1449523 tn?1284797155

I have a bruise on my face its been more than 5 years

About 7 years ago my sister and I got into a an accident. My face scraped the road and I had bad injuries on my arms and knees. I never went to the Dr.'s or checked up on it after because our parents thought it was a minor accident and ice would do the trick. The cuts and scrapes healed. But I got a bruise on my face and it has never went away. There is some discoloration. Today was the first time someone suggested I see a Dr. I never thougt it was that serious. Is this a serious problem? Anyway to get rid of it?
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
The blood under the skin which causes the discoloration of bruising should be totally reabsorbed by the body in three weeks or less.

In your case, as the symptoms are persisting for a long time,so it may be due to formation of hematoma because of blood trapped in tissues. This blood may need to be drained. Secondly the possibility of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation needs to be ruled out.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing

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1757983 tn?1312780475
Hello, I feel for you Nesian for the fact that i have had a bruise on my face for over 10 yrs now. I tried to go to a dermatalogist to get it tooken care of but back then they didnt have the technology that they do today. so there for i couldnt get it removed. Now that they do have the technology its to expensive and my medical insurance dont cover cosmetic surgery. Thats what catagory they put it in. so i dont have that kind of money to get my bruise off. anyways i thought i would wish you the best on getting that bruise off. Hopefully a miracle will happen and i too can get it off my face.
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