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Fleshy Plugs Under Skin In Pores on Face

there is a spot on my nose that i've rubbed raw washing, trying to get these "things" out of my pores.  these are not whiteheads, nor blackheads.  these are clusters of white or fleshy hard and sticky plugs-- not filled with anything, but they stick straight out from the pores. They are not bumps.  If I rub the area w/ a towel they do not rub off at all.  I tried to remove one with tweezers, and it was very tacky (as in sticky)  and clearly goes deep under the skin.  Part of it broke off but I could still see that the pore was plugged and a day or two later top of the plug was sticking out again. i can't find ANYTHING online that looks like it.  
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So I have been suffering from these infected pores for over a year now and after being on multiple does of antibiotics, seeing an infectious disease Dr, and a dermatologist multiple times I decided to research this on my own. After going on this site and reading everyone's experiences I decided to write down all the pertinent facts of what works and what doesn't work. After doing a lot of research based off everyone's experiences I looked up one contributors suggestion(Sorry I don't quite remember who but THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!) who stated something about bad bacteria in your stomach that may be causing issues and suggested to go to the following site to find out :
Well I had many of the symptoms the questionnaire asked about and figured why not give this and many of the other suggestions a shot.
I bought SYNTOL AMD (Probiotic), magnesium, Biotin, Zinc, and vitamin E vitamins, lotrimin althletes foot cream that contained Clotrimazole, dophilus (another probiotic) and activia yogurt. I had Mupirocin at home, and the spot bandaids.
Day one I took one of each vitamin and the dophilus. I took 10 Syntol; 2 at a time spaced out through the day. I then washed ALL my clothes (Summer/winter/everything and anything), sheets, towels, etc in HOT water and detergent as suggested. I had been putting on mupirocin on these infected pores and although it helped stop them from getting out of control  it never took care of them. So I figured I would do an experiment. I put the lotrimin on some of the spot bandaids and mupirocin on a few others. Later on that evening I was feeling pretty sick to my stomach and honestly it felt like a battle was taking place in there. I was eating activia yogurt as well which may have helped the battle. I also figured I would see how things went with the creams. The mupirocin results were the same a little light yellow discharge on  bandaid. When I pulled off the lotrimin bandaid the whole plug was stuck to the bandaid and the discharge was slightly darker and there was a lot more.
I showered dried off with a new towel and reapplied the bandaids with lotrimin only. Later than night hells fury came out of my butt. It was like straight acid coming out an was very irritating on the ejection port. lol. When I woke up the next day and removed the bandages all the infected pores were no longer red, swollen, or hurt like they had in the past. Not to mention they actually looked like they were healing. Mind you some of these pores had been infected (plugs in them) for more than 6 months. Again I showered and used and new towel to dry off. reapplied the lotrimin and bandaids. I took the vitamin and probiotic regiment again and felt sick to my stomach all day long (seriously came close to vomiting a few times). Same regiment for the following day. although I didnt feel as sick to my stomach anymore and actually felt the best I have in over a year. The next day I no longer had any open wounds so to say. They were finally healing. The following day I cut the Syntol down to 8 pills. Did that for a few days then to 6. It has been about a week and a half to 2 weeks now and I still take 6 syntol, 1 dophilus, multivitamin, and eat the activia at least 2 times a day. I have had ZERO flare-ups and no NEW plugs appearing whatsoever. I am still using lotrimin on the pores that were really bad out of fear they will flare-up but I think I am being extra precautionary, but I have come to the conclusion that once there is no more discharge on the bandaids the fungus is gone and it will heal up in a couple days depending on the severity.  
Out of all of this what I determined was this whole issue was coming from my stomach (bad bacteria) which was affecting many other parts of my body; including the plug issue. My skin does not look unhealthy at all anymore and actually looks better than it has in years. The bad acid is a fungus which is why mupriocin does not work and lotrimin does. The bad acid also seems to clog your pores by creating oily skin thus contributing and causing the plug issue. If you have been having issues like I have had and no matter what you have tried it doesn't seem to go away and you haven't tried probiotics.... YOU ARE WRONG!!! Seriously. I figured with all the drs and appointments to no avail what did I have to lose.  
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Thanks for sharing your story, dameon10. I'd like to try your regimen, but in my country syntol isn't available. How are things now with your skin? Still no new sores?
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See a dermatologist
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18909070 tn?1469596491
What do you think about this one?
If you scratched a sweat gland, or removed it..... wouldn't this make sense?
I'm NOT crazy, it has a name now, I'm done with this horrible skin problem!!!  --  MILIARIA PROFUNDA

