. I want to be able to dance and play tennis without having to worry about how my skin looks to others. I'd appreciate your responses if you have had a similar struggle.
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Did the areas get worse before clearing up?
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Did the areas get worse before clearing up?
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what were your terrible side effects? my son has this and i am concerned if its worth the treatment.
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Does anyone have itching with crp I was just diagnosed yeaterday and also did yours start out with light spots that itched
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Hi, I was diagnosed with CRP 2 years ago.  The dermatologist could not give me a definitive answer on what caused it, but I had read that it may be related to thyroid hormone levels.  I had Thyroid cancer previously and was on thyroid replacement therapy when I realized that the CRP correlated with my levels of thyroid hormone.  When I had the optimal levels, the CRP would go away and when my levels were off, the CRP would come back.  I have it on the back of my neck at the hair line and on the chest.  Yes, the itching can drive you mad, especially during the hotter months when you tend to sweat more.  I was offered the antibiotic from the dermatologist, but I only took it a short while due to the fear of a yeast infection, because I am already plagued by those.  I tend to believe that endocrine hormones play a role in CRP.  I would suggest a simple thyroid test from your doctor just to rule out an endocrine problem.  I do not like CRP but as my hormone levels are getting better, so is it getting better and has become more tolerable to live with.
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So this is just some tips on how to make CRP less noticeable or more manageable. Like I've said in my previous post, I've had CRP for about 5 years now & I've pretty much accepted that it's here to stay for a while, if not forever. I have tried Minocycline & I want to say it works but I can't because I have trouble remembering to take it & when I do remember, I have to wait 2 to 3 hours because I just ate. By the time 2 to 3 hours comes around I forget again. So Minocycline might work for me, but I'll never know unless I set up some way for me to remember to take it. So I'll be paying my dermatologist a visit soon so we can find a medication that I can manage better. Anyways, I've experimented with a few lotions and creams. Retin A did not work for me, I'm now trying Tazorac, which I don't expect much results from, but I'll try anything. As far as making the splotches be less noticeable, my routine is to get 70% alcohol & some cotton swabs & I scrub the hell out of it. Obviously it doesn't completely disappear, but it gets a good amount off & makes it smooth.  I do this right before a HOT shower & then get a nice lather from my soap and just massage it in for a couple minutes. After that it is Extremely smooth & you can hardly see it. Before bed, I'll put the Tazorac on or whatever topical cream you've been prescribed & and by morning the appearance is much better. To hide it even more I put some loose face powder on the splotches on my neck, Thank goodness for makeup! Again, this is just what works for me, I'm just trying to help anyone who wants to try something new. Also, I found a store bought lotion that doesn't do anything for the appearance but makes it SUPER smooth, called Curel (Ultra healing) you can get it at pretty much any general store. I usually use this when its feeling really dry. Hope this helps!
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So this is just some tips on how to make CRP less noticeable or more manageable. Like I've said in my previous post, I've had CRP for about 5 years now & I've pretty much accepted that it's here to stay for a while, if not forever. I have tried Minocycline & I want to say it works but I can't because I have trouble remembering to take it & when I do remember, I have to wait 2 to 3 hours because I just ate. By the time 2 to 3 hours comes around I forget again. So Minocycline might work for me, but I'll never know unless I set up some way for me to remember to take it. So I'll be paying my dermatologist a visit soon so we can find a medication that I can manage better. Anyways, I've experimented with a few lotions and creams. Retin A did not work for me, I'm now trying Tazorac, which I don't expect much results from, but I'll try anything. As far as making the splotches be less noticeable, my routine is to get 70% alcohol & some cotton swabs & I scrub the hell out of it. Obviously it doesn't completely disappear, but it gets a good amount off & makes it smooth.  I do this right before a HOT shower & then get a nice lather from my soap and just massage it in for a couple minutes. After that it is Extremely smooth & you can hardly see it. Before bed, I'll put
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Has anyone ever tried the Chinese drug jianpizhiyang granula? I read that this is supposed to help. Just wondering before we ordered it.
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I am 29 years old and when I was around 14 years old, I began to get these dark, dry spots that started on my neck,then my back then my chest ...started to spread to my arms. I felt terrible, scared, embarrased because I was in highschool and was self conscience. I had to constantly cover up winter, spring, summer and fall and once I was hot during summer, exercise or anything.. I'd itch so much and only in the spots where the CRP is located. My first visit to the derm, they said it was eczema.. tried every eczema cure there was and nothing. Then they told me years later that it was Tinea versi color. I struggled with that for years and used every shampoo, cream, steroid...I tried it all. The only thing that seemed to lighten it a bit was using selsun blue and then alcohol (rubbing the rash with it daily), but my skin began to dry out and what a mess the selsun blue became. I went to dermatologist after dermatologist and nothing so..I had basically gave up on it and stopped caring. I went to my pain management appt complainting of pain, they tested me saying that they think that I have lymes disease... never heard of it,prescribed me doxyclycline and after a few weeks, my skin was beautiful, no rash, no blemishes...it was the most prettiest I've ever seen my skin to be. I was excited. After a couple of months, Id say about 3, it started to come back slowly. I was upset and didnt want to go back to the derm because tinea versicolor was what they diagnosed me with and I guess that was it...Something told me one more time to try the dermatologist so, I did it. I'll never forget how the doctor took one look at it and went to grab a book. He showed me what it is and told me he think that is what I have. They took a small piece of skin where the rash was located and the results came back as CRP. He prescribed me minocycline which cleared it right up beautifully, but then I started to get acne on the face which I didnt understand because minocycline is supposed to help acne Lol. So now, they've switched me back to doxycycline and hoping and praying that it clears up so nice like before. (sorry if I have any misspellings :)
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I am 29 years old and when I was around 14 years old, I began to get these dark, dry spots that started on my neck,then my back then my chest ...started to spread to my arms. I felt terrible, scared, embarrased because I was in highschool and was self conscience. I had to constantly cover up winter, spring, summer and fall and once I was hot during summer, exercise or anything.. I'd itch so much and only in the spots where the CRP is located. My first visit to the derm, they said it was eczema.. tried every eczema cure there was and nothing. Then they told me years later that it was Tinea versi color. I struggled with that for years and used every shampoo, cream, steroid...I tried it all. The only thing that seemed to lighten it a bit was using selsun blue and then alcohol (rubbing the rash with it daily), but my skin began to dry out and what a mess the selsun blue became. I went to dermatologist after dermatologist and nothing so..I had basically gave up on it and stopped caring. I went to my pain management appt complainting of pain, they tested me saying that they think that I have lymes disease... never heard of it,prescribed me doxyclycline and after a few weeks, my skin was beautiful, no rash, no blemishes...it was the most prettiest I've ever seen my skin to be. I was excited. After a couple of months, Id say about 3, it started to come back slowly. I was upset and didnt want to go back to the derm because tinea versicolor was what they diagnosed me with and I guess that was it...Something told me one more time to try the dermatologist so, I did it. I'll never forget how the doctor took one look at it and went to grab a book. He showed me what it is and told me he think that is what I have. They took a small piece of skin where the rash was located and the results came back as CRP. He prescribed me minocycline which cleared it right up beautifully, but then I started to get acne on the face which I didnt understand because minocycline is supposed to help acne Lol. So now, they've switched me back to doxycycline and hoping and praying that it clears up so nice like before. (sorry if I have any misspellings :)
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  I am 72 yrs old and was diagnosed with CRP 3 yrs ago.  In all of the posts I did not see anything about the itching.  The itching is driving me over the edge.  I have been prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonitie, Clobetasol, Doxepin and Atarax.  Nothing has helped.  The bumps started on my arms and turned into moles.  They are now covering my body from my head to my feet.  In June 2012. I  had congested heart failure was in the hospital 14 days. While in there I was given prediszone (sp) twice daily tablet and a shot in my stomach.  I did not itch at all BUT developed "roid" rage so bad my family did not want to be around me.