Miliaria profunda is often the result of progression of chronic miliaria rubra, with a deeper obstruction of sweat ducts. It’s rare compared to the others and mainly occurs in the tropics. White-to-skin-coloured pinpoint papules, several millimetres in size, appear within minutes of sweating and resolve about 1-3 hours after overheating. Lesions are asymptomatic unless miliaria rubra is also present. They most often affect the trunk and proximal limbs. As with miliaria rubra, there’s a risk of compensatory hyperhidrosis.
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Is there a cure?
I think you're so right! It's the closets thing I can relate to compared to any of the other suggestions on here. It's definitely not fungus or mites. I always break out soon after I sweat. Thank you so much! You nailed it.
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Hi! What kind do you own? I'm looking at some on amazon and am unsure which would be best.
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What kind of what?
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Ive had these for the past 7 years or so, it's a fairly new thing, and I wound up scarring my face pretty badly on one side. Mine start as deep cysts, and by the time is able to be squeezed, the top comes off and it's a deep perfectly circular sunken crater on my face... with the plugs stuck inside. They seem to love the right side of my face and occasionally my neck will get them due to me having sensitive skin that can't handle perfumes, lotions, etc, I will develop a cyst.

I finally have a pretty good regimen down, my dermatologist prescribed me Aczone which is a topical antibiotic for acne.

I also know not to mess with them as often as I had been. I notice if you dry it out with a clay mud mask, it tightens the skin and draws the plug upward a bit for easier tweezer extraction.

I had a BIG one near my cheekbone and it left me with a hole. Typical. For open wounds I wash, tone, apply Aczone, and then Curad Silver Ointment for scars. This one completely filled up, minus a pinch of hyperpigmented scarring which will eventually disappear. PHEW.

With these things you have to be dedicated to daily maintenance. Theres not one day I can skip Aczone, or forget to wash my face. I also recommend investing in a dead sea mud mask and do spot treatments overnight, and weekly full face masks. I use Pixi by Petra Glow Mud Mask and Borghese Fango Active Mud.
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And also, for those that have wound up with pocked scarring, indented scarring, rolling scars because of these, look into dermarolling. I purchased a 1.5mm dermaroller online and I'm 4 sessions in. One roll every 5 weeks. The fill in has been extremely noticeable.
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I am so so thankful for finding this thread. I have dealt with this 'condition' for as long as I can remember, starting at puberty. I also thought that it was just apart of puberty acne but quickly realized that it was quite different than the kind of zits, pimples, acne etc that my peers were getting. I am now 20, will be 21 in October and have collected this information over the years about it:

- I notice I break out with it June- August. Unsure if it coincides with my shoulder acne that I get during the summer months as well. Thankfully I don't think my body acne is the same as the fleshy plugs I get on my chin. Always always always on the chin. Used to get it in the corners of my nose, mouth. Has only been on my chin for the last couple of years when it does break out.
-I have the same issue with doctors I've visited, they barely look at it and dismiss it as picking.
- All doctors I've visited have diagnosed it as Impetigo.
"Impetigo, one of the most common skin infections among kids, usually produces blisters or sores on the face, neck, hands, and diaper area. This contagious superficial skin infection is generally caused by one of two bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes (also ..." from top of google page when searched.

- They put me on Cephalexin (oral antibiotic) and Mupirocin/Bactroban cream each time I come in for it. I never take the oral anti biotic as I'm on birth control and as with any anti-biotic, decreases the effectiveness of it.

-I've found that the cream works alright for healing it- it dries it up and creates a hard scab (as with any other at home remedy I've tried, it will scab but remain moist so it sloughs off quite easily, especially since its on my chin, as any mouth movement will crack the moist scab and start the process all over again) but as soon as it completely heals over and there is "normal" skin on my chin again, i can clearly see the white plugs sitting under it and i'm just !!!! >_< UGH so frustrating. I just ordered some silver cream that a couple people have mentioned on this thread, so hoping that will help as well. Sending positive vibes to everyone dealing with this issue. You are not alone! I share your frustration so greatly and it is so relieving to know that other people are dealing with this, and understand that although we may be pickers, that being that is definitely not the cause of this atrocious condition!!!!

Regards, Kallie
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