For 2 yrs I had gone to 7 dermatologist and they said they had never seen anything like this.  I finally got an appointment with a major research hospital and the biopsy confirmed CRP.

I am an insulin dependent diabetic, don't know if this has something to do with it.  I was told about a lady with CRP that used lye soap made by the Ammish., I have 4 bars on order and pray this is an answer to my private Hell.
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I am also having CRP for three years , taking minocycline for almost five month , twice a day . It had help a little but not as I hoped . How is your progress.
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I first noticed that I had CRP about 4 years ago. I'm 19 now. I tried Minocycline once when I was 16 but stopped taking it because I thought that's what was giving me upset stomachs. I failed to realize that it could have been the new birth control with more hormones that I just started taking to that was giving me the upset stomachs. So another dermatologist perscribed me one of the drugs in the tetricycline family, I don't remember what it was called though. It was gone for about 3 months and then it came back :( So I just recently asked my doctor to prescribe me minocycline, so I can try it again. I've been taking it for almost a month and so far no stomach aches & my skin is clearing up. I have it on my lower back, inner elbows (sometimes), neck, and in between my breasts. It's mostly clearing up on my neck, but it's showing some progress in the other areas too. Minocycline seems to be working slowly, but surely.
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I was diagnosed with CRP in 2007 but had it since about 1998. I was told by doctors that is was dry skin or Tinea Versicolor. They treated me for dry skin or Tinea Versicolor; treatment didn't work so I just stop going to the doctor for it.

Finally in 2007, my gynecologist saw it. She asked me what it was and if I was being treated for it. I told her no and she referred me to the Dermatologist.

One look and he suspected to be CRP. He consult with a colleague and they both agreed it was CRP.  He took a biopsy of my skin. The results wasn't 100% conclusive but he prescribed Minocycline.  Within a couple of weeks I started to see the change. I was so happy.

However, some of you, Mino does not work well or you become immune to the drug.

Starinthestate, I agree with you. I believe it may have to do with the food we eat. I've read somewhere where it stated that some research has sown it to be cause from excessive yeast in the skin.

I'm going to  do my best to start and maintain a journal of what I eat and drink that way I can figure out what makes it worst.
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I also have CARP. I have had it since I was 15 and I am now 21. Doctors were unable to diagnose me until I was 17. I take minocycline and I use a Tretinoin topical cream. I do not do too well with the Minocycline because it makes me sick, but the Tretinoin cream works wonders! When I first got diagnosed and they prescribed it to me I started using the cream by itself and my spots were gone within a week or two. And it stayed away for a little over 3 years. I did not have to continually take either of the medications, in fact I only took the antibiotic for about a week. But as soon as the spots disapeared I stopped using the cream, and like I said, it didn't come back for over 3 years. It returned this year and I treated it with the cream and it's gone again. I hope this is some help to you!
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